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The Role of Generative AI in Competency Question Retrofitting

Alharbi, R., Tamma, V., Grasso, F., & Payne, T. R. (2025). The Role of Generative AI in Competency Question Retrofitting. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 3-13). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-78952-6_1



MC-PPHFL: Privacy-Preserving Hierarchical Federated Learning with a Secure Multi-Chain Aggregation

Fallatah, S., Grasso, F., & Lisitsa, A. (2024). MC-PPHFL: Privacy-Preserving Hierarchical Federated Learning with a Secure Multi-Chain Aggregation. In 2024 2nd International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA) (pp. 208-215). IEEE. doi:10.1109/flta63145.2024.10839609

Conference Paper

The Dual-Challenge of Teaching Online in a Foreign Land: Understanding Western Foreign Teachers' Professional Identity and Confidence Development via a Transformative Learning Lens

Wen, B., Wang, Q., Gooden, A., Grasso, F., Chen, Q., & Shen, J. (2023). The Dual-Challenge of Teaching Online in a Foreign Land: Understanding Western Foreign Teachers' Professional Identity and Confidence Development via a Transformative Learning Lens. ASIA-PACIFIC EDUCATION RESEARCHER. doi:10.1007/s40299-023-00723-3

Journal article

A Study of Early-Career Female Faculty’s Perceptions of Their Roles and Responsibilities in Computer Science and Engineering

Wen, B., Wang, Q., Grasso, F., Chen, Q., & Shen, J. (2024). A Study of Early-Career Female Faculty’s Perceptions of Their Roles and Responsibilities in Computer Science and Engineering. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (pp. 819-826). Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-99-7965-3_70


Generating Complex Questions from Ontologies with Query Graphs

AlKhuzaey, S., Grasso, F., Payne, T. R., & Tamma, V. (2024). Generating Complex Questions from Ontologies with Query Graphs. Procedia Computer Science, 246, 3542-3555. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2024.09.694

Journal article


A Framework for Assessing the Complexity of Auto Generated Questions from Ontologies

Alkhuzaey, S., Grasso, F., Payne, T., & Tamma, V. (2023). A Framework for Assessing the Complexity of Auto Generated Questions from Ontologies. In Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on e-Learning - ECEL 2023 Vol. 22 (pp. 17-24). University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa. doi:10.34190/ecel.22.1.1877

Conference Paper

NLP Based Framework for Recommending Candidate Ontologies for Reuse

Alharbi, R., Tamma, V., & Grasso, F. (2023). NLP Based Framework for Recommending Candidate Ontologies for Reuse. In Proceedings of the AISB Convention 2023 (pp. 35-42).

Conference Paper


Exciting Avocados and Dull Pears Combining Behavioural and Argumentative Theory for Producing Effective Advice

Grasso, F. (2022). Exciting Avocados and Dull Pears Combining Behavioural and Argumentative Theory for Producing Effective Advice. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 436-441). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315782416-85


Understanding the Role of Transformative Learning in Western Teachers' Identity Formation and Professional Confidence Development: A Case Study in Transnational Higher Education of China

Wang, Q., Wen, B., Grasso, F., Chen, Q., & Shen, J. (2022, April 6). Understanding the Role of Transformative Learning in Western Teachers' Identity Formation and Professional Confidence Development: A Case Study in Transnational Higher Education of China. In P. Faller, K. Del Simone, & D. Holt (Eds.), (pp. 468-470). VIRTUAL | ONLINE Co-hosted by Michigan State University & Grand Rapids Community College: International Transformative Learning Association. Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Transfer Learning model for Social Emotion Prediction using Writers Emotions in Comments

Alsaedi, A., Thomason, S., Grasso, F., & Brooker, P. (2022). Transfer Learning model for Social Emotion Prediction using Writers Emotions in Comments. In 2022 21ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING AND APPLICATIONS, ICMLA (pp. 396-400). doi:10.1109/ICMLA55696.2022.00063

Conference Paper


A Systematic Review of Data-Driven Approaches to Item Difficulty Prediction.

