Thought leadership and opinion

The latest thought leadership articles, interviews and opinion pieces from leading researchers across the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Advanced Materials The robotic arm in one of the Engineering labs

Advanced materials

Through our expertise in materials chemistry and computer-aided materials design, we are pioneering the discovery of advanced materials.

Digital A visual representation of data, swirling in a circle


Our digital research is transforming society and industry through the generation, communication, and processing of data.

Energy A landscape featuring solar panels and wind turbines


Our research is safeguarding health, contributing to economic growth, and securing the future availability of clean and affordable energy worldwide.

Environment and Climate Waves crashing against rocks

Environment and climate

Working with collaborators across the globe, we are aligning our research strengths to explore the impact of climate change and to develop solutions to environmental challenges.

Healthcare Technologies A robotic hand with its finger extended

Healthcare technologies

In an era when people are living longer but not necessarily healthier lives, our research is tackling modern healthcare challenges and providing innovative solutions.

Public Policy The street sign at Downing Street

Public policy

Our research and academic thought leadership is enabling better informed, evidence based public policy across the Liverpool City Region, nationally and internationally.