Working papers 2020

Take a look at the papers the Economics group worked on in 2020:

WP202032 "A Natural Experiment on the Effect of Instruction Time and Quality: Lessons for the Covid-19 outbreak" by Ismael Sanz and J.D. Tena 

WP202030 "Formal sector enforcement and welfare" by Gareth Liu-Evans and Shalini Mitra 

WP202029 "How Should Governments Create Liquidity?" by Timothy Jackson and George Pennacchi 

WP202027 "Foreign Exchange Intervention and Financial Stability " by Pierre-Richard Agénor, Timothy P. Jackson and Luiz Pereira da Silva 

WP202026 "Macroeconomic Effects of Government Spending Shocks: New Narrative Evidence from Canada" by Syed M. Hussain and Lin Liu 

WP202025 "Modeling optimal quarantines under infectious disease related mortality" by Aditya Goenka, Lin Liu and Manh-Hung Nguyen 

WP202024 "Applying a Bayesian Network to VaR Calculations " by Emma Apps

WP202023 "Assessing the Impact of Interlinkages on Value-at-Risk " by Emma Apps

WP202022 "Application of the Absorption Ratio to Illustrate Financial Connectedness and Interlinkages" by Emma Apps

WP202020 "Armchair fans: New insights into the demand for televised soccer" by Babatunde Buraimo, David Forrest, Ian G. McHale and J.D. Tena 

WP202019 "Impacts of the Great recession on sport: Evidence from English Football League attendance demand" by Babatunde Buraimo, Giuseppe Migali and Rob Simmons  

WP202018 "Gender Typicality and Sexual Minority Labor Market Differentials" by Ian Burn and Michael E. Martell 

WP202017 "Does sport affect health and wellbeing or is it the other way around?  A note on reverse causality in empirical applications" by Jing Guan and J.D. Tena 

WP202016 "Leading the Fight Against the Pandemic: Does Gender ‘Really’ Matter? " by Supriya Garikipati and Uma Kambhampati 

WP202015 "Asymmetric Information in Menstrual Health and Implications for Sustainability: Insights from India" by Supriya Garikipati 

WP202014 "Feminist Ideologies at Work: Culture, Collectivism and Entrepreneurship among  Poor Women in India" by Punita Bhatt and Supriya Garikipati 

WP202013 "Who wins at the Chess Olympics? The role of resources and education capital" by David Forrest, J.D Tena and Carlos Varela-Quintana 

WP202012 "Is gambling a tax on stupidity?" by Niko Suhonen, Jani Saastamoinen, David Forrest and Tuomo Kainulainen

WP202011 "Time to go? Head Coach Quits and Dismissals in Professional Football" by Alex Bryson, Babatunde Buraimo, Alex Farnell and Rob Simmons

WP202010 "Price-cost margins and fixed costs " by Filip Abraham, Yannick Bormans, Jozef Konings and Werner Roeger 

WP202009 "Physical Activity, Leisure-Time, Cognition and Academic Grades : Connections and Causal Effects in Chinese Students" by Jing Guan and J.D. Tena 

WP202008 "Impact of Family Planning Policy on Gender Inequality: Evidence from China " by Yining Geng 

WP202007 "Invoicing and Pricing-to-market: Evidence on international pricing by UK exporters" by Giancarlo Corsetti, Meredith Crowley and Lu Han

WP202006 "Spectator Demand for the Sport of Kings" by Babatunde Buraimo, Neil Coster and David Forrest

WP202005 "Exploring Sustainability in Cultural Heritage Tourism Planning" by Urmila Jha-Thakur, Fatemeh Khosravi, Giamila Quattrone, Soumyen Bandyopadhyay, Ian Magedera and Supriya Garikipati  

WP202004 "Market Intelligence Gathering and Money Demand" by Seon Tae Kim and Alessandro Marchesiani

WP202003 "What works for rural incomes under climate variability?" by Ilkwon Lee and Supriya Garikipati

WP202002 "Increasing Market Power in Slovenia: Role of Diverging Trends between Exporters " by Joze Damijan, Jozef Konings and Aigerim Yergabulova

WP202001 "Gender and quality at top economics journals " by Erin Hengel and Eunyoung Moon

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