AlKhuzaey, S., Grasso, F., Payne, T. R., & Tamma, V. A. M. (2021). A Systematic Review of Data-Driven Approaches to Item Difficulty Prediction.. In I. Roll, D. S. McNamara, S. A. Sosnovsky, R. Luckin, & V. Dimitrova (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 12748 (pp. 29-41). Utrecht, The Netherlands and online: Springer Verlag. Retrieved from

Conference Paper

A Survey of Social Emotion Prediction Methods

Alsaedi, A., Brooker, P., Grasso, F., & Thomason, S. (2021). A Survey of Social Emotion Prediction Methods. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS (DATA) (pp. 223-230). doi:10.5220/0010546902230230

Conference Paper

A Survey of Social Emotion Prediction Methods

Alsaedi, A., Brooker, P., Grasso, F., & Thomason, S. (2021). A Survey of Social Emotion Prediction Methods. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (pp. 223-230). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. doi:10.5220/0010546900002993

Conference Paper


Enhancing student confidence, skills and employability through the creation of assessed embedded video presentations in posters

Nolan Webster, A., & Grasso, F. (2020). Enhancing student confidence, skills and employability through the creation of assessed embedded video presentations in posters. Retrieved from

Website content


Welcome to digital public health 2019

Kostkova, P., Grasso, F., Bosman, A., Edelstein, M., Mejova, Y., Kalimeri, K., & Molnar, A. (2019). Welcome to digital public health 2019. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp. III-IV).

Conference Paper

Welcome to digital public health 2019

Kostkova, P., Grasso, F., Bosman, A., Edelstein, M., Mejova, Y., Kalimeri, K., & Molnar, A. (2019). Welcome to digital public health 2019. In PervasiveHealth: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (pp. III-IV).

Conference Paper

Welcome to digital public health 2019

Kostkova, P., Grasso, F., Bosman, A., Edelstein, M., Mejova, Y., Kalimeri, K., & Molnar, A. (2019). Welcome to digital public health 2019. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp. III-IV).

Conference Paper

A Mental Model for a Rhetorical Arguer

Grasso, F. (2019). A Mental Model for a Rhetorical Arguer. In Unknown Conference (pp. 139-144). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315782362-33

Conference Paper


Welcome to digital health 2018

Kostkova, P., Grasso, F., Castillo, C., Mejova, Y., Bosman, A., & Edelstein, M. (2018). Welcome to digital health 2018. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Vol. 2018-April (pp. iii).

Conference Paper

An experiment with an off-the-shelf tool to identify emotions in students’ self-reported accounts

Alharbi, L., Grasso, F., & Jimmieson, P. (2018). An experiment with an off-the-shelf tool to identify emotions in students’ self-reported accounts. In Proceedings of AISB Annual Convention 2018 (pp. 16-21).

Conference Paper


D’Errico, F., Grasso, F., Nissim, M., Novielli, N., & Patti, V. (2018). Preface. In Proceedings of AISB Annual Convention 2018 (pp. i-ii).

Conference Paper


Predicting word learning to boost child language acquisition

roxburgh, A., Grasso, F., & payne, T. (2017). Predicting word learning to boost child language acquisition. Poster session presented at the meeting of 7th International Conference on Digital health. London.


Welcome to digital health 2017

Kostkova, P., Grasso, F., Castillo, C., Mejova, Y., & Bosman, A. (2017). Welcome to digital health 2017. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Vol. Part F128634 (pp. iv).

Conference Paper


Discovering Ontological Correspondences through Dialogue

Santos, G., Payne, T., Tamma, V., & Grasso, F. (2016). Discovering Ontological Correspondences through Dialogue. In 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Bologna.

