
You can find our outputs below.



Sudell M, Kolamunnage‐Dona R, Gueyffier F, Tudur Smith C. Investigation of one‐stage meta‐analysis methods for joint longitudinal and time‐to‐event data through simulation and real data application. Statistics in Medicine. 2018;1–22. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.7961

Hickey G, Philipson P, Jorgensen A, Kolamunnage-Dona R (2018). joineRML: A joint model and software package for time-to-event and multivariate longitudinal outcomes. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 18:50

Hickey G, Philipson P, Jorgensen A, Kolamunnage-Dona R (2018). Joint models of longitudinal and time-to-event data with more than one event time outcome: a review. International Journal of Biostatistics. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ijb-2017-0047.

Hickey GL, Mokhles MM, Chambers DJ, Kolamunnage-Dona R (2018). Statistical Primer: Performing repeated measures analysis. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Vol 26(4), 539–544.

Hickey GL, Philipson P, Jorgensen A, Kolamunnage-Dona R. A comparison of different joint models for longitudinal and competing risks data: with application to an epilepsy drug randomised controlled trial. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. DOI: 10.1111/rssa.12348


Sudell M, Tudur Smith C, Gueyffier F, Kolamunnage-Dona R. Investigation of 2-stage meta-analysis methods for joint longitudinal and time-to-event data through simulation and real data application. Statistics in Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/sim.7585


Hickey GL, Phillipson P, Jorgensen A and Kolamunnage-Dona R. A methodological review of joint modelling of multivariate time-to-event data and longitudinal outcomes. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 16: 117.

Sudell M, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Tudur-Smith C. Joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data: a review of reporting quality with a view to meta-analysis. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 16: 168.

Kolamunnage-Dona R, Williamson PR. Time-dependent efficacy of longitudinal biomarker for clinical endpoint. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 

Kolamunnage-Dona R, Powell C, Williamson PR. Modelling variable dropout in randomised controlled trials with longitudinal outcomes: application to the MAGNETIC study. Trials, 17: 222.

Kolamunnage-Dona R, Williamson PR. Time-dependent efficacy of longitudinal biomarker for clinical endpointStatistical Methods in Medical Research, DOI: 10.1177/0962280216673084


Barrett J, Diggle P, Henderson R and Taylor-Robinson D (2015). Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event outcomes: flexible model specification and exact likelihood inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 77(1): 131-148.


Barrett J, Henderson R and Rosthoj S (2014). Doubly robust estimation of optimal dynamic treatment regimes. Statistics in Biosciences, 6(2): 244-260.

Lloyd-Williams M, Payne S, Reeve J, Kolamunnage-Dona R (2014). Thoughts of self-harm and depression as prognostic factors in palliative care patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 166: 324–329.

Powney M, Williamson P, Kirkham J, Kolamunnage-Dona R (2014). A review of the handling of missing longitudinal outcome data in clinical trials. Trials, 15: 237.


Matthews, J.N.S. and Henderson, R. (2013). Two-period, two-treatment crossover designs subject to non-ignorable missing data. Biostatistics, 14(4): 626-638.

Powell CVE, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Lowe J, Boland A, Petrou S, Doull I, Hood K, Williamson P on behalf of the MAGNETIC study group (2013). Magnesium trial in children (MAGNETIC): A randomised, placebo controlled trial of nebulised magnesium sulphate in acute severe asthma in children. Health Technology Assessment, 17(45): 1-216.

Taylor-Robinson DC, Smyth R, Diggle PJ and Whitehead M (2013). A longitudinal study of the impact of social deprivation and disease severity on employment status in the UK cystic fibrosis population. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e73322.

Lloyd-Williams M, Payne S, Reeve J, Kolamunnage-Dona R (2013). Antidepressant medication in patients with advanced cancer - an observational study. Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 106(11): 995-1001.

Powell CVE, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Lowe J, Boland A, Petrou S, Doull I, Hood K, Williamson P on behalf of the MAGNETIC study group (2013). Magnesium sulphate in acute severe asthma in children (MAGNETIC): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 1(4): 301-308.


Taylor-Robinson D, Whitehead M, Diderichsen F, Olesen HV, Pressler T, Smyth RL and Diggle P (2012). Understanding the natural progression in %FEV1 decline in patients with cystic fibrosis: a longitudinal study. Thorax, 67(10): 860-866.

