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My academic work is in philosophy of art, especially on the political dimension of contemporary art. In recent publications I have considered socially engaged art, the anti-racist art of the conceptual artist Adrian Piper, and artists' uses of future technologies. At Liverpool, I am Director of MA Art, Aesthetics and Cultural Institutions, a programme that combines philosophically-informed criticism with contemporary curating and art practice.

My first monograph, Artists Remake the World, came out with Yale University Press in 2023. In 2021, I have been selected as a BBC New Generation Thinker. As part of the scheme, I'll be appearing in various BBC radio programmes, commenting on art and philosophy.

Before joining the department at Liverpool in 2018, I was the Jeffrey Rubinoff Junior Research Fellow at Churchill College, the University of Cambridge, where I taught in both History of Art and Philosophy departments. I obtained my doctorate (D.Phil.) from the University of Oxford in 2015.

I am happy to supervise PhD projects in aesthetics (analytic and continental), as well as projects at the intersection of curating and philosophy.

Current PhD students:

- Lauren Stephens (museum ethics)

- Harry Drummond (interpersonal aesthetics)

- Stella Sidelli (equality, diversity and inclusion in art institutions and practice)