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Professor Michael Dougan
M.A. (Cantab), Ph.D (Cantab)

Professor of European Law and Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law


Selected publications

  1. EU Competences In An Age Of Complexity And Crisis: Challenges And Tensions In The System Of Attributed Powers (Journal article - 2024)
  2. The primacy of Union law over incompatible national measures: Beyond disapplication and towards a remedy of nullity? (Journal article - 2022)
  3. Sleeping with an Elephant: Devolution and the United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020 (Journal article - 2022)
  4. The UK's Withdrawal from the EU A Legal Analysis (Book - 2021)
  5. General Report: National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law (Chapter - 2020)
  6. So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye: The UK’s Withdrawal Package (Journal article - 2020)
  7. Primacy and the Remedy of Disapplication (Journal article - 2019)
  8. Reflections on law and impact in the light of Brexit (Journal article - 2019)
  9. The UK After Brexit Legal and Policy Challenges (Book - 2017)
  10. Judicial Review of Member State Action under the General Principles and the Charter: Defining the "Scope of Union Law" (Journal article - 2015)
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From the EU Single Market to the UK Internal Market: Practice Doesn't Always Make Perfect…

Dougan, P. (2021). From the EU Single Market to the UK Internal Market: Practice Doesn't Always Make Perfect…. In N. de Boer, B. Michel, A. Nieuwenhuis, & J. -H. Reestman (Eds.), Liber amicorum Besselink: Eine Festschrift für Leonard F.M. Besselink hem feestelijk aangeboden in occasione del suo emeritato. (book) (chapter): University of Amsterdam.


The UK's Withdrawal from the EU A Legal Analysis

Dougan, M. (2021). The UK's Withdrawal from the EU A Legal Analysis. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from



General Report: National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law

Dougan, P. (2020). General Report: National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law. In M. Botman, & J. Langer (Eds.), National Courts and the Enforcement of EU Law: The Pivotal Role of National Courts in the EU Legal Order - Proceedings of the XXIX FIDE Congress in The Hague (Volume 1) (pp. 1-59). The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.


The Charter’s Contribution to the Protection of Human Rights in the UK Before and After Brexit

Dougan, P. (2020). The Charter’s Contribution to the Protection of Human Rights in the UK Before and After Brexit. In A. Iliopoulou Penot, & L. Xenou (Eds.), La charte des droits fondamentaux: source de renouveau constitutionnel européen ?. Paris: Larcier.



Primacy and the Remedy of Disapplication

Dougan, P. M. (2019). Primacy and the Remedy of Disapplication. Common Market Law Review, 56(6), 1459-1508. Retrieved from

Journal article

Written evidence submitted to the Finance and Constitution Committee of the Scottish Parliament (Edinburgh) for the purposes of its public inquiry into the UK Internal Market and Commons Frameworks.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written evidence submitted to the Finance and Constitution Committee of the Scottish Parliament (Edinburgh) for the purposes of its public inquiry into the UK Internal Market and Commons Frameworks.: Published at: <<>>.


The Northern Irish Border after UK Withdrawal from the EU

Dougan, M. (2019). The Northern Irish Border after UK Withdrawal from the EU. In The Internal Market and the Future of European Integration (pp. 667-683). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108565417.042


Briefing paper entitled “Legal Analysis of the Strasbourg Deal as announced on 11 March 2019”.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Briefing paper entitled “Legal Analysis of the Strasbourg Deal as announced on 11 March 2019”..

Website content

“The Charlatan’s Little Box of Tricks” published by Lacanian Review Online. Approx. 1,000 words.

Dougan, P. M. (2019). “The Charlatan’s Little Box of Tricks” published by Lacanian Review Online. Approx. 1,000 words.. Retrieved from

Website content


“How do you solve a problem like the Irish border?”