Conference Paper

Heuristic Algorithm for Minimizing the Electricity Cost of Air Conditioners on a Smart Grid

Arikiez, M., Grasso, F., Kowalski, D., & Zito, M. (2016). Heuristic Algorithm for Minimizing the Electricity Cost of Air Conditioners on a Smart Grid. In 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONFERENCE (ENERGYCON). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Special issue: Computational models of natural argument

Grasso, F., Bex, F., & Green, N. (2016). Special issue: Computational models of natural argument. ARGUMENT & COMPUTATION, 7(1), 3-+. doi:10.3233/AAC-160007

Journal article

Welcome to digital health 2016

Kostkova, P., Grasso, F., & Castillo, C. (2016). Welcome to digital health 2016. In DH 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 Digital Health Conference (pp. iii).

Conference Paper

Heuristic Algorithm for Coordinating Smart Houses in MicroGrid

Arikiez, M., Grasso, F., & Zito, M. (2015). Heuristic Algorithm for Coordinating Smart Houses in MicroGrid. In 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART GRID COMMUNICATIONS (SMARTGRIDCOMM) (pp. 49-54). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Heuristics for the Cost-Effective Management of a Temperature Controlled Environment

Arikiez, M., Grasso, F., & Zito, M. (2015). Heuristics for the Cost-Effective Management of a Temperature Controlled Environment. In 2015 IEEE INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES - ASIA (ISGT ASIA). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

A Dialogue Protocol to Support Meaning Negotiation

Santos, G., Tamma, V., Payne, T. R., & Grasso, F. (2016). A Dialogue Protocol to Support Meaning Negotiation. In AAMAS'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMOUS AGENTS & MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS (pp. 1367-1368). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

A Dialogue Protocol to Support Meaning Negotiation.: (Extended Abstract).

Santos, G., Tamma, V. A. M., Payne, T. R., & Grasso, F. (2016). A Dialogue Protocol to Support Meaning Negotiation.: (Extended Abstract).. In C. M. Jonker, S. Marsella, J. Thangarajah, & K. Tuyls (Eds.), AAMAS (pp. 1367-1368). ACM. Retrieved from

Conference Paper


Baldoni, M., Baroglio, C., Bex, F., Grasso, F., Green, N., Namazi-Rad, M. R., . . . Suarez, M. T. (2016). Preface (Vol. 9935 LNAI).


Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Health Conference

Kostkova, P., Grasso, F., & Castillo, C. (2016). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Health Conference. F. Grasso (Ed.), ACM.


The Deliberation and the Advocacy Rooms - Commentary on Blair's Advocacy vs Inquiry in Small Group Deliberations

Grasso, F. (2016). The Deliberation and the Advocacy Rooms - Commentary on Blair's Advocacy vs Inquiry in Small Group Deliberations. In M. Dima, & M. Lewinski (Eds.), Argumentation and Reasoned Action: Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Argumentation (pp. 69-74). London: College Publications.



DH 2015 chairs' welcome

Kostkova, P., & Grasso, F. (2015). DH 2015 chairs' welcome. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Vol. 2015-May (pp. iii).

Conference Paper

2015 International workshop on personalisation and adaptation in technology for health preface

Dennis, M., Smith, K. A., Grasso, F., & Paris, C. (2015). 2015 International workshop on personalisation and adaptation in technology for health preface. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1388.

Conference Paper

A Motivational Dialogue System for Children's Language Development

Atherton, D., & Grasso, F. (2015). A Motivational Dialogue System for Children's Language Development. In The 15th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument.

Conference Paper

A case for motivational argumentation

Grasso, F. (2015). A case for motivational argumentation. In 1st European Conference on Argumentation: Argumentation and Reasoned Action.

Conference Paper

Dialogue Based Meaning Negotiation

Santos, G., Tamma, V., Payne, T., & Grasso, F. (2015). Dialogue Based Meaning Negotiation. In The 15th Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument.

