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Digital Skills 2023-24: Social Media Marketing - Analytics Accelerated

Tuesday 16 April 2024 | 13:00 - 14:00

Careers & Employability

Dive deep into the world of social media analytics! This digital skill session will help you grasp the essence of why analytics (e.g. reach, impressions, demographics) are crucial for understanding your social media audience.

Become fluent in analytics lingo and confidently decipher and discuss your content performance. Within the session, you will take a closer look at the impact of individual posts and how you can leverage personalized insights to showcase your personal brand.

Whether you’re starting a small business or hoping to create an online presence to showcase your skills as a student, this digital skill session is accessible and applicable to everyone!

This session is part of our Digital Skills 2023-24 programme where a team of current students will deliver 13 individual sessions on a digital specialism both on-campus and virtually. Find out more at: We are also delighted to announce that if you attend 7 hours worth of Digital Skills sessions during this academic year (each session lasting 1 hour) you will automatically obtain a HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Record) accreditation for this activity. To find out more please visit:

#livunidigital Students Online, Digitally Refined

Event location

Where to attend

  • Alsop Building