Predicting plant Rubisco kinetics from RbcL sequence data using machine learning
Iqbal, W. A., Lisitsa, A., & Kapralov, M. V. (2023). Predicting plant Rubisco kinetics from RbcL sequence data using machine learning. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, 74(2), 638-650. doi:10.1093/jxb/erac368
Making Sense of Heterogeneous Maritime Data
Pitsikalis, M., Lisitsa, A., Totzke, P., & Lee, S. (2022). Making Sense of Heterogeneous Maritime Data. In 2022 23RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOBILE DATA MANAGEMENT (MDM 2022) (pp. 401-406). doi:10.1109/MDM55031.2022.00089
Reinforcement learning algorithms for the Untangling of Braids
Khan, A., Vernitski, A., & Lisitsa, A. (n.d.). Reinforcement learning algorithms for the Untangling of Braids. In The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings Vol. 35. University of Florida George A Smathers Libraries. doi:10.32473/flairs.v35i.130657
Training AI to Recognize Realizable Gauss Diagrams: The Same Instances Confound AI and Human Mathematicians
Khan, A., Lisitsa, A., & Vernitski, A. (2022). Training AI to Recognize Realizable Gauss Diagrams: The Same Instances Confound AI and Human Mathematicians. In ICAART: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - VOL 3 (pp. 990-995). doi:10.5220/0010992700003116
Querrying Encrypted Data in Graph Databases
Coenen, F. P., Lisitsa, A., & Aburawi, N. N. (2020). Querrying Encrypted Data in Graph Databases.
Modular Verification of Autonomous Space Robotics
Farrell, M., Cardoso, R. C., Dennis, L. A., Dixon, C., Fisher, M., Kourtis, G., . . . Webster, M. (2019). Modular Verification of Autonomous Space Robotics. Retrieved from
Agent-based (BDI) modeling for automation of penetration testing
Chu, G., & Lisitsa, A. (2019). Agent-based (BDI) modeling for automation of penetration testing. Retrieved from
Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. (2019). Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation. EPTCS 299, 2019. Retrieved from
Investigating the Capability of Agile Processes to Support Medical Devices Regulations: The Case of XP, Scrum, and FDD with EU MDR Regulations
Alsaadi, M., Lisitsa, A., Khalaf, M., & Qasaimeh, M. (2019). Investigating the Capability of Agile Processes to Support Medical Devices Regulations: The Case of XP, Scrum, and FDD with EU MDR Regulations. In Unknown Conference (pp. 581-592). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-26766-7_53
Penetration Testing for Internet of Things and Its Automation
Analysing Security Protocols Using Scenario Based Simulation
Al-Shareefi, F., Lisitsa, A., & Dixon, C. (2019). Analysing Security Protocols Using Scenario Based Simulation. In VERIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, VECOS 2019 Vol. 11847 (pp. 47-62). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-35092-5_4
Flexible Access Control and Confidentiality over Encrypted Data for Document-based Database
Almarwani, M., Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2019). Flexible Access Control and Confidentiality over Encrypted Data for Document-based Database. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY AND PRIVACY (ICISSP) (pp. 606-614). doi:10.5220/0007582506060614
Towards human readability of automated unknottedness proofs
Fish, A., Lisitsa, A., & Vernitski, A. (2018). Towards human readability of automated unknottedness proofs. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 2261 (pp. 27-32).
