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William Moindrot

Mr William Moindrot


I have worked in learning technology-related roles for over 15 years, previously working at Liverpool John Moores, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University of Manchester and City University London. I have background specialisms in use of classroom engagement technologies and production of multimedia, experiences in developing blended and flexible learning materials, and most recently projects to explore student co-created innovation in curriculum and learning environment design. I have worked on large scale Virtual Learning Environment migrations (Blackboard Learn 9, Brightspace, Canvas), and have supported those organisations to capitalise upon key features such as collaborative platform Office365, or mobile learning platforms. Before starting work in CIE I was working at the University of Liverpool Management School under the leadership of Professor Gilly Salmon, interpreting and developing Professor Salmon's methods of learning design into the context of the school and it's mission, running learning design workshops etc. I received my masters at the University of Manchester in 2013 (Digital Technology, Communication and Education), and I have contributed to several published pieces of work.

Areas of Skills and Experience:

Experience of supporting and working with staff with a broad range of learning technologies, from Microsoft Teams, Canvas, collaboration environments, multimedia

Learning design methodologies including Carpe Diem and ABC, facilitation of module/programme design workshops

In-class/Synchronous engagement strategies including polling, peer instruction, small groupworking

Online course design using Carpe Diem learning design

Student Partnership working, providing consultation to staff on how to work with students on the design and delivery of collaborative project