Mathematical Sciences

Head of Department
Colquitt, Professor DanielHead of Department - Room 4260151 794 6668 Ext:46668
Seed, Mrs JoannaPA to Head of Department/Management Services Administrator, Room 4270151 794 4001
Constantinescu, Professor CorinaProfessor / Director of IFAM 0151 795 0140 Ext:50140
Faraggi, Professor AlonProfessor0151 794 3774
Gorbahn, Professor MartinProfessor0151 794 3775 Ext:43775
Goryunov, Professor VictorProfessor0151 794 4041
Gracey, Professor JohnProfessor0151 794 3785
Hands, Professor SimonProfessor
Konstantopoulos, Professor TakisProfessor0151 794 4749
Menoukeu Pamen, Professor OlivierProfessor0151 794 4393 Ext:44393
Movchan, Professor AlexanderProfessor0151 794 4740
Movchan, Professor NataliaProfessor0151 794 4015
Pratoussevitch, Professor AnnaProfessor / Deputy Head of Department for Education0151 794 4069
Pukhlikov, Professor AleksandrProfessor0151 794 4064
Sharkey, Professor KieranProfessor0151 794 4023 Ext:44023
Teubner, Professor ThomasProfessor / Deputy Head of Department for Research0151 794 3791
Venanzoni , Professor Graziano Leverhulme International Professor
Azmoodeh, Dr EhsanReader in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics0151 795 1117 Ext:51117
Guletskii, Dr VladimirReader0151 794 4042
Karpenkov, Dr OlegReader in Pure Mathematics0151 794 4058 Ext:44058
Mohaupt, Dr ThomasReader in Theoretical Physics
Pagani, Dr NicolaReader in Pure Mathematics0151 794 4067 Ext:44067
Parameswaran, Dr SushaReader in Theoretical Physics0151 794 3619 Ext:43619
Piunovskiy, Dr AlexeyReader0151 794 4737
Rakow, Dr PaulReader0151 794 3782 Ext:3782
Schaich, Dr DavidReader0151 794 3778 Ext:43778
Tatar, Dr RaduReader0151 795 4927
Senior Lecturers
Alpers, Dr AndreasSenior Lecturer0151 795 1259
Berzunza Ojeda, Dr GabrielSenior Lecturer
Buividovich, Dr PavelSenior Lecturer in Fundamental Particle Physics0151 794 4062 Ext:44062
Domijan, Dr MirelaSenior lecturer and Math Biology group leader0151 794 4011 Ext:44011
Eckl, Dr ThomasSenior Lecturer0151 794 4051
Fairfax, Dr SimonSenior Lecturer0151 794 4756 Ext:44756
Haddley, Dr AlenaSenior Lecturer0151 794 4756
Haddley, Dr JoelSenior Lecturer0151 794 5584 Ext:45584
Hall, Dr TobySenior Lecturer0151 794 4065
Haslinger, Dr StewartSenior Lecturer
Loeffen, Dr RonnieSenior Lecturer in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Papaioannou, Dr ApostolosSenior Lecturer in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics0151 794 5079 Ext:44026
Piliposyan, Dr GayaneSenior Lecturer0151 794 4010
Thompson, Dr IanSenior Lecturer0151 794 4012
Rizzardo, Dr AliceSenior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics0151 795 8001
Russell, Dr EwanSenior Lecturer0151 795 7710 Ext:57710
Vasiev, Dr BakhtiSenior Lecturer0151 794 4004 Ext:44004
Woolf, Dr JonSenior Lecturer0151 794 4052
Zychaluk, Dr KamilaSenior Lecturer0151 794 5084
Banks, Dr JessicaLecturer