Dougan, P. M. (2018). “How do you solve a problem like the Irish border?”. Retrieved from

Website content

Written evidence submitted to the Procedure Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry, Withdrawal Agreement Bill.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written evidence submitted to the Procedure Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry, Withdrawal Agreement Bill.: Published at: <<>>.


Written Evidence submitted to the Exiting the EU Select Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry on The Progress of the UK’s Negotiations on EU Withdrawal.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written Evidence submitted to the Exiting the EU Select Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry on The Progress of the UK’s Negotiations on EU Withdrawal.: Available at: <<>>.


Research Study: The Institutional Consequences of a Bespoke Agreement with the UK Based on a “Close Cooperation” Model

Dougan, P. M. (2018). Research Study: The Institutional Consequences of a Bespoke Agreement with the UK Based on a “Close Cooperation” Model (PE 604.962).


“How the UK’s ‘internal market’ depends on EU rules – and jeopardies relations within the UK” published by the Foundation for Law, Justice and Society (affiliated to Oxford University)

Dougan, P. M. (2018). “How the UK’s ‘internal market’ depends on EU rules – and jeopardies relations within the UK” published by the Foundation for Law, Justice and Society (affiliated to Oxford University). Retrieved from

Website content

Analysis of the proposed EU-UK transitional period published by The Conversation.

Dougan, P. M. (2018). Analysis of the proposed EU-UK transitional period published by The Conversation.. Retrieved from

Website content

“One Year on from the Brexit Referendum”

Dougan, P. M. (2018). “One Year on from the Brexit Referendum”. In My Europe: An Anthology (pp. 58-68). Manningtree: Patrician Press.


“The headless chickens are coming home to roost: Summarising the Sorry State of the EU-UK withdrawal negotiations” for World Government Research Network

Dougan, P. M. (2018). “The headless chickens are coming home to roost: Summarising the Sorry State of the EU-UK withdrawal negotiations” for World Government Research Network. Retrieved from

Website content


Written evidence submitted to the Procedure Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry, Exiting the European Union: Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written evidence submitted to the Procedure Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry, Exiting the European Union: Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation.: Published at: <<>>.


“The UK’s Institutional Balance of Power After Leaving the EU”

Dougan, P. M. (2017). “The UK’s Institutional Balance of Power After Leaving the EU”. In D Galligan, Constitution In Crisis: The New Putney Debates (pp. 119-124). London: IB Tauris.


The 'Brexit' Threat to the Northern Irish Border: Clarifying the Constitutional Framework

Dougan, P. M. (2017). The 'Brexit' Threat to the Northern Irish Border: Clarifying the Constitutional Framework. In The UK After Brexit Legal and Policy Challenges (pp. 53-72). Cambridge: Intersentia.


The UK After Brexit Legal and Policy Challenges

Dougan, M. (2017). The UK After Brexit Legal and Policy Challenges. Intersentia.


Assessing the Prime Minister’s Florence speech on UK withdrawal from the EU.

Dougan, P. M. (2017). Assessing the Prime Minister’s Florence speech on UK withdrawal from the EU.. Retrieved from

Website content

Written evidence submitted to the Procedure Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry, Delegated Powers in the “Great Repeal Bill”.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written evidence submitted to the Procedure Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of its public inquiry, Delegated Powers in the “Great Repeal Bill”.: Published at: <<>>.


The UK’s Institutional Balance of Power After Leaving the EU

Dougan, M. (2017). The UK’s Institutional Balance of Power After Leaving the EU. In Constitution in Crisis: the new putney debates (pp. 119-124).



“Can the UK leave the EU but remain automatically in the European Economic Area?”

Dougan, P. M. (2016). “Can the UK leave the EU but remain automatically in the European Economic Area?”. Retrieved from

Website content

The Development of European Integration and EU Constitutional Reform

Dougan, M. (2016). The Development of European Integration and EU Constitutional Reform. In Unknown Book (pp. 26-41). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781119037712.ch3


“Fact Check: Are 60% of UK laws really imposed by the EU?” published by The Conversation.

