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Craig Haslop

Dr Craig Haslop


+44 (0)151 794 9992


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‘We’re respectful boys…we’re not misogynistic!’: analysing defensive, contradictory and changing performances of masculinity within young British men’s face-to-face and digitally mediated homosocial spaces

O'Rourke, F., & Haslop, C. (2024). ‘We’re respectful boys…we’re not misogynistic!’: analysing defensive, contradictory and changing performances of masculinity within young British men’s face-to-face and digitally mediated homosocial spaces. Journal of Gender Studies.

Journal article


‘We’re not misogynistic c*nts…’: theorising the homosocial dynamics of men’s online chat groups through British men’s self-talk about lad culture

Haslop, C., & O'Rourke, F. (2023). ‘We’re not misogynistic c*nts…’: theorising the homosocial dynamics of men’s online chat groups through British men’s self-talk about lad culture. In Emergent femininities and masculinities in 21st century media and popular culture. Athens, Greece.

Conference Paper

Straight Male Spies, Queer Camp Vistas

Haslop, C., & McNaughton, D. (2023). Straight Male Spies, Queer Camp Vistas. In Camp TV of the 1960s (pp. 195-212). Oxford University PressNew York. doi:10.1093/oso/9780197650745.003.0010



#Men4change toolkit: an evidence based resource to engage young men in tackling and preventing harmful sexual and gender-based norms and behaviours in online spaces

O'Rourke, F., & Haslop, C. (2022). #Men4change toolkit: an evidence based resourceto engage young men in tackling and preventingharmful sexual and gender-based norms andbehaviours in online spaces. In Challenging Gender and Sexual Based Violence in Education. UCL.

Conference Paper

From boys to men via Cell Block H: Prisoner, queer identities and productive fan nostalgia

Haslop, C., & Batty, C. (2022). From boys to men via Cell Block H: Prisoner, queer identities and productive fan nostalgia. In TV Transformations and Transgressive Women: From Prisoner: Cell Block H to Wentworth (pp. 339-361).



#nosnowflakes: the toleration of harassment and an emergent gender-related digital divide, in a UK student online culture

Haslop, C., O'Rourke, F., & Southern, R. (n.d.). #nosnowflakes: the toleration of harassment and an emergent gender-related digital divide, in a UK student online culture. Convergence: the journal of research into new media technologies. doi:10.1177/1354856521989270

Journal article

‘I mean, in my opinion, I have it the worst, because I am white. I am male. I am heterosexual’: questioning the inclusivity of reconfigured hegemonic masculinities in a UK student online culture

Haslop, C., & O'Rourke, F. (n.d.). ‘I mean, in my opinion, I have it the worst, because I am white. I am male. I am heterosexual’: questioning the inclusivity of reconfigured hegemonic masculinities in a UK student online culture. Information, Communication and Society. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2020.1792531

Journal article

‘Do you wanna come with me?’: The role of the star image as brand for the commodification of cult in mainstream telefantasy

Haslop, C. D. (n.d.). ‘Do you wanna come with me?’: The role of the star image as brand for the commodification of cult in mainstream telefantasy. Celebrity Studies, 1-15. doi:10.1080/19392397.2019.1607511

Journal article


Tackling and preventing online harassment on a UK university campus: a research informed approach

O'Rourke, F., & Haslop, C. (2020). Tackling and preventing online harassment on a UK university campus: a research informed approach. In Webinar: Technology-mediated abuse. Covid-19: safety, health and wellbeing of students and staff webinar series.

Conference Paper

Mitigating online harassment and hate crime at the University of Liverpool: a research-informed approach

O'Rourke, F., & Haslop, C. (2020). Mitigating online harassment and hate crime at the University of Liverpool: a research-informed approach. In Universities UK annual conference 'Tackling violence, harassment and hate incidents'. Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ.

Conference Paper

#Speakout: calling out online harassment and mobilizing positive culture change on the digitised campus.

Haslop, C., & O'Rourke, F. (2020). #Speakout: calling out online harassment and mobilizing positive culture change on the digitised campus.. In University of Liverpool Leadership Forum. University of Liverpool.

Conference Paper


Case Study: Tackling Online Sexual Harassment on a University Campus: Challenges, Considerations and Recommendations

Haslop, C., & O'Rourke, F. (2019). Case Study: Tackling Online Sexual Harassment on a University Campus: Challenges, Considerations and Recommendations. In Inside Government’s 3rd Annual Tackling Sexual Violence and Harassment in Higher Education Forum. London.

Conference Paper

Post cat pics, get ‘dick pics’: re-asserting hegemonic masculinity through online gendered sexual harassment in student cultures

Haslop, C., & Fiona, O. (2019). Post cat pics, get ‘dick pics’: re-asserting hegemonic masculinity through online gendered sexual harassment in student cultures. In Toxic Digital Intimacies Symposium, Centre for Intimate and Sexual Citizenship (CISC),. University of Essex.

Conference Paper


'The Thing is I'm Actually from Bromley': Queer/Class Intersections in the Film Pride (2014)

Haslop, C. D. (2018). 'The Thing is I'm Actually from Bromley': Queer/Class Intersections in the Film Pride (2014). In M. Wayne, & D. O'Neill (Eds.), Considering Class: Theory, Culture and Media in the 21st Century.. US: Chicago: Haymarket Books.




'Because even the placement of a comma might be important': Expertise, filtered embodiment and social capital in online sexual health promotion

Mowlabocus, S., Harbottle, J., Tooke, B., Haslop, C., & Dasgupta, R. K. (2015). 'Because even the placement of a comma might be important': Expertise, filtered embodiment and social capital in online sexual health promotion. Convergence: the international journal of research into new media technologies, 21(3), 375-387. doi:10.1177/1354856515579845

Journal article



Haslop, C. (2013). THE SHAPE-SHIFTER: FLUID SEXUALITY AS PART OF TORCHWOOD’S CHANGING GENERIC MATRIX AND ‘CULT’ STATUS. In Torchwood Declassified: Investigating Mainstream Cult Television (pp. 209-225).



The gay lifestyle ‐ spaces for a subculture of consumption

Haslop, C., Hill, H., & Schmidt, R. A. (1998). The gay lifestyle ‐ spaces for a subculture of consumption. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 16(5), 318-326. doi:10.1108/02634509810229937

Journal article