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Dr Jumoke Adeyemi
BDS, MSc(Med Sci), PhD, MFDS RCSEd, M Perio RCSEd, FHEA


I completed my dental degree in Nigeria in 1999 and arrived in the United Kingdom in 2001. I obtained my master’s degree from the University of Glasgow (2003) and then moved to Liverpool to study for a PhD. During my PhD studies I was awarded the Overseas Research Student and University of Liverpool awards (2004-2007). A rewarding involvement in teaching started as a Clinical Teacher in Restorative Dentistry (2006) at the dental school with a subsequent appointment to Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry in 2011. I was awarded the prestigious NIHR Clinical Lectureship in Periodontology in 2013, completed my specialist training in Periodontology and promoted to Senior Clinical Lecturer in Periodontology in April 2020. More recently, I was appointed as Honorary Consultant in Periodontics at RLBUHT.

I have been enthusiastically involved in the teaching of undergraduate dental students and contributed to the delivery of postgraduate teaching in our DDSc programs. Over the last 8 years I have led on the organisation and delivery of periodontology teaching within the School as well as undertaken a range of academic and administrative roles which allow me to understand issues related to student and staff experience. My roles as Widening Participation School Lead (2012-2015) and currently as Chief Academic Adviser has allowed me provide support to students from diverse backgrounds.

I achieved a distinction for the Certificate in Professional Studies in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (University of Liverpool 2011) and became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (now Advance HE). My research has been disseminated nationally and internationally. I have peer reviewed for journals such as Caries Research, International Journal of Clinical Dentistry, European Journal of Dental Education and Acta Odontologica Scandinavia . I have also authored a book chapter Externally, I am involved with quality assurance of the General Dental Council’s Overseas Registration Examination (ORE) in my role as external examiner and serve as a councillor on the British Society for Oral and Dental Research (BSODR) Perio research group committee. I have also authored book chapters on Periodontal conditions and Quantitative Light induced Fluorescence (QLF) respectively.

I am interested in Dental and Interprofessional Medical Education, Clinical Dentistry Research and Dental Haptics in relation to Periodontics.