Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- Hardwick Hall: A Research Symposium, Keynote/Plenary (Darwin College, Cambridge, 2023)
- Investigating the historic environment at Hardwick Hall, by Invitation (Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings, 2022)
- Clean Air, Bright Light: Mackintosh’s School of Art, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2022)
- Launch Event: Mackintosh/DSB Travelling Scholarship, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society, 2022)
- Investigating the historic environment at Hardwick Hall, by Invitation (London, 2022)
- Making the case for repair and re-use in architectural education (Tampere University, 2022)
- Architectural History + Climate Emergency, SAHGB Annual Symposium at Heat and Light in the Little Ice Age (2021)
- Urban Assemblage: The City as Architecture, Media, AI and Big Data Conference at The City is a System: an architectural history of an idea (University of Hertfordshire, 2020)
- Integrating Sustainable Technologies into the Design Strategies of New Communities at Can you teach a city?, by Invitation (Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 2020)
- Architecture and City as a Home at Learning from Precedent (Tampere University, 2019)
- Architecture as medium (University of Cape Town, 2019)
- Construction History Society Annual Conference at The Environmental Role of Transition Spaces in Victorian Architecture (University of Cambridge, 2018)
- PLEA 2017 at Theory and Precedent in the Design of Sustainable Environments (Edinburgh, 2017)
- International Conference for Sustainable Design in the Built Environment at Post Occupancy Evaluation of University Buildings in the UK (University of East London, 2017)
- Martin Centre Research Seminar Series at The environment of the Victorian art school, Keynote/Plenary (University of Cambridge, 2015)
- Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference at Lighting the Victorian art school (Chicago, 2015)
- AECB (Association for Environment Conscious Building) Annual Conference at Post Occupancy Evaluation: The measurable and the unmeasurable, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (University of Sheffield, 2015)
- CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) at Preserving historic environments: The Glasgow School of Art as a case study (University of Cambridge, 2014)
- World Green Building Week at Design for a changing climate, Keynote/Plenary (Bennetts Associates, London, 2013)
- The Friends of All Saints Annual Autumn Lecture at The Victorian art school, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Jesus College, Cambridge, 2012)
- Imagining cities and alternatives in the nineteenth century (University of Cambridge, 2012)
- Architecture and Resilience on a Human Scale (University of Sheffield, 2015)
- Architectural Science Review (Invited Associate editor, 2022 - present)
- Scroope: The Cambridge Architecture Journal (Editor)
Examination Roles
- Architecture (MPhil, 2024)
- MSt Building History (PGT, 2024)
- Architecture (PhD, 2024)
- University of Liverpool, Architecture (PhD, 2024)
- Architecture (PhD, 2022)
- Manchester Metropolitan University, Architecture (PhD, 2021)
- Glasgow School of Art, Architecture (PhD, 2021)
- University of Sheffield, Architectural Studies (PhD, 2014 - 2019)
Expert Opinions
- Peer review panel, Invited (National Research Foundation)
External Administrative or Committee Roles
- Peer review panel (National Research Foundation, 2019 - present)
- Director of Technology (Sheffield School of Architecture, 2018 - 2020)
Grant Application Assessments
- Internal Post-submission (Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC))
- External Post-submission ()
Internal Administrative or Committee Roles
- Assessment Officer (Department, 2020 - present)
- REF Impact Case Study Reading Group (Department, 2020 - present)
Media Appearances
- In a land of cold, the architecture is tested by heat, The Washington Post (Invited, November 2022)
Professional Body Memberships
- (Associate, 2024 - present)
- Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings (Member, 2022 - present)
- (Member, 2020 - present)
- Construction History Society (Member, 2018 - present)
- Higher Education Academy (Senior Fellow, 2017 - present)
Publication Reviews
- Reviewer, Invited (Environments, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer (The Journal of Architecture, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer, Invited (Technology and Culture, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer (Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer (Energy and Buildings, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer, Invited (Applied Energy, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer, Invited (Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration, Pre-publication)