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Academic staff

  • Professor Anna Carline (Co-Director, Liverpool Law School) - Criminal law and criminal justice (in particular violence against women and sexual offences); family law; feminist/gender theory.
  • Dr Ellen Reeves (Co-Director, Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - The effectiveness of intervention/protection orders as a response to domestic abuse; the role of police in responding to domestic abuse; the criminalisation of coercive control; the misidentification of women victim-survivors as predominant aggressors; domestic violence disclosure schemes; and LGBTQA+ victim-survivors’ experiences of using the law for domestic abuse.
  • Dr Folashade Adeyemo (Liverpool Law School) - Banking regulation, whistleblower protection, financial and economic crime. 
  • Dr Gemma Ahearne (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - The sex industry, women in prison, vulnerability/exploitation-nexus, women's centres.
  • Dr Tahaney Alghrani (University of Central Lancashire - UCLAN)
  • Polett Bali (Institute of Population Health) - Prisoners accessing assessment and treatment services. 
  • Dr Roger Baxter (Heseltine Institute) - Historical and contemporary crime and policing research.
  • Dr Áine Clancy (Liverpool Law School) - Illicitly acquired assets, grand corruption, money laundering, white-collar crime.
  • Lilly Crellin (School of Environmental Sciences) - Sentencing trends in England and Wales.
  • Dr Gregory Davies (Liverpool Law School) - Prisoners' rights. 
  • Professor Rudi Fortson (Liverpool Law School) - Serious crime, including fraud, confiscation, asset-recovery, money-laundering, and drug law. 
  • Professor Barry Godfrey (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Comparative criminology, particularly international crime history; desistence studies; and longitudinal studies of offending. 
  • Professor Barry Goldson (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Criminal justice, criminology, law, social/public policy, social and economic history, sociology and socio-legal studies.
  • Dr Danielle Griffiths (Liverpool Law School) - Healthcare and ethics, and criminal law.
  • Dr Lynn Hancock (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Crime and criminal justice. 
  • Professor Deana Heath (Department of History) - Policing and violence in colonial and post-colonial India.
  • Dr Daniel Hill (Department of Philosophy) - Discrimination law, human-rights law, constitutional law, and criminal law - state entrapment, looking at how to define the concept, when (if ever) it is permissible, and how the courts should deal with cases of state entrapment.
  • Dr Jane Horton (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Trust, vulnerability, safeguarding, pastoral education and practitioner agency in policy enactment.
  • Dr Antoinette Huber (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Online sexual violence and misogyny; image-based sexual abuse on women and their experiences in the criminal justice system.
  • Dr Alice Ievins (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Punishment in relation to justice; prisons; experiences of imprisonment. 
  • Erandin Jayasooriya (Liverpool Law School) - Criminology, criminal justice, criminal law, and constitutional law.
  • Dr Carly Lightowlers (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Alcohol, crime, and violence; sentencing, punishment, and courts; violent crime.
  • Professor Shadd Maruna (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Crime and justice in a life course perspective. 
  • Dr Anna McKay (Department of History) - The lives and experiences of prisoners across the British maritime world.
  • Dr Stephen McLeod (Department of Philosophy) - Philosophy of law; state entrapment, looking at how to define the concept, when (if ever) it is permissible, and how the courts should deal with cases of state entrapment.
  • Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas (School of Law and Social Justice) - European criminal law; European and global law and their impact on human rights, justice, and the rule of law.
  • Gagan Preet Singh (Honorary Fellow, School of Histories, Languages and Cultures) - Policing and law in colonial and post-colonial India. 
  • Dr Carmen Rios Garcia (Department of Languages, Cultures, and Film) - Interactional linguistics in gender-based violence, including coercive or controlling behaviour in an intimate or family relationship, with Spanish-speaking suspects, defendants, victims and witnesses from different geographical areas.
  • Dr Mike Rowe (Management School) - Policing, public services. 
  • Dr Sarah Singh (Liverpool Law School) - Intersection of gender and the criminal law, with a particular focus on the criminalisation of women who have been subject to domestic abuse. 
  • Professor Helen Stalford (Liverpool Law School) - Children's rights; child friendly justice; child protection. 
  • Professor Rob Stokes (Liverpool Law School) - The relationship between corporates and financial crime, including in the context of anti-money laundering and anti-bribery laws.
  • Professor Sandra Walklate (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Gender and security, criminology and war, risk and security. 
  • Dr Shuai Wei (Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology) - Gender, law, and crime with an international and comparative perspective. 
  • Dr Tarek Yusari Khaliliyeh (Department of Philosophy) - State entrapment, looking at how to define the concept, when (if ever) it is permissible, and how the courts should deal with cases of state entrapment.

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