13th December 2019 - Seminar - Computing Quasi-conformal Folds: Di Qiu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


Time: Friday December 13, 13:00 - 14:00

Title: Computing Quasi-conformal Folds

Venue: Central Teaching Hub: FLEX Room 1 (G17)

This teaching space is easily located within Building 502,

next to the Guild (D6 on the campus map)


Abstract: We propose a novel way of computing surface folding maps via solving a linear PDE. This framework is a generalization to the existing quasi-conformal methods and allows manipulation of the geometry of folding. Moreover, the crucial quantity that characterizes the geometry occurs as the coefficient of the equation, namely the Beltrami coefficient. This allows us to solve an inverse problem of parametrizing the folded surface given only partial data but with known folding topology. Various interesting applications such as fold sculpting on 3D models and self-occlusion reasoning are demonstrated to show the effectiveness of our method.


Biography: Di Qiu is a fourth year PhD student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is working on geometric modelling, computer vision and computational photography. His current research is mainly focused on understanding the lighting and geometry of the scene, and how to re-combine these to create new visual effects. He is also interested in machine learning. 

Di was previously a research intern at SenseTime Research, working on applications of deep learning in computational photography with depth sensing devices and physically accurate synthetic data.