Member of the SBND Executive Committee (Fermilab, 2020 - present) (External Administrative or Committee Role)
Coordinator of the SBN Systematics and Oscillation Sensitivity Working Group, Invited (Fermilab, 2018 - present) (External Administrative or Committee Role)
SBND Physics and Analysis Tools Coordinator, Invited (Fermilab, 2017 - present) (External Administrative or Committee Role)
Chair of the SBND Speakers Committee, Invited (Fermilab, 2017 - present) (External Administrative or Committee Role)
Conference Roles
CERN-TH Colloquium, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (2020)
H2020 Oscillation Physics Workshop, by Invitation (Valencia, Spain, 2019)
PHYSTAT-\nu 2019, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (CERN, 2019)
NuSTEC Workshop on Shallow- and Deep-Inelastic Scattering,, by Invitation (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), L'Aquila, Italy., 2018)
MCnet Summer School, by Invitation (Lund, Sweden, 2017)
25th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics (DIS17), by Invitation (Birmingham, UK, 2017 - 2020)
Conference on Science at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (CoSSURF), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, 2017)
11th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions (NuINT17), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Toronto, Canada, 2017)
NuSTEC Topical Meeting on Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Durham, UK, 2017 - 2020)
International Workshop on Global Fits to Neutrino Scattering Data and Generator Tuning (NuTune2016) (Liverpool, UK, 2016)
PHYSTAT-\nu 2016 (Fermilab, USA, 2020)
International Workshop on Frontiers in Electroweak Interactions of Leptons and Hadrons (EILH16), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Aligarh, India., 2016)
2015 NuSTEC Training in Neutrino Nucleus Scattering Physics (Okayama University, Japan, 2015)
10th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions (NuINT15), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Osaka, Japan., 2015)
9th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions (NuINT14), by Invitation (Surray, UK, 2014)
CORFU14 Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece, 2014)
International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) - European Neutrino Town Meeting,, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Paris Diderot University, Paris, France, 2014)
6th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions (NuINT09), Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Sitges, Spain., 2009)
External Administrative or Committee Roles
Member of the SBND Executive Committee (Fermilab, 2020 - present)
Coordinator of the SBN Systematics and Oscillation Sensitivity Working Group, Invited (Fermilab, 2018 - present)