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Professional Activities

Conference Roles

  • Invited Speaker Ecole Normale Paris, by Invitation (Ecole Normale Paris, 2009)
  • Invited Speaker Ecole Polytechnique Paris , by Invitation (Ecole Polytechnique Paris , 2009)
  • Invited Speaker Max Plank Institute Munich, by Invitation (Max Plank Institute Munich, 2009)
  • Invited Speaker Benasque Centre of Physics Spain, by Invitation (Benasque Centre of Physics Spain, 2009)
  • Main Speaker Simons Workshop Stony Brook USA, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Stony Brook USA, 2009)
  • Invited Speaker Queen Mary University London, by Invitation (Queen Mary University London, 2009)
  • Invited Speaker Workshop Stony Brook, by Invitation (Simons Center Stony Brook, 2008)
  • Invited Speaker Jerusalem workshop, by Invitation (University of Jerusalem, 2008)
  • Invited Speaker CERN, by Invitation (CERN, 2008)
  • Invited Speaker Oxford University, by Invitation (Oxford University, 2008)
  • Invited Speaker Max Planck Munich, by Invitation (Max Planck Munich, 2008)
  • Speaker at String Theory Workshop, Florence, 2007, by Invitation (Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, Tor Vergata University, Rome, by Invitation (Tor Vergata University, Rome, 2007)
  • Invited Speaker at Beyond Standard Model Workshop, Liverpool, by Invitation (Beyond Standard Model Workshop, Liverpool, 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, String Theory Workshop, Cambridge, by Invitation (Isaac Newton Institute, cambridge, 2007)
  • Invited Speaker , String Phenomenology 2007, Frascati, by Invitation (INFN Frascati, 2007)
  • Invited Speaker Triangle Meeting, Imperial College London, by Invitation (Imperial College, London, 2006)
  • Simons Workshop in String Theory, Stony Brook, USA, by Invitation (Simons Workshop in String Theory, Stony Brook, USA, 2006)
  • Invited Speaker at QCD and String Conference in Munich, by Invitation ( QCD and String Conferenc, 2006)
  • Invited Speaker at Queen Mary University, by Invitation (Queen Mary University, 2006)
  • Invited Speaker at CERN, by Invitation (CERN, 2006)
  • Invited Speaker., Max Planck Institute Munich, by Invitation (Max Planck Institute Munich, 2006)
  • Invited Speaker at University of Swansea, by Invitation (University of Swansea, 2006)
  • Invited Speaker at University of Madrid, Spain, by Invitation (University of Madrid, Spain, 2006)
  • Invited Speaker, University of California, Davis, by Invitation (University of California, Davis, 2005)
  • Invited Speaker at University of Durham , by Invitation (University of Durham, 2005)
  • Invited Speaker at Edinburgh University, by Invitation (Edinburgh University, 2005)
  • Invited Speaker Ahrenshoop Workshop, Berlin , by Invitation (Humboldt Universitat, Berlin, 2004)
  • Invited Speaker, Division of Particles and Fields, Riverside, California, by Invitation (Division of Particles and Fields, 2004)
  • Invited Speaker, Henri Poincare Institute, Paris, by Invitation (Henri Poincare Institute, 2004)
  • Invited Speaker, University of Michigan, by Invitation (University of Michigan, 2004)
  • Invited Speaker, University of Maryland, by Invitation (University of Maryland, 2004)
  • Invited Speaker, Harvard University, by Invitation (Harvard University, 2004)
  • Invited Speaker, Caltech, by Invitation (Caltech, USA, 2004)
  • Invited Speaker, Stanford University, by Invitation (Stanford University, 2004)
  • Invited Sopeaker at University of Amsterdam, Holland, by Invitation (University of Amsterdam, 2003)
  • Invited Speaker, UCLA, USA, by Invitation (UCLA, USA, 2003)
  • Invited Speaker, University of Southern California, by Invitation (University of Southern California, 2003)

Event Roles

  • Invited Speaker, University of Utah, by Invitation (University of Utah, 2004)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • Invited speaker at a Community meeting.

Publication Reviews

  • Referee (Physics Letters B, 1999 - present)