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Gita Sedghi

Professor Gita Sedghi


+44 (0)151 794 3372


Gita has a BSC in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Chemistry. Gita teaches and coordinates a range of physical chemistry and mathematics modules in the Department of Chemistry. In addition, she coordinates the MSc Research Project for postgraduate students and the Research Internship Module for undergraduate students. Gita has a sustained track record in developing and disseminating excellence in her teaching, for which she has received several awards, including the Principal Fellowship of HEA, RSC Excellence in Higher Education and the National Teaching Fellowship.

Gita has created high-quality inclusive resources to meet the requirements of a diverse community of students. Her teaching innovations, including internationalisation activities, peer assisted learning, prelab tutoring system, inclusive curriculum and initiatives to enhance maths teaching, showcase her inclusive approach and respect for various learning needs. Her roles as the Faculty of Science and Engineering EDI Lead and the Faculty’s Race Equality Charter Liasion exemplify her commitment and scholarly engagement in the EDI area.

Prizes or Honours

  • National Teaching Fellowship (Advance HE, 2019)
  • University Staff Award - Health, Safety and Wellbeing 2018 (University of Liverpool, 2018)
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering Learning and Teaching Award 2017 (Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Liverpool, 2017)
  • Senior Fellowship (2014)
  • Teaching & Learning Award (2014)