Boutaib, Dr YounessLecturer in Financial Mathematics
Falden, Dr DebbieLecturer in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
Gashi, Dr BujarLecturer0151 794 4024 Ext:44024
Haw, Dr DavidLecturer in Mathematics for Health
Koseki, Dr NaokiLecturer
Lewis, Dr DavidLecturer0151 794 4014
Marti-Pete, Dr DavidLecturer in Pure Mathematics0151 794 4070 Ext:44070
Meyer, Dr DanielLecturer in Pure Mathematics0151 794 4066
Nixon, Dr EmilyLecturer in Mathematics for Healthcare
Overton, Dr ChristopherLecturer
Selsil, Dr OzgurLecturer0151 794 3779
Smirnov, Dr JuriLecturer
Yslas Altamirano, Dr JorgeLecturer in Actuarial Mathematics
Yuan, Dr LinglongLecturer0151 794 0279 Ext:40279
Zeineddine, Dr RaghidLecturer0151 795 1558
Tenure Track Fellows
Coffie, Dr EmmanuelLecturer in Financial Mathematics
Dermitzakis, Dr VaiosLecturer in Actuarial Mathematics
Ulrich, Dr YannickUniversity Tenure Track Fellow
Postdocs/Research Assistants
Davies, Dr JoshuaResearch Associate in Theoretical Physics
Flower, Dr LoisPDRA Theoretical Physics
Frecentese, Dr SaraResearch Associate in Applied Mathematics
Gaffney, Dr JamesPDRA Applied Mathematics
Madine, Dr KatieResearch Associate in Applied Mathematics
Mendicelli, Dr EmanueleResearch Associate in Theoretical Physics
Paltrinieri, Dr JeremyResearch Associate in Theoretical Physics
Rekuski, Dr NicholasResearch Associate in Pure Mathematics, Room 501
Saken, Dr AigerimResearch Associate in Applied Mathematics
Singh, Dr KajalResearch Associate in Theoretical Physics
Torres Bobadilla, Dr WilliamResearch Associate in Theoretical Physics
Turner, Dr JoanneResearch Associate
Building Manager
Huxham, Mr KarlBuilding Manager - 07807 1067870151 794 4085
School of Physical Sciences - Head of Operations
Hobson, Mrs LouiseSchool Office0151 795 8146
Health and Safety team
Valentine, Dr RobertHealth and Safety Team Leader
Marsh, Dr AndrewDeputy Health & Safety Officer
Morris, Mr HenryDeputy Health & Safety Officer
Management Services
Burton, Ms LaurenManagement Services Administrator, Room 308
Seed, Mrs JoannaManagement Services Administrator / PA to HoD, Room 4270151 794 4001
Teaching and Learning
Avies, Mrs JayneStudent Experience Administrator (Postgraduate)0151 795 9055
Greene, Mrs PhilippaStudent Experience Administrator - Room G330151 794 4046
Hurst, Mrs KarenStudent Experience Administrator - Room G330151 794 4046
Mulhearn, Mrs LauraStudent Experience Administrator - Room G330151 794 4046
Shier, Mr JoeStudent Experience Coordinator - Room G330151 794 4046
Further Mathematics Centre / Outreach
Bamber, Mr MartinRoom G060151 795 0345
Jones, Mr MichaelOutreach Co-ordinator0151 794 4054
Marchant, Mr ChrisOutreach Manager0151 794 4054
FMC Fax0151 795 4929
Postgraduate Research Students
Al Ani, Mr JeanRoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Professor A. Pratoussevitch
Alasmi, Mrs NuhaRoom 514 - Supervisor: Dr. B. Gashi