Poster: Agent-based (BDI) modeling for automation of penetration testing
Chu, G., & Lisitsa, A. (2018). Poster: Agent-based (BDI) modeling for automation of penetration testing. In 2018 16TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON PRIVACY, SECURITY AND TRUST (PST) (pp. 327-328). Retrieved from
POSTER: A Re-evaluation of Intrusion Detection Accuracy: an Alternative Evaluation Strategy
Al-Riyami, S., Coenen, F., & Lisitsa, A. (2018). POSTER: A Re-evaluation of Intrusion Detection Accuracy: an Alternative Evaluation Strategy. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 ACM SIGSAC CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY (CCS'18) (pp. 2195-2197). doi:10.1145/3243734.3278490
Revisiting mu-puzzle. A case study in finite countermodels verification
Lisitsa, A. (2018). Revisiting mu-puzzle. A case study in finite countermodels verification. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 11123 LNCS (pp. 75-86). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00250-3_6
Dihedral semigroups, their defining relations and an application to describing knot semigroups of rational links
Vernitski, A., Tunsi, L., Ponchel, C., & Lisitsa, A. (2018). Dihedral semigroups, their defining relations and an application to describing knot semigroups of rational links. SEMIGROUP FORUM, 97(1), 75-86. doi:10.1007/s00233-018-9918-5
The Andrews-Curtis Conjecture, Term Rewriting and First-Order Proofs
Lisitsa, A. (2018). The Andrews-Curtis Conjecture, Term Rewriting and First-Order Proofs. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Vol. 10931 (pp. 343-351). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96418-8_41
Visual Algebraic proofs for Unknot Detection
Lisitsa, A., Fish, A., & Vernitski, A. (2018). Visual Algebraic proofs for Unknot Detection. In Diagrams. Edinburgh.
Clarification of Ambiguity for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
Al-Shareefi, F., Lisitsa, A., & Dixon, C. (2018). Clarification of Ambiguity for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer. In Unknown Conference (pp. 189-203). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91271-4_13
Querying Encrypted Graph Databases
Aburawi, N., Lisitsa, A., & Coenen, F. (2018). Querying Encrypted Graph Databases. In ICISSP: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY AND PRIVACY (pp. 447-451). doi:10.5220/0006660004470451
Traversal-aware Encryption Adjustment for Graph Databases
Aburawi, N., Coenen, F., & Lisitsa, A. (2018). Traversal-aware Encryption Adjustment for Graph Databases. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (pp. 381-387). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. doi:10.5220/0006916403810387
Abstract State Machines and System Theoretic Process Analysis for Safety-Critical Systems
Al-Shareefi, F., Lisitsa, A., & Dixon, C. (2017). Abstract State Machines and System Theoretic Process Analysis for Safety-Critical Systems. In 20th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods. Recife, Brazil.
Verification of Programs via Intermediate Interpretation
Lisitsa, A. P., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2017). Verification of Programs via Intermediate Interpretation. EPTCS 253, 2017, pp. 54-74. Retrieved from
Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
Lisitsa, A., Nemytykh, A. P., & Proietti, M. (2017). Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation. EPTCS 253, 2017. Retrieved from
A Prediction Model Based Approach to Open Space Steganography Detection in HTML Webpages
Coenen, F. P., Sedeeq, I., & Lisitsa. (2017). A Prediction Model Based Approach to Open Space Steganography Detection in HTML Webpages.
Reputation System Aggregation and Ageing Factor Selection using Subjective Opinions Classification
Coenen, F. P., abdeglmageed., & lisitsa. (2017). Reputation System Aggregation and Ageing Factor Selection using Subjective Opinions Classification.
Verifying Programs via Intermediate Interpretation
Lisitsa, A. P., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2017). Verifying Programs via Intermediate Interpretation. Retrieved from
On The Mining and Usage of Movement Patterns in Large Traffic Networks
Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F., & Lisitsa, A. (2017). On The Mining and Usage of Movement Patterns in Large Traffic Networks. In 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIG DATA AND SMART COMPUTING (BIGCOMP) (pp. 135-142). Retrieved from
Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection using Attribute Position Changes Count
Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F., & Lisitsa, A. (2017). Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection using Attribute Position Changes Count. In ICISSP: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY AND PRIVACY (pp. 95-100). doi:10.5220/0006166400950100
Automated Reasoning for Knot Semigroups and $$\pi $$ π -orbifold Groups of Knots
Lisitsa, A., & Vernitski, A. (2017). Automated Reasoning for Knot Semigroups and $$\pi $$ π -orbifold Groups of Knots. In Unknown Conference (pp. 3-18). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-72453-9_1
Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation Uppsala, Sweden, 29th April 2017 Preface
Lisitsa, A., Nemytykh, A. P., & Proietti, M. (2017). Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation Uppsala, Sweden, 29th April 2017 Preface. In ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (pp. 1-+). Retrieved from
User-to-User Recommendation using the Concept of Movement Patterns: A Study using a Dating Social Network
Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F., & Lisitsa, A. (2017). User-to-User Recommendation using the Concept of Movement Patterns: A Study using a Dating Social Network. In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (pp. 173-180). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. doi:10.5220/0006494601730180
Performance Analysis of Molecular Communication Model
Juhi, A., Kowalski, D. R., & Lisitsa, A. (2016). Performance Analysis of Molecular Communication Model. In 2016 IEEE 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOTECHNOLOGY (IEEE-NANO) (pp. 826-829). Retrieved from
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
Hamilton, G., Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2016). Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation. EPTCS 216, 2016. Retrieved from
Automated verification of programs and Web systems
ter Beek, M. H., Lisitsa, A., Nemytykh, A. P., & Ravara, A. (2016). Automated verification of programs and Web systems. JOURNAL OF LOGICAL AND ALGEBRAIC METHODS IN PROGRAMMING, 85(5), 653-654. doi:10.1016/j.jlamp.2016.06.005
A Statistical Approach to The Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation.
