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Em P Stuart Carter
BSc, PhD, FIMLS, Assoc RCVS, FRCPath


I graduated in Applied Biology from Bath University in 1975 and stayed in Bath to pursue a PhD in the immunology of human rheumatoid arthritis. Following this, I received postdoctoral training in immunology and rheumatology in a series of MRC and ARC Fellowships at Nottingham and Bristol medical schools.

In 1985, I took the “New Blood” immunology lectureship at the Faculty of Veterinary Science at Liverpool. Initially my research focussed on rheumatoid arthritis in dogs and then developed into studies of osteoarthritis in cats, dogs and horses; this work was primarily in association with Dr David Bennett and together we formed the Arthritis Research Group which eventually expanded to become a University wide initiative to include studies of human arthropathies. This work was primarily related to autoimmunity and inflammatory/destructive pathways in joints.

In the late 1990’s, I was approached to help with identifying the pathology underlying a fatal foal immunodeficiency. This work lasted 16 years and led to the identification of both the immunological defects and the responsible gene mutation, enabling development of a carrier test which led to the virtual eradication of this disease in equine breeds. This work won the University of Liverpool Research Impact Award in 2015 and was prominent in the vet school submission to REF 2014.

A major collaboration with Bill Ollier (University of Manchester) led to the formation of a veterinary genetics group which fostered developments in understanding susceptibility to a number of diseases of dogs. We also established a UK Companion Animal DNA Archive between our 2 centres.

Most recently, I have concentrated my research into causes of infectious lameness in livestock species and particularly digital dermatitis. This has led to many discoveries and development of resources to understand the nature of the bacterial infections causing foot lameness and the possibilities for intervention such as antimicrobials, biosecurity and vaccines. Most of this work has been with my Liverpool colleagues, Professor Nick Evans, (Bacteriology) and Professors George Oikonomou and Jennifer Duncan, farm animal clinicians and researchers and a well known farm animal vet in practice, Roger Blowey.

My research work has involved supervision of over 70 PhD students who have contributed enormously to the success of the various projects and been a source of tremendous encouragement and satisfaction..

Although an Emeritus Professor, I am still academically active in farm animal infectious disease research and supervise postgrads and postdocs in this area.

Prizes or Honours

  • Research Impact Award (University of Liverpool, 2015)
  • Visiting Professor (University of Iasi, Romania, 2011)
  • Amoroso Award (BSAVA, 2005)
  • George Fleming Prize (The Veterinary Journal,, 2005)
  • Vice-Chair, European Veterinary Immunology Group (European Immunology Federation, 2002)
  • Fellowship (Royal College of Pathologists, 2002)