Alharbi, Miss HindRoom 310 - Supervisor: Dr. R. Loeffen
Ali, Mr WajidRoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Dr. K. Sharkey
Aljoufi, Mrs Rawabi Shujaa ARoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Professor D. Colquitt
Alyafie, Mrs AsrarRoom 514 - Supervisor: Professor C. Constantinescu
Amiriyan, Mrs SamiraRoom 310 - Supervisor: Dr. E. Azmoodeh Webpage
An, Mr RanRoom 301A - Supervisor: Dr. A. Alpers
Ashworth, Mr ChrisRoom 524 - Supervisor: Dr. S. Haslinger
Basaad, Mrs EmanRoom G29 - Supervisor: Professor Alon Faraggi
Beelders, Mr NoahRoom 310 - Supervisor: Dr. A. Papaioannou
Bengey, Miss DaisyRoom 421 - Supervisor: Dr. C. Overton
Brown, Mr AndrewRoom 514 - Supervisor: Professor L. Rempe
Brown, Mr ConnorRoom G21 - Supervisor: Professor T. Teubner
Bucur, Miss Valentina-MarinaRoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Dr. B. Vasiev
Connor, Ms HarlanRoom 514 - Supervisor: Dr. G. Berzunza Ojeda
Cook, Mr CameronRoom TP119 - Supervisor: Dr. J. Smirnov
Costa Pereira, Miss AnaRoom TP119 - Supervisor: Dr. M. Gorbahn
Dave, Mr TomRoom TP115 - Supervisor: Professor T. Teubner
Deng, Miss FanRoom 514 - Supervisor: Dr. K. Zychaluk
Deng, Mr ZifangSupervisor: Dr. V. Guletskii
Detraux, Mr LukeRoom G29 - Supervisor: Professor A. Faraggi
Diamantidis, Mr DimitrisRoom 514 - Supervisor: Professor T. Konstantopoulos
Diaz Avalos, Mr AlonzoRoom G29 - Supervisor: Professor A. Faraggi
Dolan, Mr JamesRoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Dr. O. Karpenkov
Fava, Mr MarcoRoom 524 - Supervisor: Dr. N. Pagani
Hadley, Mr JosephRoom TP119 - Supervisor: Dr. P. Buividovich
Hasanah, Mrs PrimadinaRoom 310 - Supervisor: Professor C. Constantinescu
Hind, Mr BenRoom TP119 - Supervisor: Dr. P. Buividovich
Huang, Mr JisuiRoom 301A - Supervisor: Dr. A. Alpers
Ibrahimov, Mr FaridRoom G29 - Supervisor: Professor A. Faraggi
Kandiah, Mr AlessioRoom 303 - Supervisor: Professor A. Movchan
Kerfoot, Mr JohnRoom TP119 - Supervisor: Dr. D. Schaich
Koffi, Mr CedricRoom 310 - Supervisor: Professor O. Menoukeu-Pamen
Li, Ms WeijuanRoom 303 - Supervisor: Professor A. Movchan
Liu, Mr WeishengSupervisor: Dr. G. Liu
Lu, Mr YiSupervisor: Dr. T. Eckl
Lupton, Miss GeorgiaRoom 301A - Supervisor: Dr. A. Alpers
Mackevicius, Mr MatasRoom G29 - Supervisor: Dr. T. Mohaupt
Mason, Mr RobertRoom TP109 - Supervisor: Professor J. Gracey0151 794 3790
Maximiano Gomes, Joaquim AntonioRoom G29 - Supervisor: Dr. S. Parameswaran
McKenna, Mr HenryRoom G21 - Supervisor: Dr. M. Gorbahn
Moretti, Mr FrancescoRoom TP109 - Supervisor: Dr. M. Gorbahn
Münch, Ms JuliaRoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Dr. D. Meyer
Petit Rosas, Mr PauRoom TP115 - Supervisor: Professor T. Teubner
Poptani, Mr HardikRoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Dr. B. Vasiev
Qin, Mr YuxiaoRoom 524 - Supervisor: Dr. V. Guletskii
Raza, Mr AdilRoom 524 - Supervisor: Professor A. Pukhlikov