Conference Paper

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health 2015

Kotkova, P., & Grasso, F. (Eds.) (2015). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health 2015. ACM New York, NY, USA. Retrieved from



Preface to the special issue on personalization and behavior change

Masthoff, J., Grasso, F., & Ham, J. (2014). Preface to the special issue on personalization and behavior change. USER MODELING AND USER-ADAPTED INTERACTION, 24(5), 345-350. doi:10.1007/s11257-014-9151-1

Journal article


<i>In My Shoes</i> - A Computer Assisted Interview for Communicating with Children about Emotions

Grasso, F., Atkinson, K., & Jimmieson, P. (2013). <i>In My Shoes</i> - A Computer Assisted Interview for Communicating with Children about Emotions. In 2013 HUMAINE ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT INTERACTION (ACII) (pp. 318-323). doi:10.1109/ACII.2013.59

Conference Paper

Smart Domestic Renewable Energy Management Using Knapsack

Arikiez, M. K., Gatens, P., Grasso, H., & Zito, M. (2013). Smart Domestic Renewable Energy Management Using Knapsack. In 2013 4TH IEEE/PES INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES EUROPE (ISGT EUROPE). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Research Opportunities for Argumentation in Social Networks

Heras, S., Atkinson, K., Botti, V., Grasso, F., Julian, V., & McBurney, P. (2013). Research Opportunities for Argumentation in Social Networks. Artificial Intelligence Review, 31(1), 39-62.

Journal article

Research opportunities for argumentation in social networks

Heras, S., Atkinson, K., Botti, V., Grasso, F., Julian, V., & McBurney, P. (2013). Research opportunities for argumentation in social networks. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW, 39(1), 39-62. doi:10.1007/s10462-012-9389-0

Journal article

Smart domestic renewable energy management using knapsack

Arikiez, M., Gatens, P., Zito, M., & Grasso, F. (2013). Smart domestic renewable energy management using knapsack. In Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE) (pp. 1-5). doi:10.1109/ISGTEurope.2013.6695345

Conference Paper


Research opportunities for argumentation in social networks

Heras, S., Atkinson, K., Grasso, F., McBurney, P., Botti, V., & Julián, V. (2012). Research opportunities for argumentation in social networks. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 918 (pp. 264-265).

Conference Paper

A Model for a Motivational System Grounded on Value Based Abstract Argumentation Frameworks

Di Tullio, E., & Grasso, F. (2012). A Model for a Motivational System Grounded on Value Based Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. In Unknown Conference (pp. 43-50). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29262-0_6

Conference Paper

User Models for Motivational Systems

Grasso, F., Ham, J., & Masthoff, J. (2012). User Models for Motivational Systems. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 335-341). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28509-7_31


Reports of the AAAI 2011 Conference Workshops

Agmon, N., Agrawal, V., Aha, D. W., Aloimonos, Y., Buckley, D., Doshi, P., . . . Williams, M. (2012). Reports of the AAAI 2011 Conference Workshops. In AI Magazine Vol. 33 (pp. 57-70). Wiley. doi:10.1609/aimag.v33i1.2390

Conference Paper



Grasso, F., Ham, J., & Masthoff, J. (2011). Preface. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 740 (pp. 44-45).

Conference Paper

AAAI Workshop - Technical Report: Preface

Grasso, F., Green, N., & Reed, C. (2011). AAAI Workshop - Technical Report: Preface. In AAAI Workshop - Technical Report Vol. WS-11-10.

Conference Paper

Preface to the special issue on personalization for e-health PREFACE

Grasso, F., & Paris, C. (2011). Preface to the special issue on personalization for e-health PREFACE. USER MODELING AND USER-ADAPTED INTERACTION, 21(4-5), 333-340. doi:10.1007/s11257-011-9099-3

Journal article

CMNA XI, 11th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument

Reed, C., Grasso, F., & Green, N. (Eds.) (2011). CMNA XI, 11th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument. In AAAI workshop. San Francisco: AAAI.

Conference Paper

User Models for Motivational Systems the affective and the rational routes to persuasion

Ham, J., Grasso, F., & Masthoff, J. (Eds.) (2011). User Models for Motivational Systems the affective and the rational routes to persuasion. In UMAP workshop. Gerona: UM inc..

