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I gained my PhD in Bone Biomaterial Interactions in 2001 and then developed a successful research career as a PDRA working with a number of research groups around the world developing my reputation as expert in the field of material induced cell responses. I was appointed as a Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering in June 2013 and have been successful at establishing a research group that focuses on designing novel materials for tissue engineering applications. During my time at the School of Engineering I have been responsible for designing and developing a suite of purpose built laboratories and imaging facilities to support this novel research area. In addition I have been successful at ascertaining a number of externally and internally funded grants (UK and international) that have allowed me to develop my multi-disciplinary research group.

I have published a number of high impact seminal research papers and hold a number of international patents.

Prizes or Honours

  • Bionow 2010 Emerging Technology Project of the Year (NWDA; Bionow, 2010)
  • Early Stage Investigator (Prof Robert Brown President and awards committee of the TCES, 2010)