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Professor Peter North


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Convivial writing experiences – Insights from the Polička Collective

Sattler, M., & Pungas, L. (2024). Convivial writing experiences – Insights from the Polička Collective. [Blog]. Retrieved from



Community Economics and the Social and Solidarity Economy

North, P., Healy, S., & Heras, A. I. (2023). Community Economics and the Social and Solidarity Economy. In I. Yi (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy A Collective Work of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on SSE (UNTFSSE) (pp. 12-18). Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing.



Bouncing forward, better? Is another Liverpool possible? In Futures of Work 17

North, P. (2021). Bouncing forward, better? Is another Liverpool possible? In Futures of Work 17. Retrieved from

Internet publication

What is to be done to save the planet?

North, P. (2021). What is to be done to save the planet?. In S. Böhm, & S. Sullivan (Eds.), Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis (pp. 291). Cambridge: Openbook.


Coal not Dole: The Great Strike against Thatcher

North, P. (2021). Coal not Dole: The Great Strike against Thatcher. In D. Azzellini (Ed.), More than Industrial Action: Workers Struggle Against Authoritarianism, Fascism and Dictatorship (pp. 192-198). Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Siftung. Retrieved from



Alternative currencies: diverse experiments

North, P. (2020). Alternative currencies: diverse experiments. In J. K. Gibson-Graham, & K. Dombroski (Eds.), The Handbook of Diverse Economies (pp. 230-237). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.


Independent and small businesses: diversity amongst the 99% of businesses

North, P. (2020). Independent and small businesses: diversity amongst the 99% of businesses. In J. K. Gibson-Graham, & K. Dombroski (Eds.), The Handbook of Diverse Economies (pp. 98-105). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.



Are social media making constructive climate policy making harder?

North, P., & Schaefer, M. (2019). Are social media making constructive climate policy making harder?. In M. Hulme (Ed.), Contemporary Climate Change Debates: a student primer. Cambridge: Polity.


Alternative Currencies

North, P. J. (2019). Alternative Currencies. In A. Kothari, Salleh, Ariel, A. Escobar, F. Demaria, & A. Acosta (Eds.), Pluriverse A Post-Development Dictionary (pp. 92-94). Delhi: Tulika Books.



Conclusion: lessons learned and tensions exposed

North, P., & Cato, M. S. (2017). Conclusion: lessons learned and tensions exposed. In Unknown Book (pp. 295-304). Bristol University Press. doi:10.46692/9781447327257.016


Introduction: new economies North and South – sharing the transition to a just and sustainable future

North, P., & Cato, M. S. (2017). Introduction: new economies North and South – sharing the transition to a just and sustainable future. In Unknown Book (pp. 1-12). Bristol University Press. doi:10.46692/9781447327257.001


Geographies of alternative, complementary and community currencies

North, P. J. (2017). Geographies of alternative, complementary and community currencies. In J. Pollard, & R. Martin (Eds.), Handbook on the Geographies of Money and Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Towards Just and Sustainable Economies: the Social and Solidarity Economy North and South

North, P., & Cato, M. S. (Eds.) (2017). Towards Just and Sustainable Economies: the Social and Solidarity Economy North and South. Bristol: The Policy Press.


Environmentalism, Grassroots

North, P. (n.d.). Environmentalism, Grassroots. In Unknown Book (pp. 1-7). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0364





Book Review Symposium: JK Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy, <i>Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities</i>

North, P. (2014). Book Review Symposium: JK Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy, <i>Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities</i>. Sociology, 48(5), 1057-1059. doi:10.1177/0038038514544487

Journal article

Book review: Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming our Communities, Arts of the Political: New Openings for the Left

North, P. (2014). Book review: Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming our Communities, Arts of the Political: New Openings for the Left. Progress in Human Geography, 38(5), 725-727. doi:10.1177/0309132513506152

Journal article

Complementary currencies

North, P. J. (2014). Complementary currencies. In M. Parker, G. Cheney, V. Fournier, & C. Land (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization (pp. 182-194). London: Routledge.