Conference Paper


Personality Diagnosis for Personalized eHealth Services

Cortellese, F., Nalin, M., Morandi, A., Sanna, A., & Grasso, F. (2010). Personality Diagnosis for Personalized eHealth Services. In ELECTRONIC HEALTHCARE, SECOND INTERNATIONAL ICST CONFERENCE, EHEALTH 2009 Vol. 27 (pp. 157-+). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Introducing<i>Argument &amp; Computation</i>

Grasso, F., Rahwan, I., Reed, C., & Simari, G. R. (2010). Introducing<i>Argument &amp; Computation</i>. Argument &amp; Computation, 1(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/19462161003734804

Journal article

Applying Argumentation to Enhance Dialogues in Social Networks

Heras, S., Atkinson, K., Botti, V., Grasso, F., Julian, V., & McBurney, P. (2010). Applying Argumentation to Enhance Dialogues in Social Networks. In C. Reed, F. Grasso, & N. Green (Eds.), CMNA (pp. 10-19). Lisbon: ECAI proceedings.

Conference Paper

CMNA X, 10th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument

Reed, C., Grasso, F., & Green, N. (Eds.) (2010). CMNA X, 10th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument. In CMNA (pp. 64). Lisbon: ECAI proceedings.

Conference Paper

Electronic Healthcare

Kostkova, P. (Ed.) (2010). Electronic Healthcare. In . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-11745-9


How Argumentation can Enhance Dialogues in Social Networks

Heras, S., Atkinson, K., Botti, V., Grasso, F., Julian, V., & McBurney, P. (2010). How Argumentation can Enhance Dialogues in Social Networks. In P. Baroni, F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin, & G. Simari (Eds.), COMMA 2010 (pp. 267-274). Desenzano del Garda, Italy: IOS Press Amsterdam. doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-5-267

Conference Paper

How Argumentation can Enhance Dialogues in Social Networks

Heras, S., Atkinson, K., Botti, V., Grasso, F., Julian, V., & McBurney, P. (2010). How Argumentation can Enhance Dialogues in Social Networks. In COMPUTATIONAL MODELS OF ARGUMENT: PROCEEDINGS OF COMMA 2010 Vol. 216 (pp. 267-274). doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-619-5-267

Conference Paper

Sexually transmitted disease (STD) diagnoses and mental health disparities among women who have sex with women screened at an urban community health center, Boston, MA, 2007.

Reisner, S. L., Mimiaga, M. J., Case, P., Grasso, C., O'Brien, C. T., Harigopal, P., . . . Mayer, K. H. (2010). Sexually transmitted disease (STD) diagnoses and mental health disparities among women who have sex with women screened at an urban community health center, Boston, MA, 2007.. In Sexually transmitted diseases Vol. 37 (pp. 5-12). doi:10.1097/olq.0b013e3181b41314

Conference Paper

User Models for Motivational Systems the affective and the rational routes to persuasion

De Carolis, B., Grasso, F., & Masthoff, J. (Eds.) (2010). User Models for Motivational Systems the affective and the rational routes to persuasion. In User Models for Motivational Systems (pp. 80). Hawaii: UM workshop proceedings.

Conference Paper


Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention Symposium

Masthoff, J., Grasso, F., Atkinson, K., Beatty, P., Bickmore, T., Carenini, G., . . . Walton, D. (2009). Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention Symposium. In Adaptive and Emergent Behaviour and Complex Systems - Proceedings of the 23rd Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, AISB 2009 (pp. 1).

Conference Paper

4th workshop on Personalisation for e-Health

Grasso, F., & Paris, C. (Eds.) (2009). 4th workshop on Personalisation for e-Health. In AI in Medicine (pp. 98). Verona: AIME.

Conference Paper

CMNA IX, 9th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument

Grasso, F., Reed, C., Kibble, R., & Green, N. (Eds.) (2009). CMNA IX, 9th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument. In IJCAI 2009 (pp. 95). Pasadena, CA: IJCAI.

