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I enjoy teaching at Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Doctoral level, particularly addressing themes of diversity, identity, ethical responsibility, reflection and leadership. I am also passionate about teaching qualitative research methods and helping students to develop their own research projects and developing and supporting PGR training across the social sciences.

I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education and am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and currently teach modules and a variety of workshops on Leadership and Qualitative Research Methods at Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral levels, as well as managing the MRes Research Project module.

Current PhD Students

I am also currently supervising a number of excellent PhD students broadly in the areas of gender dynamics in organisations, well-being, and the work-non-work interface:

Joanna Gregory-Chialton - Penalties and Premiums: Understanding the decision-making of work-family management in same-sex couples.
Amanda Ordish - Women business owners’ experiences of navigating motherhood and entrepreneurial identities online and offline.
Hannah McAleavey - Through sickness and health? A qualitative investigation into the decision to work whilst sick and the consequences for employee well-being
Birga Barthel - The Old is History – Back to The Future: Future-oriented Leading through Prospective Sense-making

Modules for 2024-25


Module code: ULMS600

Role: Teaching


Module code: ULMS604

Role: Teaching

Supervised Theses