Evaluation of a novel interactive virtual reality environment for mindfulness skills training
Hanna, J., Mehta, J., West, H., Keane, P., Wilson, N., & Bridge, P. (n.d.). Evaluation of a novel interactive virtual reality environment for mindfulness skills training. BMC Digital Health, 3(1). doi:10.1186/s44247-024-00141-5
A virtual reality environment for supporting mental wellbeing of students on remote clinical placement: A multi-methods evaluation.
Bridge, P., Mehta, J., Keane, P., El-Sayed, O., Mackay, S., Ketterer, S. -J., . . . Hanna, J. (2024). A virtual reality environment for supporting mental wellbeing of students on remote clinical placement: A multi-methods evaluation.. Nurse education today, 138, 106184. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2024.106184
Publisher Correction: Medical student wellbeing during COVID-19: a qualitative study of challenges, coping strategies, and sources of support.
West, H. M., Flain, L., Davies, R. M., Shelley, B., & Edginton, O. T. (2024). Publisher Correction: Medical student wellbeing during COVID-19: a qualitative study of challenges, coping strategies, and sources of support.. BMC psychology, 12(1), 368. doi:10.1186/s40359-024-01813-7
Medical student wellbeing during COVID-19: a qualitative study of challenges, coping strategies, and sources of support.
West, H. M., Flain, L., Davies, R. M., Shelley, B., & Edginton, O. T. (2024). Medical student wellbeing during COVID-19: a qualitative study of challenges, coping strategies, and sources of support.. BMC psychology, 12(1), 179. doi:10.1186/s40359-024-01618-8
Supporting mental healthcare in a maternity and neonatal setting: Good practice guide and case studies
Slade, P., Butterworth, R., Scott-Heyes, G., Bender-Atik, R., Fisher, J., Hoult, K., . . . West, H. (2021). Supporting mental healthcare in a maternity and neonatal setting: Good practice guide and case studies: Supporting mental healthcare in a maternity and neonatal setting: Good practice guide and case studies. Retrieved from
STRAWB2 (Stress and Wellbeing After Childbirth): a randomised controlled trial of targeted self-help materials to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth
Slade, P., West, H., Thomson, G., Lane, S., Spiby, H., Edwards, R. T., . . . Weeks, A. (2020). STRAWB2 (Stress and Wellbeing After Childbirth): a randomised controlled trial of targeted self-help materials to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth. BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 127(7), 886-896. doi:10.1111/1471-0528.16163
Letter to the editor in response to "No difference in knowledge obtained from infographic or plain language summary of a Cochrane systematic review: three randomized controlled trials" by Buljan et al. (2017) Response
Buljan, I., Malicki, M., Wager, E., Puljak, L., Hren, D., Kellie, F., . . . Marusic, A. (2018). Letter to the editor in response to "No difference in knowledge obtained from infographic or plain language summary of a Cochrane systematic review: three randomized controlled trials" by Buljan et al. (2017) Response. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, 100, 133-134. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2018.02.021
No difference in knowledge obtained from infographic or plain language summary of a Cochrane systematic review: three randomized controlled trials
Buljan, I., Malicki, M., Wager, E., Puljak, L., Hren, D., Kellie, F., . . . Marusic, A. (2018). No difference in knowledge obtained from infographic or plain language summary of a Cochrane systematic review: three randomized controlled trials. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 97, 86-94. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.12.003
Exercise for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes for improving maternal and fetal outcomes
Brown, J., Ceysens, G., Boulvain, M., & West, H. M. (n.d.). Exercise for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes for improving maternal and fetal outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd012696
Techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes
Moy, F. M., Ray, A., Buckley, B. S., & West, H. M. (2017). Techniques of monitoring blood glucose during pregnancy for women with pre-existing diabetes. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (6). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009613.pub3
Methods of term labour induction for women with a previous caesarean section
West, H. M., Jozwiak, M., & Dodd, J. M. (2017). Methods of term labour induction for women with a previous caesarean section. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009792.pub3
Breastfeeding education and support for women with twins or higher order multiples
Whitford, H. M., Wallis, S. K., Dowswell, T., West, H. M., & Renfrew, M. J. (2017). Breastfeeding education and support for women with twins or higher order multiples. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (2). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012003.pub2
Different insulin types and regimens for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes
O'Neill, S. M., Kenny, L. C., Khashan, A. S., West, H. M., Smyth, R. M. D., & Kearney, P. M. (2017). Different insulin types and regimens for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (2). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD011880.pub2
Planned early delivery versus expectant management for hypertensive disorders from 34 weeks gestation to term
Cluver, C., Novikova, N., Koopmans, C. M., & West, H. M. (2017). Planned early delivery versus expectant management for hypertensive disorders from 34 weeks gestation to term. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (1). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009273.pub2
Immediate versus deferred delivery of the preterm baby with suspected fetal compromise for improving outcomes
Stock, S. J., Bricker, L., Norman, J. E., & West, H. M. (2016). Immediate versus deferred delivery of the preterm baby with suspected fetal compromise for improving outcomes. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (7). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008968.pub3
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion versus multiple daily injections of insulin for pregnant women with diabetes
Farrar, D., Tuffnell, D. J., West, J., & West, H. M. (2016). Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion versus multiple daily injections of insulin for pregnant women with diabetes. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (6). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD005542.pub3
Interventions for leg cramps in pregnancy
Zhou, K., West, H. M., Zhang, J., Xu, L., & Li, W. (2015). Interventions for leg cramps in pregnancy. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (8). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010655.pub2
Expedited versus conservative approaches for vaginal delivery in breech presentation
Hofmeyr, G. J., Kulier, R., & West, H. M. (2015). Expedited versus conservative approaches for vaginal delivery in breech presentation. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (7). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD000082.pub3
External cephalic version for breech presentation at term
Hofmeyr, G. J., Kulier, R., & West, H. M. (2015). External cephalic version for breech presentation at term. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (4). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD000083.pub3
Combination of tocolytic agents for inhibiting preterm labour
Vogel, J. P., Nardin, J. M., Dowswell, T., West, H. M., & Oladapo, O. T. (2014). Combination of tocolytic agents for inhibiting preterm labour. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (7). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006169.pub2
Betamimetics for inhibiting preterm labour
Neilson, J. P., West, H. M., & Dowswell, T. (2014). Betamimetics for inhibiting preterm labour. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (2). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004352.pub3
Titrated oral misoprostol for augmenting labour to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes
Vogel, J. P., West, H. M., & Dowswell, T. (2013). Titrated oral misoprostol for augmenting labour to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, (9). doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010648.pub2
Titrated oral misoprostol for augmenting labour to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes
Vogel, J. P., West, H. M., & Dowswell, T. (n.d.). Titrated oral misoprostol for augmenting labour to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes. doi:10.1002/14651858.cd010648
Creative potential: mental well-being impact assessment of the Liverpool 2008 European capital of culture programme.
West, H. M., & Scott-Samuel, A. (2010). Creative potential: mental well-being impact assessment of the Liverpool 2008 European capital of culture programme.. Public health, 124(4), 198-205. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2010.01.012
Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment of Projects funded by "Target:wellbeing"
Holmes, L., West, H., & Dreaves, H. (2009). Mental Wellbeing Impact Assessment of Projects funded by "Target:wellbeing". Liverpool: IMPACT,University of Liverpool.
Health professionals' and service users' interpretation of screening test results: experimental study
Bramwell, R., West, H., & Salmon, P. (2006). Health professionals' and service users' interpretation of screening test results: experimental study. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 333(7562), 284-286A. doi:10.1136/bmj.38884.663102.AE
Do maternal screening tests provide psychologically meaningful results? Cognitive psychology in an applied setting
West, H., & Bramwell, R. (2006). Do maternal screening tests provide psychologically meaningful results? Cognitive psychology in an applied setting. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 24(1), 61-69. doi:10.1080/02646830500475278
Understanding probability information
Adams, H. M., & Bramwell, R. (2002). Understanding probability information. BMJ.COM Rapid responses.