Metaphor and Symbol
Simms, K. (2016). Metaphor and Symbol. In N. Keane, & C. Lawn (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Hermeneutics (pp. 306). Oxford and New York: Wiley Blackwell. Retrieved from
The Unsaid: Hermetic Poetry between Hermeneutics and Deconstruction
Simms, K. (2016). The Unsaid: Hermetic Poetry between Hermeneutics and Deconstruction. London and Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Music in an Age of Electronic Reproduction
Simms, K. (2015). Music in an Age of Electronic Reproduction. In The Heermeneutics of Practice. Scottish Centre for Continental Philosophy, University of Dundee.
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Simms, K. (2015). Hans-Georg Gadamer. R. Eaglestone (Ed.), London and New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
Hermetic poetry and the second person
Simms, K. (2015). Hermetic poetry and the second person. Appraisal, 10(3), 4-9.
The Personalism of Stuart Hampshire
Simms, K. (2015). The Personalism of Stuart Hampshire. In British Contributions to Personalism. Oriel College, Oxford.
Review of Ricoeur, Literature and Imagination by Sophie Vlacos
Simms, K. (2015). Review of Ricoeur, Literature and Imagination by Sophie Vlacos. Unknown Journal, 15. Retrieved from
Simms, K. (2015). Textuality. In N. Keane, & C. Lawn (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Hermeneutics (pp. Part III Chapter 42). Oxford and New York: Wiley Blackwell.
Hermetic Poetry and the Second Person
Simms, K. (2014). Hermetic Poetry and the Second Person. Oxford, UK.
Dilthey, Wilhelm
Simms, K. N. (2014). Dilthey, Wilhelm. In R. Clark, E. Elliott, & J. Todd (Eds.), The Literary Encyclopedia (pp. unnumbered pp). Norwich: Literary Dictionary. Retrieved from
Simms, K. N. (2014). Hermeneutics. In R. Clark, E. Elliott, & J. Todd (Eds.), The Literary Encyclopedia (pp. unnumbered pp). Norwich: Literary Dictionary. Retrieved from
Oliver, B. (2016). Introduction. In Unknown Book (Vol. 239, pp. 1-+). Retrieved from
Negotiating the Political Paradox: Ricoeur, Hegel and Walzer
Simms, K. (2014). Negotiating the Political Paradox: Ricoeur, Hegel and Walzer. Etudes Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies, 4(2).
Schleiermacher, Friedrich
Simms, K. N. (2014). Schleiermacher, Friedrich. In R. Clark, E. Elliott, & J. Todd (Eds.), The Literary Encyclopedia (pp. unnumbered pp). Norwich: Literary Dictionary. Retrieved from
'The Truth (and Untruth) of Language: Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement' by Gert-Jan van der Heiden
Simms, K. (2010). 'The Truth (and Untruth) of Language: Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement' by Gert-Jan van der Heiden. Unknown Journal, 4pp.
Ricoeur and Psychoanalysis
Simms, K. (2010). Ricoeur and Psychoanalysis. In S. Davidson (Ed.), Ricoeur Across the Disciplines (pp. 195-210). New York and London: Continuum.
The Materiality and Ideality of Text: Said and Ricoeur
Ghosh, R. (Ed.) (n.d.). Edward Said and the Literary, Social, and Political World. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203879788
Simms, K. (2009). INTENTIONALITY. In Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (pp. 100-103).
Language of Thought
Simms, K. (2009). LANGUAGE OF THOUGHT. In Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (pp. 110-112).
Paul Ricoeur
Simms, K. (2009). Paul Ricoeur. R. Eaglestone (Ed.), Soeul: LP.
Simms, K. (2009). PSYCHOANALYSIS. In Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (pp. 189-193).
Dee Dee Ramone and the Question of Truth
Simms, K. (2007). Dee Dee Ramone and the Question of Truth. Retrieved from
Freudian Sublimation, Aesthetic De-Sublimation
Simms, K. (2007). Freudian Sublimation, Aesthetic De-Sublimation. Retrieved from
Negotiating the political paradox: Ricoeur, Hegel and Walzer
Simms, K. (2007). Negotiating the political paradox: Ricoeur, Hegel and Walzer. Theory, Culture & Society, 24.