Conference Paper

Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention

Masthoff, J., & Grasso, F. (Eds.) (2009). Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention. In AISB 2009 Convention (pp. 84). Edinburgh: AISB.

Conference Paper

Quality Assurance Issues for Online Universities

Grasso, F., & Leng, P. (2009). Quality Assurance Issues for Online Universities. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition (pp. 3181-3185). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-60566-026-4.ch508



Generation of personalised advisory messages: An ontology based approach

Erriquez, E., & Grasso, F. (2008). Generation of personalised advisory messages: An ontology based approach. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 21ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER-BASED MEDICAL SYSTEMS (pp. 437-+). doi:10.1109/CBMS.2008.103

Conference Paper

CMNA VIII, 8th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument

Grasso, F., Reed, C., Kibble, R., & Green, N. (Eds.) (2008). CMNA VIII, 8th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument. In ECAI 2008 (pp. 90). Patras, Greece: ECAI.

Conference Paper

Persuasive Technology

Masthoff, J., & Grasso, F. (Eds.) (2008). Persuasive Technology. In AISB 2008 Convention (pp. 80). Aberdeen, UK: AISB.

Conference Paper


Adaptive Information for Consumers of Healthcare

Cawsey, A., Grasso, F., & Paris, C. (n.d.). Adaptive Information for Consumers of Healthcare. In Unknown Conference (pp. 465-484). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72079-9_15

Conference Paper

Adaptive Information for Consumers of Healthcare

Cawsey, A., Grasso, F., & Paris, C. (2007). Adaptive Information for Consumers of Healthcare. In P. Brusilovsky, A. Kobsa, & W. Niejdl (Eds.), The Adaptive Web: Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization (Vol. 4321, pp. xx). Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer-Verlag.


CMNA VII, Working Notes of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments

Kibble, R., Reed, C., & Grasso, F. (Eds.) (2007). CMNA VII, Working Notes of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments. In 7th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments (pp. 89). Hyderabad, India: IJCAI.

Conference Paper

Recent advances in computational models of natural argument

Reed, C., & Grasso, F. (2007). Recent advances in computational models of natural argument. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 22(1), 1-15. doi:10.1002/int.20187

Journal article


CMNA VI, Working Notes of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments

Grasso, F., Reed, C., & Kibble, R. (Eds.) (2006). CMNA VI, Working Notes of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments. In 6th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments (pp. 85). Trento, Italy: ECCAI.

Conference Paper

PIPS: An Integrated Environment for Health Care Delivery and Healthy Lifestyle Support

Domínguez, D., Grasso, F., Miller, T., & Serafin, R. (2006). PIPS: An Integrated Environment for Health Care Delivery and Healthy Lifestyle Support. In A. Moreno, U. Cortes, R. Annicchiarico, & J. Nealon (Eds.), Fourth Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, ECAI. Riva del Garda: ECAI 2006 (workshop notes).

Conference Paper

Semantic based recipe suggestion

Iannone, L., Blacoe, I., Tamma, V., & Grasso, F. (2006). Semantic based recipe suggestion. In T. Hongsermeier, J. Luciano, E. Neumann, & S. Stephens (Eds.), Workshop for W3C Semantic Web Health Care & Life Sciences. Athens, GA, US: ISWC. Retrieved from

Conference Paper


Cogito ergo ago: Foundations for a computational model of behaviour change

Nobile, C., & Grasso, F. (2005). Cogito ergo ago: Foundations for a computational model of behaviour change. In AISB'05 Convention: Social Intelligence and Interaction in Animals, Robots and Agents - Proc. of the Symposium on Agents that Want and Like: Motivational and Emotional Roots of Cognition and Action (pp. 86-89).

Conference Paper

'An annotation scheme to analyse discussions in online classrooms'

Badri, A., Grasso, F., & Leng, P. H. (2005). 'An annotation scheme to analyse discussions in online classrooms'. In R. Luckin, & S. Puntambeker (Eds.), AIED 2005 (pp. 59-62). Amsterdam: AIED.