Coenen, F. P., lisitsa., & sedeeq. (2016). A Statistical Approach to The Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation..
A Statistical Approach to the Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation Steganography
Iman, S., Frans, C., & Alexei, L. (2016). A Statistical Approach to the Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation Steganography. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (pp. 522-527). SCITEPRESS - Science and and Technology Publications. doi:10.5220/0005801705220527
Efficient Knot Discrimination via Quandle Coloring with SAT and #-SAT
Fish, A., Lisitsa, A., Stanovsky, D., & Swartwood, S. (2016). Efficient Knot Discrimination via Quandle Coloring with SAT and #-SAT. In MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE, ICMS 2016 Vol. 9725 (pp. 51-58). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42432-3_7
Mining Frequent Movement Patterns in Large Networks: A Parallel Approach Using Shapes
Al-Zeyadi, M., Coenen, F., & Lisitsa, A. (2016). Mining Frequent Movement Patterns in Large Networks: A Parallel Approach Using Shapes. In Unknown Conference (pp. 53-67). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47175-4_4
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2nd April 2016 Preface
Hamilton, G., Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2016). Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2nd April 2016 Preface. In ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (pp. 1-+). Retrieved from
Finite Countermodel Based Verification for Program Transformation (A Case Study)
Lisitsa, A. P., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2015). Finite Countermodel Based Verification for Program Transformation (A Case Study). In EPTCS 199, 2015, pp. 15-32. Retrieved from
Lisitsa, A., Nemytykh, A. P., & Pettorossi, A. (Eds.) (n.d.). Unknown Title. In Unknown Book (Vol. 199). Open Publishing Association. doi:10.4204/eptcs.199
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
Lisitsa, A., Nemytykh, A. P., & Pettorossi, A. (2015). Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation. In EPTCS 199, 2015. Retrieved from
Computer-aided proof of Erdős discrepancy properties
Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2015). Computer-aided proof of Erdős discrepancy properties. Artificial Intelligence, 224, 103-118. doi:10.1016/j.artint.2015.03.004
A Combinatorial Approach to Knot Recognition
Fish, A., Lisitsa, A., & Stanovsky, D. (2015). A Combinatorial Approach to Knot Recognition. EMBRACING GLOBAL COMPUTING IN EMERGING ECONOMIES, EGC 2015, 514, 64-78. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25043-4_7
A Combinatorial Approach to Knot Recognition.
