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Shubin Wu

Dr Shubin Wu
John H Dunning Fellow and Fellow of HEA

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Business and PG Assessment Officer
Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship


+44 (0)151 795 9760


Shubin Wu is a senior lecturer (associate professor) and PG Assessment Officer at the University of Liverpool Management School. His prior positions include Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Northeastern University of China. He received his Ph.D from Liaoning University in China and KU Leuven in Belgium. His research interests are in MNEs’ strategic choices and their performance implications under macroeconomic uncertainty and country heterogeneity. He mainly draws from MNE theories, and particularly aim to apply real options theory to MNEs research to enhance theoretical contributions. He speaks Chinese, Japanese and English, and primarily use the data of Chinese and Japanese firms to do empirical analysis. His research appeared in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of World Business along with other academic outlets. His co-authored SMJ article published in 2019 is one of the most downloaded and read articles in recent SMJ publication history according to Wiley. He received the John H Dunning Visiting Fellowship in 2020, which is awarded to the world’s leading scholars in International Business. Shubin Wu joined Associate Editorial Board (AEB) of Entrepreneurship Research Journal in September 2020.

Shubin Wu welcome students who have rigorous quantitative training to apply for doctoral study. Shubin Wu is also interested in multidisciplinary projects involving economics and finance.