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Debbie Archer

Professor Debbie Archer
BVMS PhD CertES(soft tissue) Dip.ECVS MRCVS FHEA


I am a veterinary surgeon who undertakes both undergraduate and postgraduate veterinary teaching / specialist equine surgical work together with research at the university. I graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Veterinary Medicine & Surgery in 1996. After working in private (mixed and equine) practice for 4 years, I completed a Residency in Equine Surgery at the University of Liverpool in 2003 and have held the European Diploma in Equine Surgery since 2004. I completed a PhD on the Epidemiology of Equine Colic at the University of Liverpool in 2006. I was appointed as Senior Lecturer in Equine Soft Tissue Surgery at the university in 2006 and subsequently was appointed as Professor of Equine Surgery in 2013.

I have dual roles, combining both teaching (clinical work) and research. I am a European and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Specialist in Equine Surgery am Head of Equine Surgery at the University's Philip Leverhulme Equine Hospital. I undertake both small group and formal teaching of veterinary undergraduate students in equine surgery and emergency care and am co-ordinator of three veterinary taught postgraduate modules for the Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice (equine lameness / surgery).

My research focuses on animal health, involving quantitative and qualitative methods (epidemiology and sociology), vector biology (midges & mosquitoes) and the role of the microbiota in equine intestinal disease. I am Principle Investigator on several grants and am supervisor / co-supervisor of a number of PhD and MPhil students.

Prizes or Honours

  • Finlay Kerr undergraduate prize for surgery (University of Glasgow, 1996)