Dougan, P. M. (2016). “Fact Check: Are 60% of UK laws really imposed by the EU?” published by The Conversation.. Retrieved from

Website content

“Gove’s Vision for the UK out of the EU: Welcome to Vote Leave’s Parallel Universe” published by The Conversation

Dougan, P. M. (2016). “Gove’s Vision for the UK out of the EU: Welcome to Vote Leave’s Parallel Universe” published by The Conversation. Retrieved from

Website content

“The Draft Deal on UK Membership of the EU”

Dougan, P. M. (2016). “The Draft Deal on UK Membership of the EU”. Retrieved from

Website content


Written Evidence submitted to the House of Lords EU Justice Sub-Committee for the purposes of the Inquiry Potential Impact of Repealing the Human Rights Act on EU Law.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written Evidence submitted to the House of Lords EU Justice Sub-Committee for the purposes of the Inquiry Potential Impact of Repealing the Human Rights Act on EU Law.: Published at <<>>.


Written Evidence submitted to the Treasury Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of the Inquiry The Economic and Financial Costs and Benefits of the UK’s EU Membership.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written Evidence submitted to the Treasury Committee (Westminster) for the purposes of the Inquiry The Economic and Financial Costs and Benefits of the UK’s EU Membership.: Published at <<>>.


Written Evidence (joint) submitted to the European Scrutiny Committee for the purposes of the Inquiry UK Government’s Renegotiation of EU Membership: Parliamentary Sovereignty and Scrutiny.

Dougan, P. M., & Gordon, M. (n.d.). Written Evidence (joint) submitted to the European Scrutiny Committee for the purposes of the Inquiry UK Government’s Renegotiation of EU Membership: Parliamentary Sovereignty and Scrutiny.: Published at:


Judicial Review of Member State Action under the General Principles and the Charter: Defining the "Scope of Union Law"

Dougan, M. (2015). Judicial Review of Member State Action under the General Principles and the Charter: Defining the "Scope of Union Law". Common Market Law Review, 52(5), 1201-1245. Retrieved from

Journal article


The Application of General Principles of EU Law to Horizontal Relationships

Dougan, M. (2013). The Application of General Principles of EU Law to Horizontal Relationships.

Journal article

Written Evidence submitted to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for the purposes of the UK Government’s Review of the Balance of Competences Between the United Kingdom and the European Union: Internal Market – Synoptic Review.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written Evidence submitted to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for the purposes of the UK Government’s Review of the Balance of Competences Between the United Kingdom and the European Union: Internal Market – Synoptic Review.: Published as Submission No 25 in Submissions to the Call for Evidence (Volume I) (available via accompanying the final report: Review of the Balance of Competences Between the United Kingdom and the European Union: The Single Market (22 July 2013).


The Bubble that Burst: Exploring the Legitimacy of the Case Law on the Free Movement of Union Citizens

Dougan, M. (2013). The Bubble that Burst: Exploring the Legitimacy of the Case Law on the Free Movement of Union Citizens. In M. Adams, H. de Waele, J. Meeusen, & G. Straetmans (Eds.), Judging Europe�s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice (pp. 127-154). Oxford: Hart Publishing.


The Impact of the General Principles of Union Law Upon Private Relationships

Dougan, M. (2013). The Impact of the General Principles of Union Law Upon Private Relationships. In D. Leczykiewicz, & S. Weatherill (Eds.), The Involvement of EU Law in Private Law Relationships (pp. 71-87). Oxford: Hart Publishing.



The United Kingdom's European Union Act 2011: Who won the bloody war anyway?

Gordon, M., & Dougan, M. (2012). The United Kingdom's European Union Act 2011: Who won the bloody war anyway?. European Law Review, 37(1), 3-30.

Journal article

Written Evidence (joint) submitted to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons for the purposes of the Inquiry Future of the European Union: UK Government Policy.

