A headshot of alumni, Peter Marland

Peter Marland

Peter Marland graduated in 2004 in Politics and is now Leader of Milton Keynes City Council

Pete did a Politics degree and graduated in 2004. He was a resident of Dale Hall Annex at Carnatic Halls of residence. The Politics Department had several notable tutors including Dennis Kavanaugh and Andrew Geddes. Pete particularly enjoyed Social Politics with Stuart Wilks-Heeg, who at the time was a young post-graduate student. Pete completed his dissertation on the Changes in Liverpool Pub Culture 1979 – 2004.

Pete is now the Leader of Milton Keynes City Council.  Milton Keynes has positioned itself as the British pioneer in sustainable growth and urbanism and in July 2022 was awarded city status.

Pete has spoken at many events in the UK and across the world, including at the including at the Royal Society for Science and Technology, on issues such as sustainability, urban planning, Smart Cities and the impact of technology on growth. He was shortlisted as World Leader of the Year at the World Smart City Congress Awards in 2022.

He is currently Chair of the Local Government Association Economy and Resources Board and a member of the LGA Labour Group Executive. Between 2016 and 2020 he was Vice President of Energy Cities, a European climate advocacy group.

He has also worked for a HM Treasury Minister and Liverpool Football Club. He has gained a PGCert in Business Administration from the University of Chester. He enjoys sports, films, comedy and running half marathons.

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