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Michael Beresford

Professor Michael Beresford

Brough Chair, Professor of Child Health, Honorary Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist
Women's & Children's Health


Professor Beresford is Brough Chair, Professor of Child Health at University of Liverpool. He is Director of the UK’s only ‘Experimental Arthritis Treatment Centre for Children’ supported by Versus Arthritis ( translational biomedical research (from early lab-based studies to clinical trials) in childhood arthritis and related musculoskeletal disorders.

He is Executive member of the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS), and Chair of the Paediatric Rheumatology Committee of the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR). He led development of European-wide ‘SHARE” recommendations for lupus, lupus nephritis, APS, rare systemic vasculitides, Kawasaki disease and IgA Vasculitis. He developed and leads an internationally renowned Childhood Lupus translational research programme as part of the LUPUS UK's Centre of Excellence for Childhood Lupus. He is CI or Co-I on >£25m grant funding including MRC, NIHR, Versus Arthritis, LUPUS UK, and other funders, with significant publication and supervision record including of post-doctoral research associates and post-graduate students (PhDs and Masters programs).

He was formerly (2018-22) the Director of the ‘NIHR Alder Hey Clinical Research Facility for Experimental Medicine’ (2011-22), Specialty Cluster Lead for NIHR CRN (2015-22) responsible for five National Specialties, namely: Children (comprising all paediatric sub-specialties), Reproductive and Childbirth, Musculoskeletal, non-malignant Haematology and Ophthalmology (adult), and Programme Director for Liverpool Health Partner’s ‘Starting Well’ Theme. He his an investigator on the Wellcome Trust funded birth cohort Children Growing Up in Liverpool and the MRC/Versus Arthritis CLUSTER Consortium.