Roberts, Mr StefanRoom 524 - Supervisor: Dr. J. Woolf
Serra, Mr MarcoRoom G29 - Supervisor: Dr. S. Parameswaran
Sherletov, Mr AngelSupervisor: Dr. D. Schaich
Slyeptsova, Miss NatalieRoom 421 - Supervisor: Dr. C. Overton
Stickels, Mr ChristianRoom 515/516 - Supervisor: Professor K. Sharkey
Wang, Miss JiayiRoom 514 - Supervisor: Professor C. Constantinescu
Whitchelo, Miss YiyiRoom 207 - Supervisor: Dr. S. Haslinger
Wildman, Mr JackRoom 524 - Supervisor: Professor D. Colquitt
Wright, Mr AidanRoom TP115 - Supervisor: Professor T. Teubner
Zhang, Mr YiyaoSupervisor: Professor A. Movchan
Zhu, Mr Chong-RuiRoom 310 - Supervisor: Dr. R. Loeffen
Zhu, Miss YushuRoom 524 - Supervisor: Dr. N. Koseki
Honorary and Emeritus Staff
Antoniadis, Prof Ignatios
Appleby, Emeritus Prof PeterEmeritus Professor - Room 4010151 794 4020 Ext:44020
Baxter, Mr Michael
Belal, Dr MohammadHonorary Reader
Bell, Miss Jaclyn
Bhansali, Prof R Honorary Senior Fellow, Em.Pr.
Bogaevskii, Prof IlyaHonorary Academic Association
Bowers, Em P RogerRoom 517, Em. Prof.0151 794 4047 Ext:44047
Brun, Dr MicheleVisiting Professor
Carta, Dr G Honorary Research Fellow
Chen, Professor AnyueHonorary Professor0151 794 4758 Ext:4758
Chen, Prof Ke
Daniels, Dr WillVisiting Professor
Devlin, Dr CharlieRoom 2050151 794 4756 Ext:44756
Eremenko, Prof AlexandreHonorary Professor
Farzaneh Kord, Mr AhmadHonorary Reader
Fisher, Prof R Honorary Professor
Flett, Mr ChristopherHonorary Research Fellow
Garron, Dr NicolasHonorary Research Fellow, Room 5170151 794 4047 Ext:44047
Guenneau, Dr SebastienHonorary Fellow0151 794 5584 Ext:45584
Giblin, Em P PeterRoom 416 Hon Sen Fellow / Em.Pr.0151 794 4053
Haigh, Mr Damian
Hughes, Dr MartynHonorary Research Fellow - Room 5170151 794 4047 Ext:4047
Jack, Prof Ian
Jones, Em P TimEmeritus Professor - Room G150151 794 3783
Jones, Prof IanRoom 415C0151 794 4016 Ext:44016
Mazya, Em P VladimirEmeritus Professor
Mc Lean, Dr Robin
Mc Phedran, Prof RossHonorary Fellow0151 794 4006
McWilliams, Prof R Honorary Professor
Michael, Em P ChristopherG150151 794 3783 Ext:43783
Mishuris, Professor GennadyHonorary Research Fellow
Moldanazarova, Ms UlserikHonorary Research Fellow
Morton, Em P HughEmeritus Professor - Room 517
Newstead, Mrs A Honorary Support Staff, Room G210151 794 4050 Ext:44050
Nieves, Dr MichaelRoom 4220151 794 4016 Ext:4016
Nikulin, Prof ViacheslavRoom 517, Hon Senior Fellow, Em. Prof.0151 794 4047
Pantelous, Dr AthanasiosHonorary Recognised Supervisor
Rees, Em P MaryHonorary Professor
Rempe, Prof LasseHonorary Professor0151 794 4025
Tallarico, Mr DomenicoHonorary Fellow
Torella, Prof FrancescoHonorary Visiting Professor
Wall, Mr M Honorary Professor
Wall, CharlesRoom 513, Emeritus Professor0151 794 4060
Williams, Dr Duncan Honorary Professor
Waterman, Dr JamesResearch Associate (Room 507)0151 794 4070 Ext:44070
Zhang, Dr YiHonorary Recognized Supervisor, Room 206