Recycling at the University

Recycling conserves our natural resources, saves energy, protects ecosystems and people, and reduces pollution. The University is committed to dealing with waste in a responsible manner and our waste is processed by SUEZ Recycling and Recovery, who turn waste into new resources and contribute to a circular economy. Find out more about how our waste is processed here.

What can you do?

The best thing you can do is create less waste wherever possible. Try to avoid disposable coffee cups, plastic bottles, straws and cutlery and use reusable items instead. Buy products with minimal/no packaging and when you do have to throw something away, it’s important to recycle what you can. 

Knowing what packaging is recyclable can be a difficult task, however. If you’re unsure what can or can’t be put in the recycling bin, see this handy online recycling checker.

For advice on how to recycle at the University, click on the icons below or refer to the University's recycling guide.

Recycling Loves to be Left Loose

Watch this short video about the ‘recycling loves to be left loose’ initiative, which concentrates on confusion on what to recycle, and contamination in recycling collections.