Ten Square Miles Surrounded By Reality? Materialising Alternative Economies Using Local Currencies

North, P. (2014). Ten Square Miles Surrounded By Reality? Materialising Alternative Economies Using Local Currencies. Antipode, 46(1), 246-265. doi:10.1111/anti.12039

Journal article


Knowledge exchange, ‘impact’ and engagement: exploring low‐carbon urban transitions

North, P. (2013). Knowledge exchange, ‘impact’ and engagement: exploring low‐carbon urban transitions. The Geographical Journal, 179(3), 211-220. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4959.2012.00488.x

Journal article

Grassroots Localisation? The Scalar Potential of and Limits of the ‘Transition’ Approach to Climate Change and Resource Constraint

North, P., & Longhurst, N. (2013). Grassroots Localisation? The Scalar Potential of and Limits of the ‘Transition’ Approach to Climate Change and Resource Constraint. Urban Studies, 50(7), 1423-1438. doi:10.1177/0042098013480966

Journal article

Az argentínai barterhálózalokés a pénzügyi összeomlás túlélése (Argentine barter networks surviving financial meltdown)

North, P. (2013). Az argentínai barterhálózalokés a pénzügyi összeomlás túlélése (Argentine barter networks surviving financial meltdown). Eszmélet: a journal of theory and culture, 100, 130-147.

Journal article

Militant Liverpool: a city on the edge

Frost, D., & North, P. (2013). Militant Liverpool: a city on the edge. Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press.


The Alternative Economy at the Regional Scale? Lessons from the Chiemgau

North, P. J., & Weber, K. (2013). The Alternative Economy at the Regional Scale? Lessons from the Chiemgau. In H. -M. Zademach, & S. Hillebrand (Eds.), Alternative Economies and Spaces: New Perspectives for a Sustainable Economy (pp. n/p). Bielefeld: Transcprit Verlag.



A suitable climate for political action'? A sympathetic review of the politics of transition

North, P. J., & Scott-Cato, M. (2012). A suitable climate for political action'? A sympathetic review of the politics of transition. In M. Pelling, D. Manuel-Navarrete, & M. Redclift (Eds.), Climate change and the crisis of capitalism: a chance to reclaim self, society and nature (pp. forthcoming). London: Routledge.



Geographies and utopias of Cameron's Big Society

North, P. (2011). Geographies and utopias of Cameron's Big Society. Social &amp; Cultural Geography, 12(8), 817-827. doi:10.1080/14649365.2011.618889

Journal article

The Politics of Climate Activism in the UK: A Social Movement Analysis

North, P. (2011). The Politics of Climate Activism in the UK: A Social Movement Analysis. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 43(7), 1581-1598. doi:10.1068/a43534

Journal article

Alternative forms of Enterprise

North, P. J. (2011). Alternative forms of Enterprise. In A. Southern (Ed.), Enterprise and deprivation: small business, social exclusion and sustainable communities (pp. 277-296). London: Routledge.


Developing the Low Carbon Economy on Liverpool: future proofing the city for future climate and fuel price uncertainty

North, P., & Barker, T. (2011). Developing the Low Carbon Economy on Liverpool: future proofing the city for future climate and fuel price uncertainty. Liverpool: Low Carbon Liverpool.


Should Crisis-Hit Countries Leave the Eurozone?

North, P. (2011). Should Crisis-Hit Countries Leave the Eurozone?. Economic Sociology - the European Newsletter, 12(2), 21-26. Retrieved from

Journal article


Unsustainable Urbanism? Cities, Climate Change and Resource Depletion: A Liverpool Case Study

North, P. (2010). Unsustainable Urbanism? Cities, Climate Change and Resource Depletion: A Liverpool Case Study. Geography Compass, 4(9), 1377-1391. doi:10.1111/j.1749-8198.2010.00371.x

Journal article

Eco-localisation as a progressive response to peak oil and climate change – A sympathetic critique

North, P. (2010). Eco-localisation as a progressive response to peak oil and climate change – A sympathetic critique. Geoforum, 41(4), 585-594. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2009.04.013

Journal article

'The longevity of alternative economic practices: lessons from alternative currency networks

North, P. J. (2010). 'The longevity of alternative economic practices: lessons from alternative currency networks. In D. Fuller, A. Jonas, & R. Lee (Eds.), Interrogating Alterity: Alternative spaces of economy, society and politics (pp. 31-46). London: Ashgate.


