Photo of Dr Simon Fairfax

Dr Simon Fairfax MMath, PhD, MIMA, SFHEA

Lecturer Mathematical Sciences


Personal Statement

I am currently a Lecturer at the University of Liverpool (since 2018) on the Teaching and Scholarship pathway. I completed my PhD at Swansea University in 2013 in the area of noncommutative geometry. I'm interested in a broad range of mathematical topics. My teaching focusses on developing mathematical IT skills in S1 and financial mathematics in S2. I offer MSc projects mainly in pure mathematics.

I am currently the Chair of the Board of Examiners in the Department of Mathematical Sciences (Since 2019).

My scholarship focusses on:

(a) Authentic assessment - embedded employability. Enhancing the mathematics programme by introducing work-related activities.
- I have developed employer themed projects in two large modules.
- I introduced digital story telling into the assessment strategies of my teaching which promote reflective practice & improve career-readiness.
- I support other Module Coordinators with their own versions of employability themed tasks.
- I have submitted an article to MSOR Connections (Special Edition) which details my approach and the results of my latest evaluation.

(b) The internationalisation of the mathematics curriculum.
- I have established the International Linked Project which connects local students with students from our partnership university currently based overseas.
- I have designed assessment which allows students to explore international aspects of financial mathematics developing a wider awareness.

(c) Active learning in flipped classrooms.
- I have developed gapped notes for my teaching to allow time for student participation during lectures.
- I use a PC Tablet to improve the quality and effectiveness of the learning resources.
- I use polling software to encourage engagement during lectures.

Prizes or Honours

  • Learning Teaching and Student Experience Award (University of Liverpool, 2020)