
100% of our research impact is outstanding (4*) or very considerable (3*). 100% of our environment is conducive to generating research that is world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*). We are in the top 25% for outstanding impact (4*).

We believe passionately in discussing our research with non-academic audiences to share our love of the past, forge new research questions, inform public debates and contribute to government policies.

Our research covers both local and global history, including topics as varied as colonial violence in India, how urban living has shaped human-canine relationships, exploring how books and lending libraries helped shape social, cultural and political life in the 18th Century, the role of Ngozi spirits in Zimbabwean reconciliation, plus re-examining our ideas around Vikings.

We have developed a wide range of fruitful collaborations with public engagement partners locally, nationally and internationally. Within Liverpool these include FACT, Liverpool Athenaeum, Liverpool Medical Institution and National Museums Liverpool. Internationally they include charities such as the El Salvadoran Music for Hope, museums such as the U.S. National Library of Medicine, and public institutions like the Zimbabwean National Peace and Reconciliation Commission.

Our staff develop innovative ways to engage the public with the past, including through plays about youth gangs in Victorian Manchester, storytelling and song-writing workshops with young people in El Salvador, and apps about Fascism in Europe and the ground-breaking Liverpool women who changed social and political history.

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