Fish, A., Lisitsa, A., & Stanovský, D. (2015). A Combinatorial Approach to Knot Recognition.. In R. Horne (Ed.), EGC Vol. 514 (pp. 64-78). Springer. Retrieved from
First-order logic for safety verification of hedge rewriting systems
Lisitsa, A. (2015). First-order logic for safety verification of hedge rewriting systems. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 72. doi:10.14279/tuj.eceasst.72.1020.1008
Verifying Temporal Properties of Reactive Systems by Transformation
Hamilton, G. (n.d.). Verifying Temporal Properties of Reactive Systems by Transformation. In Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 199 (pp. 33-49). Open Publishing Association. doi:10.4204/eptcs.199.3
WANG, T., GUAN, S. -U., MAN, K. L., TING, T. O., & LISITSA, A. (2014). OPTIMIZED NEURAL INCREMENTAL ATTRIBUTE LEARNING FOR CLASSIFICATION BASED ON STATISTICAL DISCRIMINABILITY. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 13(04), 1450019. doi:10.1142/s1469026814500199
The 'representative' metaheuristic design pattern
Swan, J., Kocsis, Z. A., & Lisitsa, A. (2014). The 'representative' metaheuristic design pattern. In Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Vol. 43 (pp. 1435-1436). ACM. doi:10.1145/2598394.2609842
Detecting Unknots via Equational Reasoning, I: Exploration
Fish, A., & Lisitsa, A. (2014). Detecting Unknots via Equational Reasoning, I: Exploration. INTELLIGENT COMPUTER MATHEMATICS, CICM 2014, 8543, 76-91. Retrieved from
A SAT Attack on the Erdos Discrepancy Conjecture
Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2014). A SAT Attack on the Erdos Discrepancy Conjecture. In THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF SATISFIABILITY TESTING - SAT 2014 Vol. 8561 (pp. 219-226). Retrieved from
A SAT Attack on the Erdős Discrepancy Conjecture.
Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2014). A SAT Attack on the Erdős Discrepancy Conjecture.. In C. Sinz, & U. Egly (Eds.), SAT Vol. 8561 (pp. 219-226). Springer. Retrieved from
Computer-Aided Proof of Erdos Discrepancy Properties.
Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2014). Computer-Aided Proof of Erdos Discrepancy Properties.. CoRR, abs/1405.3097.
Detecting Unknots via Equational Reasoning, I: Exploration.
Fish, A., & Lisitsa, A. (2014). Detecting Unknots via Equational Reasoning, I: Exploration.. In S. M. Watt, J. H. Davenport, A. P. Sexton, P. Sojka, & J. Urban (Eds.), CICM Vol. 8543 (pp. 76-91). Springer. Retrieved from
Formal Replay of Translation Validation for Highly Optimised C.
Sewell, T. (2014). Formal Replay of Translation Validation for Highly Optimised C.. In A. Lisitsa, & A. P. Nemytykh (Eds.), VPT@CAV Vol. 28 (pp. 99-111). EasyChair. Retrieved from
Local Driving in Higher-Order Positive Supercompilation via the Omega-theorem.
Hamilton, G. W., & Sørensen, M. H. (2014). Local Driving in Higher-Order Positive Supercompilation via the Omega-theorem.. In A. Lisitsa, & A. P. Nemytykh (Eds.), VPT@CAV Vol. 28 (pp. 36-51). EasyChair. Retrieved from
On Unfolding for Programs Using Strings as a Data Type.
Nemytykh, A. P. (2014). On Unfolding for Programs Using Strings as a Data Type.. In A. Lisitsa, & A. P. Nemytykh (Eds.), VPT@CAV Vol. 28 (pp. 66-83). EasyChair. Retrieved from
Program Verification using Constraint Handling Rules and Array Constraint Generalizations.
Angelis, E. D., Fioravanti, F., Pettorossi, A., & Proietti, M. (2014). Program Verification using Constraint Handling Rules and Array Constraint Generalizations.. In A. Lisitsa, & A. P. Nemytykh (Eds.), VPT@CAV Vol. 28 (pp. 3-18). EasyChair. Retrieved from
VPT 2014. Second International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation, July 17-18, 2014, Vienna, Austria, The workshop is an event of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 and it is co-located with the 26th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification CAV 2014
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (Eds.) (2014). VPT 2014. Second International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation, July 17-18, 2014, Vienna, Austria, The workshop is an event of the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 and it is co-located with the 26th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification CAV 2014. In VPT@CAV Vol. 28. EasyChair.
