
Water is essential to life. It plays a part in almost all of our daily activities and there’s a growing need for us to all try and use less water. By implementing small behaviour changes, water wastage can be minimised, not only decreasing costs but also reducing our impact on the environment.

Annually, the University consumes over 330,000 cubic metres of water from halls of residences, catering areas, campus buildings, fitness centre, veterinary college and dairy farm. This puts us in the category of a large water user and, taking into account increasing costs, we have to ensure that waste is minimised.

We monitor the use of water across the campus and halls of residence and have developed a series of targets relating to water use as part of our Environmental Management System.  

Our good practices

AquaFund: AquaFund is an ADSM scheme that provides the cash, the resources and the expertise to drive down an organisation’s water costs. By participating in AquaFund, the University has had all sites surveyed and checked for leaks, has made guaranteed savings on water costs through the installation of water-saving technologies, and has improved data collection relating to water usage. As AquaFund donates 1% of its revenue to WaterAid, the University is also helping millions of people in the world’s poorest countries to have access to clean, safe water

Bottled water coolers: Currently, the University has a large number of bottled water coolers, however, the aim is to replace them over time with plumbed-in systems. This would significantly reduce costs, as the cost of buying the water in bottles for a typically bottled water cooler is around £400 per year, while the same volume of mains water costs just £4 per year.

The problem with water campaign: The Liverpool Guild of Students launched The problem with water campaign to raise awareness of the issues around water and to show what sort of action has been taken in the LGoS building to reduce wastage.

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