Dougan, P. M., & Gordon, M. (n.d.). Written Evidence (joint) submitted to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons for the purposes of the Inquiry Future of the European Union: UK Government Policy.: Published at Ev 110 in Foreign Affairs Committee, The Future of the European Union: UK Government Policy (1st Report of Session 2013-2014) Volume II.


Empowerment and Disempowerment of the European Citizen

Dougan, M., Shuibhne, N., & Spaventa, E. (Eds.) (2012). Empowerment and Disempowerment of the European Citizen. Oxford: Hart Publishing.


From the Velvet Glove to the Iron Fist: Criminal Sanctions for the Enforcement of Union Law

Dougan, M. (2012). From the Velvet Glove to the Iron Fist: Criminal Sanctions for the Enforcement of Union Law. In M. Cremona (Ed.), Compliance and the Enforcement of EU Law. Oxford: OUP.


Judicial Activism or Constitutional Interaction? Policymaking by the ECJ in the Field of Union Citizenship

Dougan, M. (2012). Judicial Activism or Constitutional Interaction? Policymaking by the ECJ in the Field of Union Citizenship. In The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States (pp. 113-147). Cambridge: Intersentia.


Written Evidence (joint) submitted to the European Scrutiny Committee of the House of Commons for the purposes of the Inquiry Possibilities for Reinforcing the Eurozone Following the December European Council.

Dougan, P. M., & Gordon, M. (n.d.). Written Evidence (joint) submitted to the European Scrutiny Committee of the House of Commons for the purposes of the Inquiry Possibilities for Reinforcing the Eurozone Following the December European Council.: Published at Ev 60 in European Scrutiny Committee, Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance: Impact on the Eurozone and the Rule of Law (62nd Report of Session 2010-2012) Volume I: Report together with Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence.



A Constitutional Order of States? Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood

Arnull, A., Barnard, C., Dougan, M., & Spaventa, E. (Eds.) (2011). A Constitutional Order of States? Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood. Oxford: Hart Publishing.


In Defence of Mangold?

Dougan, M. (2011). In Defence of Mangold?. In A. Arnull, C. Barnard, M. Dougan, & E. Spaventa (Eds.), A Constitutional Order of States? Essays in EU Law in Honour of Alan Dashwood (pp. 219-244). Oxford: Hart Publishing.


Some Comments on the Idea of a General Principle of Community Law Prohibiting Abuses of Law in the Field of Free Movement for Union Citizens

Dougan, M. (2011). Some Comments on the Idea of a General Principle of Community Law Prohibiting Abuses of Law in the Field of Free Movement for Union Citizens. In R. de la Feria, & S. Vogenauer (Eds.), Prohibition of Abuse of Law: A New General Principle of EU Law? (pp. 355-362). Oxford: Hart Publishing.


The Vicissitudes of Life at the Coalface: Remedies and Procedures for Enforcing Union Law before the National Courts

Dougan, M. (2011). The Vicissitudes of Life at the Coalface: Remedies and Procedures for Enforcing Union Law before the National Courts. In P. Craig, & G. de Búrca (Eds.), The Evolution of EU Law (pp. 407-438). Oxford: OUP.


What Are We to Make of the Citizens' Initiative?

Dougan, M. (2011). What Are We to Make of the Citizens' Initiative?. Common Market Law Review, 48(6), 1807-1848.

Journal article

Wyatt and Dashwood's EU Law (6th edition)

Dashwood, A., Dougan, M., Rodger, B., Spaventa, E., & Wyatt, D. (2011). Wyatt and Dashwood's EU Law (6th edition). Oxford: Hart Publishing.



Written Evidence submitted to the European Scrutiny Committee of the House of Commons for the purposes of the European Union Bill Inquiry.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Written Evidence submitted to the European Scrutiny Committee of the House of Commons for the purposes of the European Union Bill Inquiry.: See House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee in The EU Bill: Restrictions on Treaties and Decisions Relating to the EU (Fifteenth Report of Session 2010-2011) and House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee in The EU Bill and Parliamentary Sovereignty (Tenth Report of Session 2010-11).