Autonomous Asteroid Exploration by Rational Agents
Lincoln, N. K., Veres, S. M., Dennis, L. A., Fisher, M., & Lisitsa, A. (2013). Autonomous Asteroid Exploration by Rational Agents. IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE MAGAZINE, 8(4), 25-38. doi:10.1109/MCI.2013.2279559
Practical Verification of Decision-Making in Agent-Based Autonomous Systems
Dennis, L., Fisher, M., Lincoln, N. K., Lisitsa, A., & Veres, S. M. (2014). Practical Verification of Decision-Making in Agent-Based Autonomous Systems. Automated Software Engineering, 23(3), 305-359. doi:10.1007/s10515-014-0168-9
'Bounded multi-hyperset theory and polynomial computability' (under re-working)
Lisitsa, A., & Sazonov, V. (2013). 'Bounded multi-hyperset theory and polynomial computability' (under re-working). Unknown Journal, 50+.
FCM verification method for Rewriting Logic
Lisitsa, A. (2013). FCM verification method for Rewriting Logic. TCS.
Finite Reasons for Safety
Lisitsa, A. (2013). Finite Reasons for Safety. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 51, Is(4), 431-451. Retrieved from
First-order theorem proving in the exploration of Andrews-Curtis conjecture.
Lisitsa, A. (2013). First-order theorem proving in the exploration of Andrews-Curtis conjecture.. Tiny Transactions on Computer Science, 2. Retrieved from
Tackling Fibonacci words puzzles by finite countermodels
Lisitsa, A. (2013). Tackling Fibonacci words puzzles by finite countermodels. In Fun with Formal Methods, Workshop affiliated with CAV 2013 (pp. 1-6). Saint-Petersburg: CAV Workshops. Retrieved from
TeStID: A High Performance Temporal Intrusion Detection System
Ahmed, A., Lisitsa, A., & Dixon, C. (2013). TeStID: A High Performance Temporal Intrusion Detection System. In Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (pp. unknown). unknown: IARIA.
VPT 2013. First International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. (Eds.) (2013). VPT 2013. First International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation. In VPT 2013. First International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation Vol. 16 (pp. i+87). Manchester: EPiC. Retrieved from
A Note on Program Specialization. What Can Syntactical Properties of Residual Programs Reveal?
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2012). A Note on Program Specialization. What Can Syntactical Properties of Residual Programs Reveal?. Retrieved from
Finite Models vs Tree Automata in Safety Verification.
Lisitsa, A. (2012). Finite Models vs Tree Automata in Safety Verification.. In A. Tiwari (Ed.), RTA 2012 - 23rd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (pp. 225-240). Nagoya: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
A misuse-based network Intrusion Detection System using Temporal Logic and stream processing
Ahmed, A., Lisitsa, A., & Dixon, C. (2011). A misuse-based network Intrusion Detection System using Temporal Logic and stream processing. In 2011 5th International Conference on Network and System Security Vol. 3089 (pp. 1-8). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icnss.2011.6059953
Finite countermodels for safety verification of parameterized tree systems
Lisitsa, A. (2011). Finite countermodels for safety verification of parameterized tree systems. Retrieved from
First-order finite satisfiability vs tree automata in safety verification
Lisitsa, A. (2011). First-order finite satisfiability vs tree automata in safety verification. Retrieved from
Planarity of Knots, Register Automata and LogSpace Computability
Lisitsa, A., Potapov, I., & Saleh, R. (2011). Planarity of Knots, Register Automata and LogSpace Computability. In LANGUAGE AND AUTOMATA THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Vol. 6638 (pp. 366-377). Retrieved from
Finite Model Finding for Parameterized Verification
Lisitsa, A. (2010). Finite Model Finding for Parameterized Verification. Retrieved from
Satellite Control Using Rational Agent Programming
Dennis, L., Fisher, M., Lisitsa, A., Lincoln, N., & Veres, S. (2010). Satellite Control Using Rational Agent Programming. IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 25(3), 92-97. doi:10.1109/MIS.2010.88
On one application of computations with oracle
Lisitsa, A. P., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2010). On one application of computations with oracle. Programming and Computer Software, 36(3), 157-165. doi:10.1134/s0361768810030047
Agent Based Approaches to Engineering Autonomous Space Software
Dennis, L. A., Fisher, M., Lincoln, N., Lisitsa, A., & Veres, S. M. (2010). Agent Based Approaches to Engineering Autonomous Space Software. In EPTCS 20, 2010, pp. 63-67. Retrieved from
