A professional with stethoscope makes notes while working on a tablet with keyboard.

The Liverpool Fluke Plan: preventing liver fluke infections Sheep, lambs and cattle in a lush green grass paddock

The Liverpool Fluke Plan

A guide to managing liver fluke infection throughout the year.

Fasciolosis in horses Thoroughbred horse grazing grass on pasture during sunset.

Fasciolosis in horses: A neglected, re-emerging disease

Prof. Diana Williams and Prof. Jane Hodgkinson provide a clinical commentary on liver fluke infection in horses.

Equine fasciolosis A female vet examines a horse In stables, with the owner also present.

Equine fasciolosis

A guide to what it is, how it is diagnosed and how it can be treated.

Travelling with pets A small dog in the airline cargo pet carrier at an airport.

Travelling with pets

A guide to exotic parasitic diseases in dogs for owners planning to travel with their pets outside the UK.