Alternative currencies as utopian practice

North, P. J. (2010). Alternative currencies as utopian practice. In L. Leonard, & J. Barry (Eds.), Global Ecological Politics (Vol. 5, pp. 73-88). London: Emerald.


Local Money

North, P. J. (2010). Local Money. Dartington: Green Books.



Ecolocalisation as an urban strategy in the context of resource constraint and climate change - a (dangerous) new protectionism?

North, P. (2009). Ecolocalisation as an urban strategy in the context of resource constraint and climate change - a (dangerous) new protectionism?. People, Policy and Place Online, 3(1), 28-38.

Journal article

Építsünk civil társadalmat? Zöld pénz a rendszerváltozás utáni "átmenet" Magyarországán" ('Constructing Civil ,Society?: green money in Transition Hungary')

North, P. J. (2009). Építsünk civil társadalmat? Zöld pénz a rendszerváltozás utáni "átmenet" Magyarországán" ('Constructing Civil ,Society?: green money in Transition Hungary'). Eszmélet: a quarterly journal of social critique and culture', (81), 114-135.

Journal article


Book review: Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2006: A postcapitalist politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 360 pp. $70 cloth, $25 paper. ISBN: 978 0 8166 4803 0 cloth, 978 0 8166 4804 7 paper

North, P. (2008). Book review: Gibson-Graham, J.K. 2006: A postcapitalist politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 360 pp. $70 cloth, $25 paper. ISBN: 978 0 8166 4803 0 cloth, 978 0 8166 4804 7 paper. Progress in Human Geography, 32(3), 477-481. doi:10.1177/03091325080320031004

Journal article

Voices from the Trueque: Argentina's Barter Networks Resisting Neoliberalisation

North, P. J. (2008). Voices from the Trueque: Argentina's Barter Networks Resisting Neoliberalisation. In Social Justice and Neoliberalism: Global Perspectives (pp. 16-38). London: Zed.



Alternative currencies as utopian practice

North, P. J. (2007). Alternative currencies as utopian practice. Ecopolitics Online, 1(1), 50-64.

Journal article

Money and Liberation: The Micropolitics of Alternative Currency Movements

North, P. J. (2007). Money and Liberation: The Micropolitics of Alternative Currency Movements. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Retrieved from


Neoliberalizing Argentina?

North, P. J. (2007). Neoliberalizing Argentina?. In K. England, & K. Ward (Eds.), Neoliberalization: states, networks, peoples (pp. 137-162). Oxford: Blackwell.



Constructing civil society? Green money in transition Hungary

North, P. (2006). Constructing civil society? Green money in transition Hungary. Review of International Political Economy, 13(1), 28-52. doi:10.1080/09692290500396628

Journal article

Alternative Currency Movements as a Challenge to Globalisation?

North, P. (n.d.). Alternative Currency Movements as a Challenge to Globalisation?. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781351163088



Scaling alternative economic practices? Some lessons from alternative currencies

North, P. (2005). Scaling alternative economic practices? Some lessons from alternative currencies. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 30(2), 221-233. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5661.2005.00162.x

Journal article


Alternative Spaces of the “Argentinazo”

North, P., & Huber, U. (2004). Alternative Spaces of the “Argentinazo”. Antipode, 36(5), 963-984. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8330.2004.00463.x

Journal article

Unequal City: London in the Global Arena

North, P. (2004). Unequal City: London in the Global Arena. Cities, 21(5), 465-466. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2004.05.002

Journal article

Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: a Special Edition of Local Economy

Wilks-Heeg, S., & North, P. (2004). Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: a Special Edition of Local Economy. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 19(4), 305-311. doi:10.1080/0269094042000286819

Journal article

The Emancipatory Community? Place, Politics and Collective Action in Cities

DeFilippis, J., & North, P. J. (2004). The Emancipatory Community? Place, Politics and Collective Action in Cities. In L. Lees (Ed.), The Emancipatory City: Paradoxes and Possibilities (pp. 72-88). London: Sage.