Ricoeur and Lacan
Simms, K. (2007). Ricoeur and Lacan. London and New York: Continuum.
The Irreversible: Time, memory and narrative in the twentieth century
Simms, K., & Venkatachalam, S. (Eds.) (2007). The Irreversible: Time, memory and narrative in the twentieth century. London and New York: Routledge.
Time and Memory in Film
Simms, K., & Venkatachalam, S. (Eds.) (2007). Time and Memory in Film. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Translation, Infusion and (In)fusion
Simms, K. (2007). Translation, Infusion and (In)fusion. In R. Ghosh (Ed.), (In)fusion Theory: Resetting dimensions (pp. 15). Lanham and Oxford: University Press of America.
Dee Dee Ramone and the Question of Truth
Simms, K. (2006). Dee Dee Ramone and the Question of Truth. In Internet free access (pp. 28). Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
Genesis and Trace: Derrida reading Husserl and Heidegger by Paola Marrati
Simms, K. (2006). Genesis and Trace: Derrida reading Husserl and Heidegger by Paola Marrati. Unknown Journal, 26, 433-436.
Translating Sensitive Texts: Linguistic Aspects
Simms, K. (Ed.) (2006). Translating Sensitive Texts: Linguistic Aspects. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
Structuralism and Semiotics (2nd edn) by Terence Hawkes
Simms, K. (2005). Structuralism and Semiotics (2nd edn) by Terence Hawkes. Unknown Journal, 14(2), 195-196.
Does Literature Think? Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era by Stathis Gourgouris
Simms, K. (2004). Does Literature Think? Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era by Stathis Gourgouris. Unknown Journal, 24(3), 203-205.
Godwin, William, 1756-1836
Simms, K. (2004). Godwin, William, 1756-1836. In C. J. Murray (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850 (Vol. 1, pp. 428-430). New York and London: Fitzroy Dearborn.
Kierkegaard, Søren 1813-1855
Simms, K. (2004). Kierkegaard, Søren 1813-1855. In C. J. Murray (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850 (Vol. 1, pp. 610-612). New York and London: Fitzroy Dearborn.
Ricoeur's Critical Theory by David M Kaplan
Simms, K. (2004). Ricoeur's Critical Theory by David M Kaplan. Unknown Journal, 24(3), 203-205.
Paul Ricoeur
Simms, K. (2003). Paul Ricoeur. R. Eaglestone (Ed.), London and New York: Routledge.
Transcendent Experiences: Phenomenolgy and Critique by Louis Roy
Simms, K. (2003). Transcendent Experiences: Phenomenolgy and Critique by Louis Roy. Unknown Journal, 23(1), 74-76.
Songs without Music: Aesthetic Dimensions of Law and Justice by Desmond Manderson
Simms, K. (2001). Songs without Music: Aesthetic Dimensions of Law and Justice by Desmond Manderson. Unknown Journal, 21(5), 364-365.
'The Art-Work: Interpretation Beyond Decoding' [Part III]
Simms, K. (2000). 'The Art-Work: Interpretation Beyond Decoding' [Part III]. The Argotist, (3), 26-29.
Bound to Act: Models of Action, Dramas of Inaction by Valeria Wagner
Simms, K. (2000). Bound to Act: Models of Action, Dramas of Inaction by Valeria Wagner. Unknown Journal, 20(4), 301-303.
From Epochē to Entertainment: The case of the National Fishing Heritage Centre
Simms, K. (2000). From Epochē to Entertainment: The case of the National Fishing Heritage Centre. In M. T. Carroll, & E. Tofoya (Eds.), Phenomenological Approaches to Popular Culture (pp. 187-201). Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press.
Philosophy and the Turn to Religion by Hent de Vries
Simms, K. (2000). Philosophy and the Turn to Religion by Hent de Vries. Unknown Journal, 20(5), 337-339.