'A Single Market for the 21st Century' - Challenges and Perspectives

Dougan, M., & Andreangeli, A. (Eds.) (2010). 'A Single Market for the 21st Century' - Challenges and Perspectives (Vol. 21(5)). Special Issue of the European Business Law Review.

Edited special journal issue

Legal Developments

Legal Developments (2010). In The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2009 (Vol. 48, pp. 163-181). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.


Social Security and the Internal Market: The Contribution of Union Citizenship and the Relevance of the Lisbon Treaty

Dougan, M. (2010). Social Security and the Internal Market: The Contribution of Union Citizenship and the Relevance of the Lisbon Treaty. In U. Becker, & J. Schwarze (Eds.), Gemeinwohlverantwortung im Binnenmarkt (pp. 97-135). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.


Who Exactly Benefits from the Treaties? The Murky Interaction Between Union and National Competence over the Capacity to Enforce EU Law

Dougan, M. (2010). Who Exactly Benefits from the Treaties? The Murky Interaction Between Union and National Competence over the Capacity to Enforce EU Law. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 12, 73-120. doi:10.5235/152888712802636210

Journal article


Research paper entitled “The Treaty of Lisbon: Selected Highlights” commissioned by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (London) as part of the UK’s preparations for the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. Approx 8,500 words

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). Research paper entitled “The Treaty of Lisbon: Selected Highlights” commissioned by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (London) as part of the UK’s preparations for the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. Approx 8,500 words.


'A Very British Volte Face'

Dougan, M. (2009). 'A Very British Volte Face'. Parliamentary Brief, n/a.

Journal article

50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward

Currie, S., & Dougan, M. (Eds.) (2009). 50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward (Vol. forthc). Oxford: Hart.


Chapter entitled "The Unfinished Business of Enhanced Cooperation: Some Institutional Questions and their Constitutional Implications"

Dougan, M. (2009). Chapter entitled "The Unfinished Business of Enhanced Cooperation: Some Institutional Questions and their Constitutional Implications". In A. Ott, & E. Vos (Eds.), 50 Years of European Integration: Foundations and Perspectives (pp. TBC). The Hague: TMC Asser Press.


European Union

Dougan, M. (2009). European Union. In S. N. Katz (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Legal History (pp. TBC). Oxford: OUP.


Expanding the Frontiers of Union Citizenship by Dismantling the Territorial Boundaries of the National Welfare States?

Dougan, M. (2009). Expanding the Frontiers of Union Citizenship by Dismantling the Territorial Boundaries of the National Welfare States?. In C. Barnard, & O. Odudu (Eds.), The Outer Limits of European Union Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing.


Legal Developments

Dougan, M. (2009). Legal Developments. In Journal of Common Market Studies: The European Union Annual Review 2008 / 2009 (Vol. 47, pp. 171-192). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.


Minimum Harmonisation after Tobacco Advertising and Laval Un Partneri

Dougan, M. (2009). Minimum Harmonisation after Tobacco Advertising and Laval Un Partneri. In M. Bulterman, L. Hancher, A. McDonnell, & H. Sevenster (Eds.), Views of European Law from the Mountain: Liber Amicorum Piet Jan Slot (pp. 3-18). The Hague: Kluwer Law International.


The Spatial Restructuring of National Welfare States within the European Union: the Contribution of Union Citizenship and the Relevance of the Treaty of Lisbon

Dougan, M. (2009). The Spatial Restructuring of National Welfare States within the European Union: the Contribution of Union Citizenship and the Relevance of the Treaty of Lisbon. In U. Neergaard, R. Nielsen, & L. Roseberry (Eds.), Integrating Welfare Functions into EU Law: From Rome to Lisbon (pp. 147-187). Copenhagen: DJOF Publishing.



After Lisbon: Intergovernmentalism Resurgent, Constitutionalism Moribund?