Conference Paper

CMNA V, Working Notes of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments

Reed, C., Grasso, F., & Kibble, R. (Eds.) (2005). CMNA V, Working Notes of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments. In International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments (pp. 86). Edinburgh: IJCAI.

Conference Paper

Quality Assurance Issues for Online Universities

Grasso, F., & Leng, P. (2005). Quality Assurance Issues for Online Universities. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, First Edition (pp. 2382-2386). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-59140-553-5.ch421


Working notes of the 1st International Workshop on Personalisation for e-Health

Grasso, F., Cawsey, A., Quaglini, S., Paris, C., & Wilkinson, R. (Eds.) (2005). Working notes of the 1st International Workshop on Personalisation for e-Health. In User Modelling (pp. 98). Edinburgh: UM.

Conference Paper


"The Persuasion Machine": Argumentation and Computational Linguistics

Gilbert, M., Grasso, F., Groarke, L., Gurr, C., & Gerlofs, J. M. (2004). "The Persuasion Machine": Argumentation and Computational Linguistics. In C. Reed, T. Norman, F. H. van Eemeren, S. Jacobs, E. C. W. Krabbe, & J. Woods (Eds.), Argumentation Machines - New Frontiers in Argument and Computation (Vol. 9, pp. 121-174). Dordrecht ; London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


CMNA IV, Working Notes of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments

Grasso, F., Reed, C., & Carenini, G. (Eds.) (2004). CMNA IV, Working Notes of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments. In International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments (pp. 90). Universidad Politecnica de Valencia: ECAI.

Conference Paper

ELIZA, but Cleverer: Designing Persuasive Artificial Agents

Field, D., & Grasso, F. (2004). ELIZA, but Cleverer: Designing Persuasive Artificial Agents. In H. Horacek, & I. Kruijff-Korbayova (Eds.), KONVENS (Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natuerlicher Sprache) Workshop: Advanced Topics in Modeling Natural Language Dialog. Vienna, Austria: KONVENS.

Conference Paper


Rhetorical Coding of Health Promotion Dialogues

Grasso, F. (2003). Rhetorical Coding of Health Promotion Dialogues. In Unknown Conference (pp. 179-188). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39907-0_26

Conference Paper

CMNA III, Working Notes of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments

Reed, C., Grasso, F., & Carenini, G. (Eds.) (2003). CMNA III, Working Notes of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments. In International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments (pp. 101). Acapulco Convention Center: IJCAI.

Conference Paper

Characterising Rhetorical Argumentation

Grasso, F. (2003). Characterising Rhetorical Argumentation. (PhD Thesis, Heriot-Watt University).

Thesis / Dissertation

Evaluation of discussions in online classrooms

Badri, A., Grasso, F., & Leng, P. (2003). Evaluation of discussions in online classrooms. In V. Palade, R. J. Howlett, & L. C. Jain (Eds.), KES 2003 Vol. 2780 (pp. 179-188). University of Oxford: Springer Verlag.

Conference Paper

Evaluation of discussions in online classrooms

Badri, A., Grasso, F., & Leng, P. (2003). Evaluation of discussions in online classrooms. In KNOWLEDGE-BASED INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AND ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, PT 2, PROCEEDINGS Vol. 2774 (pp. 193-200). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Issues of quality in on-line degree programmes

Grasso, F., & Leng, P. H. (2003). Issues of quality in on-line degree programmes. In C. Ghaoui (Ed.), Usability Evaluation of Online Learning Programs (pp. 198-217). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing.


Rhetorical coding of health promotion dialogues

Grasso, F. (2003). Rhetorical coding of health promotion dialogues. In ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE, PROCEEDINGS Vol. 2780 (pp. 179-188). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

The Persuasion Machine

Gilbert, M. A., Grasso, F., Groarke, L., Gurr, C., & Gerlofs, J. M. (2003). The Persuasion Machine. In Argumentation Library (pp. 121-174). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-0431-1_5



CMNA II, Working Notes of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments

Grasso, F., Reed, C., & Carenini, G. (Eds.) (2002). CMNA II, Working Notes of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments. In International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Arguments (pp. 96). University of Lyon: ECAI.