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
Bouajjani, A., & Chin, W. -N. (Eds.) (2010). Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis. In . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15643-4
On the Computational Power of Querying the History
Lisitsa, A., & Potapov, I. (2009). On the Computational Power of Querying the History. FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE, 91(2), 395-409. doi:10.3233/FI-2009-0049
On Descriptional Complexity of the Planarity Problem for Gauss Words
Kurlin, V., Lisitsa, A., Potapov, I., & Saleh, R. (2009). On Descriptional Complexity of the Planarity Problem for Gauss Words. Retrieved from
Automata on Gauss Words
Lisitsa, A., Potapov, I., & Saleh, R. (2009). Automata on Gauss Words. In LANGUAGE AND AUTOMATA THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Vol. 5457 (pp. 505-517). doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00982-2_43
Temporal Verification of Fault-Tolerant Protocols
Fisher, M., Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2009). Temporal Verification of Fault-Tolerant Protocols. In METHODS, MODELS AND TOOLS FOR FAULT TOLERANCE Vol. 5454 (pp. 44-56). Retrieved from
Reachability as deducibility, finite countermodels and verification
Lisitsa, A. (2009). Reachability as deducibility, finite countermodels and verification. In L. O'Reilly, & M. Roggenbach (Eds.), Ninth International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (pp. 241-244). Gergynog Conference Centre: Swansea University.
Practical first-order temporal reasoning
Dixon, C., Fisher, M., Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2008). Practical first-order temporal reasoning. In TIME 2008: 15TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TEMPORAL REPRESENTATION AND REASONING, PROCEEDINGS (pp. 156-163). doi:10.1109/TIME.2008.15
LISITSA, A., & NEMYTYKH, A. P. (2008). REACHABILITY ANALYSIS IN VERIFICATION VIA SUPERCOMPILATION. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 19(04), 953-969. doi:10.1142/s0129054108006066
A logic with temporally accessible iteration
Lisitsa, A. (2008). A logic with temporally accessible iteration. Retrieved from
Extracting Bugs from the Failed Proofs in Verification via Supercompilation
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2008). Extracting Bugs from the Failed Proofs in Verification via Supercompilation. In B. Beckert, & R. Hahnle (Eds.), Tests and Proofs, TAP 2008 Vol. 5 (pp. 49-65). Prato: Univesitat Koblenz-Landau.
Probabilistic Model Checking in Neural Cryptography. Preliminary report.
Lisitsa, A. (2008). Probabilistic Model Checking in Neural Cryptography. Preliminary report.. In A. Aldini, & C. Baier (Eds.), 6th Workshop on Qunatitative Aspects of Programming Languages (pp. 47-50). Budapest: etaps.
Supercompilation for Equivalence Testing in Metamorphic Computer Viruses Detection
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2008). Supercompilation for Equivalence Testing in Metamorphic Computer Viruses Detection. In First International Workshop on Metacomputation in Russia, META'2008 (pp. 94-112). Pereslavl-Zalessky: Fizmatlit.
Verification as Specialization of Interpreters with Respect to Data
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2008). Verification as Specialization of Interpreters with Respect to Data. In First International Workshop on Metacomputation in Russia, META'2008 (pp. 94-112). Pereslavl-Zalessky: Fizmatlit.
Efficient First-Order Temporal Logic for Infinite-State Systems
Dixon, C., Fisher, M., Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2007). Efficient First-Order Temporal Logic for Infinite-State Systems. Retrieved from
Verification as a parameterized testing (experiments with the SCP4 supercompiler)
Lisitsa, A. P., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2007). Verification as a parameterized testing (experiments with the SCP4 supercompiler). Programming and Computer Software, 33(1), 14-23. doi:10.1134/s0361768807010033
A Note on Specialization of Interpreters
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (n.d.). A Note on Specialization of Interpreters. In Unknown Conference (pp. 237-248). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-74510-5_25
Reachability Analysis in Verification via Supercompilation
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. (2007). Reachability Analysis in Verification via Supercompilation. In M. Hirvensalo, V. Halava, I. Potapov, & J. Kari (Eds.), Workshop on Reachability Problems Vol. 45 (pp. 53-67). Turku: Painosalama Oy.