Dougan, M. (2008). After Lisbon: Intergovernmentalism Resurgent, Constitutionalism Moribund?. In P. Xuereb (Ed.), The Lisbon Treaty and Its Implications: A Public Dialogue Document (pp. 13-24). Malta: European Documentation and Research Centre.


Approximation of Laws in the EU

Dougan, M. (2008). Approximation of Laws in the EU. In P. Cane, & J. Conaghan (Eds.), The New Oxford Companion to Law (pp. 42-44). Oxford: OUP.


Cross-border educational mobility and the exportation of student financial assistance

Dougan, M. (2008). Cross-border educational mobility and the exportation of student financial assistance. European Law Review, 33, 723-738.

Journal article

Direct Applicability of EU Law

Dougan, M. (2008). Direct Applicability of EU Law. In P. Cane, & J. Conaghan (Eds.), The New Oxford Companion to Law (pp. 318-320). Oxford: OUP.


Freer than we were [analysing the UK's opt-outs from the area of freedom, security and justice under the Treaty of Lisbon 2007]

Dougan, M. (2008). Freer than we were [analysing the UK's opt-outs from the area of freedom, security and justice under the Treaty of Lisbon 2007]. Parliamentary Brief, 11(9), n/a.

Journal article

Legal Developments

Legal Developments (2008). In Journal of Common Market Studies The European Union Annual Review 2007-2008 (Vol. 46, pp. 127-144). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.


The Treaty of Lisbon 2007: Winning Minds, Not Hearts

The Treaty of Lisbon 2007: Winning Minds, Not Hearts (2008). Common Market Law Review, 45(3), 617-703.

Journal article


Legal Developments

Dougan, M. (2007). Legal Developments. In U. Sedelmeier, & A. Young (Eds.), Journal of Common Market Studies: The European Union Annual Review 2006 / 2007 (pp. TBC). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.


The Impact of Migration on Healthcare Systems in the European Union

Dougan, M., & Stalford, H. (Eds.) (2007). The Impact of Migration on Healthcare Systems in the European Union (Vol. Volume). Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law.

Edited special journal issue

When worlds collide: competing visions of the relationship between direct effect and supremacy

Dougan, M. (2007). When worlds collide: competing visions of the relationship between direct effect and supremacy. Common Market Law Review, 44(4), 931-963. Retrieved from

Journal article


And Some Fell on Stony Ground... A Critical Reading of Giandomenico Majone's Dilemmas of European Integration

Dougan, M. (2006). And Some Fell on Stony Ground... A Critical Reading of Giandomenico Majone's Dilemmas of European Integration. European Law Review, 31, 865-878.

Journal article

Legal Developments

Dougan, M. (2006). Legal Developments. In Journal of Common Market Studies: The European Union Annual Review 2005/2006 (Vol. 44, pp. 119-135). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.


The constitutional dimension to the case law on Union citizenship

Dougan, M. (2006). The constitutional dimension to the case law on Union citizenship. European Law Review, 31, 613-641.

Journal article

Wyatt & Dashwood's EU Law

Arnull, A., Dashwood, A., Dougan, M., Ross, M., Spaventa, E., & Wyatt, D. (2006). Wyatt & Dashwood's EU Law. London: Sweet & Maxwell.



Britain and the European Constitution: A Spanner in the Works?

Dougan, M. (2005). Britain and the European Constitution: A Spanner in the Works?. Jurist Legal News and Research, n/a. Retrieved from

Journal article

Directives in EC Law

Prechal, S. (2005). Directives in EC Law. Unknown Journal, n/a.

Journal article

EU Law and the Welfare State

de Burca, G. (2005). EU Law and the Welfare State. Unknown Journal, n/a.

Journal article

Fees, Grants, Loans and Dole Cheques: Who Covers the Costs of Migrant Education Within the EU?