Ho WK, Matthews JNS, Henderson R, Farewell D and Rodgers LR (2012). Dropouts in the AB/BA crossover designStatistics in Medicine, 31(16): 1675-1687.


Spagnoli A, Henderson R, Boys RJ and Houwing-Duistermaat JJ (2011). A hidden Markov model for informative dropout in longitudinal response data with crisis states. Statistics and Probability Letters, 81: 730-738.

Henderson R, Ansell PS and Alshibani D (2011). Optimal dynamic treatment methods. Revstat Statistical Journal, 9: 19-36.

Hoefield RA, Kalra PA, Baker PG, Sousa I, Diggle PJ, Gibson JM, O'Donoghue DJ, Middleton RJ and New JP (2011). The use of eGFR and ACR to predict decline in renal function in people with diabetes. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 26: 887-892.


Diggle P, Henderson R and Philipson P (2009). Random effects models for joint analysis of repeated measurement and time-to-event outcomes. In: Longitudinal Data Analysis. Handbooks of Modern Statistical Method. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 349-366.

Freide T and Henderson R (2009). Exploring changes in treatment effects across design stages in adaptive trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 8(1): 62-72.


Diggle PJ (2008). Seconding of the vote of thanks to Prof McCullagh. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 70: 666-667.

Williamson PR, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Philipson P and Marson AG (2008). Joint modelling of longitudinal and competing risks data. Statistics in Medicine. 27(30): 6426-6238.

Philipson PM, Ho WK and Henderson R (2008). Comparative review of methods for handling drop-out in longitudinal studies. Statistics in Medicine. 27(30): 6276-6298.

Diggle P, Sousa I and Chetwynd A (2008). Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event outcomes: the fourth Armitage lecture. Statistics in Medicine, 27: 2981-2998.

Lim E, Ali A, Theodorou P, Sousa I, Ashrafian H, Chamageorgakis T, Duncan M, Diggle P and Pepper J (2008). A longitudinal study of the profile and predictors of left ventricular mass regression after stentless aortic valve replacement. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 85: 2026-2029.


Williamson PR, Tudur Smith C, Josemir W Sander and Marson AG (2007). Importance of competing risks in the analysis of anti-epileptic drug failure. Trials, 8: 12.

Diggle PJ, Farewell D and Henderson R (2007). Analysis of longitudinal data with drop-out: objectives, assumptions and a proposal. Applied Statistics, 56: 499-550.

Zhang H, Ye Y, Diggle P and Shi J (2007). Joint modeling of time series measures and recurrent events and analysis of the effects of air quality on respiratory symptoms. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103: 48-60.


Williamson P R, Kolamnunnage-Dona R and Tudur-Smith C (2006). The influence of competing risks setting on the choice of hypothesis test for treatment effect. Biostatistics, 8: 689-694.

Lim E, Ali A, Cartwright N, Sousa I, Chetwynd A, Polkey M, Geddes D, Pepper J, Diggle P and Goldstrow P (2006). Effect and duration of lung volume reduction surgery on pulmonary function: mid term results of the Brompton trial. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 54(3): 188-192

Rosthoj S, Fullwood C, Henderson R and Stewart S (2006). Estimation of optimal dynamic anticoagulation regimes from observational data: a regret-based approach. Statistics in Medicine, 25: 4197-4215

Perperoglou A, van Houwelingen HC and Henderson R (2006). A relaxation of the Gamma frailty (Burr) model. Statistics in Medicine, 25: 4253-4266.

Friede T, Henderson R and Kao C-F (2006). A note on testing for intervention effects on binary responses. Methods of Information in Medicine, 45: 435-440.

Borgan O, Fiaccone RL, Henderson R and Barreto ML (2006). Dynamic analysis of recurrent event data with missing servations, with application to infant diarrhoea in Brazil. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34: 53-69


Sousa I, Chetwynd A G and Diggle PJ (2005). Exploratory analysis of longitudinal trials with staggered intervention times. Biostatistics, 6: 479-485.


joineR: Joint Modelling of Repeated Measurements and Time-to-Event Data

joineRML: Joint Modelling of Multivariate Longitudinal Data and Time-to-Event Outcomes

joineRmeta: Joint Modelling for Meta-Analytic (Multi-Study) Data

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