'Indexicality and the Social Semiotic'
Simms, K. (1997). 'Indexicality and the Social Semiotic'. In K. Simms (Ed.), Language and the Subject (pp. 73-83). Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
'Introduction to Part I: From Phenomenology to Narrative Identity'
Simms, K. (1997). 'Introduction to Part I: From Phenomenology to Narrative Identity'. In K. Simms (Ed.), Ethics and the Subject (pp. 2-14). Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
'Introduction to Part I: Questioning the Subject of Linguistics'
Simms, K. (1997). 'Introduction to Part I: Questioning the Subject of Linguistics'. In K. Simms (Ed.), Language and the Subject (pp. 3-26). Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
'Introduction to Part II: Genealogy, Agency and Psychoanalysis'
Simms, K. (1997). 'Introduction to Part II: Genealogy, Agency and Psychoanalysis'. In K. Simms (Ed.), Ethics and the Subject (pp. 94-121). Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
'Introduction to Part II: Reading, Textuality, Intertextuality'
Simms, K. (1997). 'Introduction to Part II: Reading, Textuality, Intertextuality'. In K. Simms (Ed.), Language and the Subject (pp. 131-154). Amsterdanm and Atlanta: Rodopi.
'The Art-Work: Interpretation Beyond Decoding' [Part II]
Simms, K. (1997). 'The Art-Work: Interpretation Beyond Decoding' [Part II]. The Argotist, (2), 6-9.
Ethics and the Subject
Simms, K. (Ed.) (1997). Ethics and the Subject. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
Language and the Subject
Simms, K. (Ed.) (1997). Language and the Subject. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
Translating Sensitive Texts: Linguistic Aspects
Simms, K. (Ed.) (1997). Translating Sensitive Texts: Linguistic Aspects. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
'The Art-Work: Interpretation Beyond Decoding' [Part I]
Simms, K. (1996). 'The Art-Work: Interpretation Beyond Decoding' [Part I]. The Argotist, (1), 22-26.
'The Time of Deconstruction and the Deconstruction of Time
Simms, K. (1996). 'The Time of Deconstruction and the Deconstruction of Time. Imprimatur, 1(2/3), 194-199.
Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Lacan's Reconstruction of Freud by Robert Samuels
Simms, K. (1994). Between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Lacan's Reconstruction of Freud by Robert Samuels. Unknown Journal, 11(2), 250-252.
The Symbolic Funtion: Psychoanalysis and the Philosophy of Language by Gemma Corradi Fiumara (trans. Brian Keys)
Simms, K. (1993). The Symbolic Funtion: Psychoanalysis and the Philosophy of Language by Gemma Corradi Fiumara (trans. Brian Keys). Unknown Journal, 10(1), 130-131.
Intellectuals in the Twentieth-Century Caribbean Volume I: Spectre of the New Class: The Commonwealth Caribbean ed. Alistair Hennessy
Simms, K. (1992). Intellectuals in the Twentieth-Century Caribbean Volume I: Spectre of the New Class: The Commonwealth Caribbean ed. Alistair Hennessy. Unknown Journal, 6, 83-84.
Proper English? Readings in Language, History and Cultural Identity by Tony Crowley
Simms, K. (1992). Proper English? Readings in Language, History and Cultural Identity by Tony Crowley. Unknown Journal, 4, 86-91.
'Meaning-Intention: From Husserl to Derrida'
Simms, K. (1990). 'Meaning-Intention: From Husserl to Derrida'. Liverpool Papers in Language and Discourse, 2, 40-64.
'Assertion, Negation and Contradiction: A Conjunction of Literature, Psychoanalysis and Philosophy in Modern Thought'
Simms, K. (1988). 'Assertion, Negation and Contradiction: A Conjunction of Literature, Psychoanalysis and Philosophy in Modern Thought'. (PhD Thesis, The University of Southampton).
'Caleb Williams' Godwin: Things as they Are Written'
Simms, K. N. (1987). 'Caleb Williams' Godwin: Things as they Are Written'. Studies in Romanticism, 26(3), 343-363.
Hermetic poetry and the second person
Simms, K. (n.d.). Hermetic poetry and the second person. Oxford, UK.
Paul Ricoeur
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