Dougan, M. (2005). Fees, Grants, Loans and Dole Cheques: Who Covers the Costs of Migrant Education Within the EU?. Common Market Law Review, 42(4), 943-986.

Journal article

Legal Developments

Dougan, M. (2005). Legal Developments. In L. Miles (Ed.), Journal of Common Market Studies: The European Union Annual Review 2004/2005 (pp. 89-107). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.


Migration, Integration and Citizenship (Volumes I and II)

Schneider, H. (2005). Migration, Integration and Citizenship (Volumes I and II). Unknown Journal, n/a.

Journal article

Social Welfare and EU Law

Dougan, M., & Spaventa, E. (Eds.) (2005). Social Welfare and EU Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing.


The Court Helps Those Who Help Themselves: The Legal Status of Migrant Workseekers Under Community Law in the Light of the Collins Judgment

Dougan, M. (2005). The Court Helps Those Who Help Themselves: The Legal Status of Migrant Workseekers Under Community Law in the Light of the Collins Judgment. European Journal of Social Security, 7-34.

Journal article

Wish you weren't here! New models of social solidarity in the European Union

Dougan, M., & Spaventa, E. (2005). Wish you weren't here! New models of social solidarity in the European Union. In M. Dougan, & E. Spaventa (Eds.), Social Welfare and EU Law (pp. 181-218). Oxford: Hart Publishing.



A Spectre is Haunting Europe Free Movement of Persons and the Eastern Enlargement

Dougan, M. (2004). A Spectre is Haunting Europe Free Movement of Persons and the Eastern Enlargement. In C. Hillion (Ed.), Enlargement of the European Union: A Legal Approach (pp. 111-141). Oxford: Hart Publishing.


Economic and Social Rights Under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ¿ A Legal Perspective

Hervey, T., & Kenner, J. (2004). Economic and Social Rights Under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ¿ A Legal Perspective. Unknown Journal, n/a.

Journal article

Legal Developments

Dougan, M. (2004). Legal Developments. In L. Miles (Ed.), Journal of Common Market Studies: The European Union Annual Review 2003 / 2004 (Vol. 42, pp. 77-94). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.


National remedies before the Court of Justice: issues of harmonisation and differentiation

Dougan, M. (2004). National remedies before the Court of Justice: issues of harmonisation and differentiation. Oxford: Hart Publishing.


Vive La Différence? Exploring the Legal Framework for Reflexive Harmonisation within the Single European Market

Dougan, M. (2004). Vive La Différence? Exploring the Legal Framework for Reflexive Harmonisation within the Single European Market. In R. Miller, & P. Zumbansen (Eds.), Annual of German and European Law 2003 (Vol. 1, pp. 113-165). Oxford: Berghahn Books.


What is the Point of Francovich?

Dougan, M. (2004). What is the Point of Francovich?. In T. Tridimas, & P. Nebbia (Eds.), European Union Law for the Twenty-First Century: Rethinking the New Legal Order (Vol. 1, pp. 239-258). Oxford: Hart Publishing.



Annotation of Case C-390/99 Canal Satelite Digital [2002] ECR I-607 and Case C-159/00 Sapod Audicv EcoEmballages [2002] ECR I-5031

Dougan, M. (2003). Annotation of Case C-390/99 Canal Satelite Digital [2002] ECR I-607 and Case C-159/00 Sapod Audicv EcoEmballages [2002] ECR I-5031. Common Market Law Review, 40, 193-218.

Journal article

Assessing the "Legal Legitimacy" of the Draft Constitutional Treaty

Dougan, M. (2003). Assessing the "Legal Legitimacy" of the Draft Constitutional Treaty. German Institute for International and Security Affairs. Retrieved from

Journal article

Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union and Related Documents

Dougan, M. (2003). Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union and Related Documents. European Law Review, 28, 3-38.

Journal article

Educating Rudy and the (non-)English Patient: A Double Bill on Residency Rights Under Article 18 EC

Dougan, M., & Spaventa, E. (2003). Educating Rudy and the (non-)English Patient: A Double Bill on Residency Rights Under Article 18 EC. European Law Review, 28, 699-712.