Conference Paper

Towards Computational Rhetoric

Grasso, F. (2002). Towards Computational Rhetoric. Informal Logic Journal, 22(3), 195-230.

Journal article

Towards a Framework for Rhetorical Argumentation

Grasso, F. (2002). Towards a Framework for Rhetorical Argumentation. In J. Bos, M. E. Foster, & C. Matheson (Eds.), EDILOG (pp. 53-60). Edinburgh: SEMDIAL.

Conference Paper


Computational Models of Natural Language Argument

Reed, C., & Grasso, F. (2001). Computational Models of Natural Language Argument. In Unknown Conference (pp. 999-1008). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-45545-0_112

Conference Paper


Affective Natural Language Generation

de Rosis, F., & Grasso, F. (2000). Affective Natural Language Generation. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 204-218). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/10720296_15


Dialectical argumentation to solve conflicts in advice giving: a case study in the promotion of healthy nutrition

Grasso, F., Cawsey, A., & Jones, R. (2000). Dialectical argumentation to solve conflicts in advice giving: a case study in the promotion of healthy nutrition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, 53(6), 1077-1115. doi:10.1006/ijhc.2000.0429

Journal article

Modelling Conflict-Resolution Dialogues

de Rosis, F., Grasso, F., Castelfranchi, C., & Poggi, I. (2000). Modelling Conflict-Resolution Dialogues. In Computational Conflicts (pp. 41-62). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-56980-7_3



A conversational model for health promotion on the World Wide Web

Cawsey, A., Grasso, F., & Jones, R. (1999). A conversational model for health promotion on the World Wide Web. In ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE Vol. 1620 (pp. 379-388). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Deception and Suspicion in Medical Interactions

Castelfranchi, C., Rosis, F., & Grasso, F. (1999). Deception and Suspicion in Medical Interactions. In Machine Conversations (pp. 77-98). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-5687-6_8


Playing with RST: Two algorithms for the automated manipulation of discourse trees

Grasso, F. (1999). Playing with RST: Two algorithms for the automated manipulation of discourse trees. In TEXT, SPEECH AND DIALOGUE Vol. 1692 (pp. 357-360). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Refining instructional text generation after evaluation

de Rosis, F., Grasso, F., & Berry, D. C. (1999). Refining instructional text generation after evaluation. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE, 17(1), 1-36. doi:10.1016/S0933-3657(99)00014-7

Journal article


Strengthening argumentation in medical explanations by text plan revision

de Rosis, F., Grasso, F., & Berry, D. C. (1997). Strengthening argumentation in medical explanations by text plan revision. In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Vol. 1211, pp. 347-360). Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/bfb0029468


Strengthening argumentation in medical explanations by text plan revision

deRosis, F., Grasso, F., & Berry, D. C. (1997). Strengthening argumentation in medical explanations by text plan revision. In ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE Vol. 1211 (pp. 349-360). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Strengthening argumentation in medical explanations by text plan revision

de Rosis, F., Grasso, F., & Berry, D. C. (1997). Strengthening argumentation in medical explanations by text plan revision. In Unknown Conference (pp. 347-360). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/bfb0029468

Conference Paper

Using Dialectical Argumentation for User Modelling in Decision Support Systems

Grasso, F. (1997). Using Dialectical Argumentation for User Modelling in Decision Support Systems. In User Modeling (pp. 83-85). Springer Vienna. doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-2670-7_11



Generating recipient-centered explanations about drug prescription

DeCarolis, B., deRosis, F., Grasso, F., Rossiello, A., Berry, D. C., & Gillie, T. (1996). Generating recipient-centered explanations about drug prescription. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE, 8(2), 123-145. doi:10.1016/0933-3657(95)00029-1

Journal article




Journal article