Communities at the heart? Community action and urban policy in the UK

North, P. J. (2003). Communities at the heart? Community action and urban policy in the UK. In R. Imrie, & M. Raco (Eds.), Urban renaissance? New Labour, community and urban policy (pp. 121-138). Bristol: The Policy Press.


Time Banks: Learning the lessons from LETS

North, P. J. (2003). Time Banks: Learning the lessons from LETS. Local Economy, 18(3), 267-270.

Journal article


LETS in a cold climate: Green Dollars, self-help and neoliberal welfare in New Zealand

North, P. (2002). LETS in a cold climate: Green Dollars, self-help and neoliberal welfare in New Zealand. Policy &amp; Politics, 30(4), 483-499. doi:10.1332/030557302760590413

Journal article

Capacity Building and Community Control of Local Economic Assets

North, P., Wilks-Heeg, S., DeFilippis, J., Wilks-Heeg, S., Fuller, D., Jonas, A. E. G., & Oatley, N. (2002). Capacity Building and Community Control of Local Economic Assets. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 17(2), 147-169. doi:10.1080/02690940110101835

Journal article


Talking Business: An Actor‐Centred Analysis of Business Agendas for Local Economic Development

North, P., Valler, D., & Wood, A. (2001). Talking Business: An Actor‐Centred Analysis of Business Agendas for Local Economic Development. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25(4), 830-846. doi:10.1111/1468-2427.00346

Journal article

Community empowerment: rethinking resistance in an era of partnership

North, P. J., & Bruegel, I. (2001). Community empowerment: rethinking resistance in an era of partnership. In J. Pearson, & J. Smith (Eds.), Rebuilding Community: Policy and Practice in Urban Regeneration (pp. 174-188). London: Palgrave.



Local governance and local business interests: a critical review

Valler, D., Wood, A., & North, P. (2000). Local governance and local business interests: a critical review. Progress in Human Geography, 24(3), 409-428. doi:10.1191/030913200701540492

Journal article

Is There Space for Organisation from Below within the UK Government's Action Zones? A Test of 'Collaborative Planning'

North, P. (2000). Is There Space for Organisation from Below within the UK Government's Action Zones? A Test of 'Collaborative Planning'. Urban Studies, 37(8), 1261-1278. doi:10.1080/00420980020080131

Journal article

Local Governance and Local Business Interests: A Critical Review", in , .

Valler, D., Wood, A., & North, P. J. (2000). Local Governance and Local Business Interests: A Critical Review", in , .. Progress in Human Geography, 24(3), 409-428.

Journal article


Explorations in Heterotopia: LETS and the micropolitics of money and livelihood

North, P. J. (1999). Explorations in Heterotopia: LETS and the micropolitics of money and livelihood. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 17(1), 69-86.

Journal article


Exploring the Politics of Social Movements through ‘Sociological Intervention’: A Case Study of Local Exchange Trading Schemes

North, P. (1998). Exploring the Politics of Social Movements through ‘Sociological Intervention’: A Case Study of Local Exchange Trading Schemes. The Sociological Review, 46(3), 564-582. doi:10.1111/1467-954x.00131

Journal article

'Save our Solsbury!': the anatomy of an anti-roads protest

North, P. J. (1998). 'Save our Solsbury!': the anatomy of an anti-roads protest. Environmental Politics, 7(3), 1-25.

Journal article

LETS, 'Hours' and the Swiss 'Business Ring': local currencies and business development programmes

North, P. J. (1998). LETS, 'Hours' and the Swiss 'Business Ring': local currencies and business development programmes. Local Economy, 13(2), 114-132.

Journal article

Local Business Representation and the Private Sector Role in Local Economic Policy in Britain

Wood, A., Valler, D., & North, P. J. (1998). Local Business Representation and the Private Sector Role in Local Economic Policy in Britain. Local Economy, 13(1), 10-28.

Journal article


LETS on Low Income

Barnes, H., North, P. J., & Walker, P. (1996). LETS on Low Income. London: The New Economics Foundation.


LETS: a tool for empowerment in the inner city?

North, P. J. (1996). LETS: a tool for empowerment in the inner city?. Local Economy, 11(3), 284 293.

Journal article