In time alone: On the computational power of querying the history
Lisitsa, A., & Potapov, I. (2006). In time alone: On the computational power of querying the history. In TIME 2006: THIRTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TEMPORAL REPRESENTATION AND REASONING, PROCEEDINGS (pp. 42-+). Retrieved from
Logic in Artificial Intelligence
Fisher, M., van der Hoek, W., Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (Eds.) (2006). Logic in Artificial Intelligence. In 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006 Vol. 4160 (pp. 516). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Logics in Artificial Intelligence
Fisher, M., van der Hoek, W., Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (Eds.) (2006). Logics in Artificial Intelligence. In . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/11853886
Practical Infinite State Verification with Temporal Reasoning
Fisher, M., Lisitsa, A., & Konev, B. (2006). Practical Infinite State Verification with Temporal Reasoning. In E. CLarke, M. Minea, & F. L. Tiplea (Eds.), Verification of Infinite-State Systems with Applications to Security (pp. 91-100). Timisoara: IOS Press.
On temporal logic between between propositional and first-order
Lisitsa, A., Potapov, I., & et al. (2005). On temporal logic between between propositional and first-order. In S. S. Goncharov (Ed.), The 9th Asian Logic Conference (pp. 101-102). Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University. Retrieved from
Practical Infinite-State Verification with Temporal Reasoning
Fisher, M., Konev, B., & Lisitsa, A. (2005). Practical Infinite-State Verification with Temporal Reasoning. In E. M. Clarke, M. Minea, & F. L. Tiplea (Eds.), NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Verification of Infinite State Systems with Applications to Security VISSAS 2005" (pp. 91-100). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Towards verification via supercompilation
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. (2005). Towards verification via supercompilation. In 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'05) (pp. 9-10 Vol. 1). IEEE. doi:10.1109/compsac.2005.159
Universality in temporal logic extended by predicate abstraction
Lisitsa, A. (2005). Universality in temporal logic extended by predicate abstraction. In J. -Y. Beziau, & A. Costa-Leite (Eds.), UNILOG'05 (pp. 76). Montreux: Swiss Acaemy of Science.
Verification of parameterized systems using supercompilation
Lisitsa, A., & Nemytykh, A. P. (2005). Verification of parameterized systems using supercompilation. In Third Workshop on Applied Semantics (APPSEM 2005) (pp. 22-32). Frauenchiemsee: University of Munich.
Temporal logic with predicate λ-abstraction.
Lisitsa, A., & Potapov, I. (2005). Temporal logic with predicate λ-abstraction.. In 12TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TEMPORAL REPRESENTATION AND REASONING, PROCEEDINGS (pp. 147-155). doi:10.1109/TIME.2005.34
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2004
Fiala, J., Koubek, V., & Kratochvíl, J. (Eds.) (2004). Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2004. In . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/b99679
Monodic ASMs and temporal verification
Fisher, M., & Lisitsa, A. (2004). Monodic ASMs and temporal verification. In ABSTRACT STATE MACHINES 2004: ADVANCES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE, PROCEEDINGS Vol. 3052 (pp. 95-110). Retrieved from
Deductive Verification of Cache Coherence Protocols
Fisher, M., & Lisitsa, A. (2003). Deductive Verification of Cache Coherence Protocols. In M. Leuschel, S. Gruner, & S. Lo Presti (Eds.), AVOCS 2003 (pp. 177-186). Southampton: University of Southampton.
Searching for invariants using temporal resolution
Brotherston, J., Degtyarev, A., Fisher, M., & Lisitsa, A. (2002). Searching for invariants using temporal resolution. In 9th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) Vol. 2514 (pp. 16). Tbilisi: Springer-Verlag.
Degtyarev, A., Fisher, M., & Lisitsa, A. (2002). Unknown Title. Studia Logica, 72(2), 147-156. doi:10.1023/a:1021352309671