Mohammad Alsalman

Postgraduate Research Student

Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Criminology


Mohammad Alsalman has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Kuwait University, and a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from The Australian University, and has recently completed an MA from the University of Manchester. Mohammad was previously an Assistant Lecturer at Kuwait University. He also has work experience as a Mechanical Engineer at the Ministry of Water and Electricity.  


Mohammad's research interests lie in the areas of social change, identity, citizenship, immigration, and inequality. His current research examines the social life experience of stateless people (Bidoon), undocumented, in the state of Kuwait together with the relationship between social alienation and increased rate of crime. Mohammad has previous experience working in education as a teacher for the Ministry of Education.

Thesis title

Working title: 'Stateless people and social alienation in Kuwait Society'.
