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Gabriele Filomena

Dr Gabriele Filomena

Lecturer in Geographic Data Science (Human Geography)
Geography and Planning


Gabriele Filomena is a lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the Geographic Data Science Lab, University of Liverpool. Previously, he obtained a PhD in Geoinformatics (2017-2021) at the Institute of Geoinformatics, University of Muenster (Germany). Gabriele holds an MRes in Spatial Data Science and Visualisation from the Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London and an MSc in Cognitive Science from the University of Turin (Italy). Following his PhD, he worked as a senior mobility planner in an urban mobility and transport consulting firm.

Gabriele’s research focuses on the cognition of urban and geographical spaces and its role in shaping people’s interactions with urban environments. In particular, he develops agent-based simulations of urban mobility phenomena that incorporate cognitive dimensions ineherent to travel behaviour, e.g., route choice behaviour, cognitive representations of urban space (cognitive maps), spatial learning, and social dynamics in wayfinding. He also advanced a computational approach to "The Image of the City" that leverages open spatial datasets of cities to model a computational "community" cognitive map of urban environments for GIS-based analysis.

His current research explores the following themes:
- People’s cognition of public transport systems and its implication for transport accessibility analysis. 
- Urban accessibility for people with mobility impairments.
- The interaction between informal and formal transport systems.