Journal article

Some Comments on the Praesidium's "Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe"

Dougan, M. (2003). Some Comments on the Praesidium's "Draft Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe". Federal Trust Constitutional Online Essay 7/03. Retrieved from

Journal article

The Convention's Draft Constitutional Treaty: A "Tidying-Up Exercise" That Needs Some Tidying-Up Of Its Own...

Dougan, M. (2003). The Convention's Draft Constitutional Treaty: A "Tidying-Up Exercise" That Needs Some Tidying-Up Of Its Own.... Federal Trust Constitutional Online Essay 27/03.

Journal article

The Convention's Draft Constitutional Treaty: Bringing Europe Closer To Its Lawyers?

Dougan, M. (2003). The Convention's Draft Constitutional Treaty: Bringing Europe Closer To Its Lawyers?. European Law Review, 28, 763-793.

Journal article


“Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union: Text and Commentary” commissioned by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (London) to assist the UK’s preparations for the 2004 IGC on constitutional reform of the EU. Research group led by Professor Alan Dashwood; also comprised Christophe Hillion, Angus Johnston and Eleanor Spaventa.

Dougan, P. M. (n.d.). “Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union: Text and Commentary” commissioned by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (London) to assist the UK’s preparations for the 2004 IGC on constitutional reform of the EU. Research group led by Professor Alan Dashwood; also comprised Christophe Hillion, Angus Johnston and Eleanor Spaventa.: Submitted by Peter Hain (UK Minister for Europe) to the European Convention (established in Brussels following the Laeken European Council in December 2001) on 16 October 2002 under the title “Constitutional Treaty of the European Union” (ref: CONV 345/1/02 REV 1).


Enforcing the Single Market: The Judicial Harmonisation of National Remedies and Procedural Rules

Dougan, M. (2002). Enforcing the Single Market: The Judicial Harmonisation of National Remedies and Procedural Rules. In C. Barnard, & J. Scott (Eds.), The Legal Foundations of the Single Market: Unpacking the Premises (pp. 153-179). Oxford: Hart Publishing.



Annotation of Case C-443/98 Unilever Italia v Central Food [2000] ECR I-7535

Dougan, M. (2001). Annotation of Case C-443/98 Unilever Italia v Central Food [2000] ECR I-7535. Common Market Law Review, 38, 1503-1517.

Journal article

Community Directives: Explaining CIA Security?

Dougan, M. (2001). Community Directives: Explaining CIA Security?. Cambridge Law Journal, 253-256.

Journal article

Free Movement: the Workseeker as Citizen

Dougan, M. (2001). Free Movement: the Workseeker as Citizen. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 4, 93-132.

Journal article


Minimum Harmonisation and the Internal Market

Dougan, M. (2000). Minimum Harmonisation and the Internal Market. Common Market Law Review, 37(4), 853-885.

Journal article

The "Disguised" Vertical Direct Effect of Directives?

Dougan, M. (2000). The "Disguised" Vertical Direct Effect of Directives?. Cambridge Law Journal, 586-611.

Journal article

The Francovich Right to Reparation: Reshaping the Contours of Community Remedial Competence

Dougan, M. (2000). The Francovich Right to Reparation: Reshaping the Contours of Community Remedial Competence. European Public Law, 6, 103-128.

Journal article


The Equal Treatment Directive: Retaliation, Remedies and Direct Effect

Dougan, M. (1999). The Equal Treatment Directive: Retaliation, Remedies and Direct Effect. European Law Review, 24, 664-673.

Journal article


Cutting Your Losses in the Enforcement Deficit: A Community Right to the Recovery of Unlawfully Levied Charges?

Dougan, M. (1998). Cutting Your Losses in the Enforcement Deficit: A Community Right to the Recovery of Unlawfully Levied Charges?. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 1, 233-267.

Journal article