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Antal Wozniak

Dr Antal Wozniak
PhD, M.A. (Magister Artium), PGCAP, FHEA


+44 (0)151 795 7829 Ext. 57829


Antal's research focuses on political and environmental communication with a particular emphasis on media representations (textual, visual, and multimodal) of climate change and violent conflicts. He has published in journals including The International Journal of Press/Politics, Environmental Communication, Interest Groups & Advocacy, the International Journal of Communication, and Journalism Studies. Antal has presented at regional and international conferences including ICA, IAMCR, COCE, PSA, ECPR, and ECREA. He has been awarded the second place of the Wolfgang Donsbach Outstanding Article of the Year Award in 2017 and the Top 3 Faculty Paper Award in 2015, both by the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association (ICA).

Antal Wozniak has a PhD in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Mannheim, Germany, where he also worked as a Research Associate in a project on transnational mediated communication about the UN Climate Change Conferences (funded by the German Research Council). From 2016-19, he worked as a post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, on a project on interest group politics (funded by the Economic and Social Research Council).

Antal is currently the department's Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Director of Studies as well as Programme Director for the MA Media and Politics, for which he teaches one of two core modules as well as on research methods. He also teaches undergraduate modules on communication and media analysis and environmental communication. He is a member of the Research Centre for Digital Politics, Media and Democracy (DigiPol), the Language, Data and Society (LANDS) Research Centre, and the Liverpool Institute for Sustainable Coasts and Oceans (LISCO). Furthermore, Antal is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an External Examiner for the Leicester Media School at De Montfort University, and a member of the Faculty Progress Committee of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Liverpool.

Prior to academia, Antal has worked as a music journalist, press office assistant, and as a research assistant for a social-democratic member of the Bundestag, the German federal parliament. His favourite bands (at the time of writing) are Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Deathspell Omega, Mercyful Fate, The Ruins of Beverast, Bathory, Morbid Angel, Manilla Road, Abigor, Motörhead, Pagan Altar, Mare, Immolation, AC/DC, Nagelfar, Mgła, Bolt Thrower, and Celestial Bloodshed.