Research and Impact Committee

Committee description

Secretary: Michelle Keeley-Adamson, Email: 

The Committee is a committee of Council and should act on Council’s behalf to do detailed work and thinking in the following relevant areas:

  1. To be responsible to the Senate and the Council for the implementation of the Research and Impact key priorities of the University’s Strategic Plan and for this purpose to liaise with other relevant committees.
  2. To oversee the development and implementation of strategies, policies and frameworks within planning units designed to promote research at international and world-leading standards across all disciplines in the University. To oversee the enhancement of the University research environment in support of these objectives, including research staff development and consideration of the PGR student experience.
  3. In collaboration with the University’s Education Committee, to oversee and monitor performance of strategies and plans to enhance the Student Experience of the University’s Postgraduate Research (PGR) students.
  4. To oversee the implementation and roll-out at Faculty level of the University of Liverpool Research and Impact Strategy - to be proactive in supporting and identifying research areas or themes in which the University might further develop capacity.
  5. To monitor detail and comment on performance and risk in relation to research and impact.
  6. To contribute to the setting of strategic direction and institutional planning parameters as part of the Planning and Performance Cycle. To comment upon planning unit strategies in respect of their contribution to achieving institutional research and impact ambitions.
  7. To continue to raise the profile of impact and knowledge exchange as a core activity of the University and to develop and promote policies to enhance the University’s activities in this area in line with Strategy 2031
  8. To advise the Planning and Resources Committee on resourcing issues related to the resourcing of research, impact and knowledge exchange.

Reporting Relationships

The Research and Impact Committee reports to Senate and Council and to Finance and Resources Committee in relation to planning and resource allocation matters.

Frequency of Meetings

The Research and Impact Committee usually meets on four occasions during the academic year.


The quorum for meetings of the Research and Impact Committee shall be one third of the membership, including at least one lay member of the Council.

Members or key people

Ex Officio Members

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact (Chair)

Professor Anthony Hollander

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement and Partnerships

Professor Tariq Ali

The Executive Pro-Vice-Chancellors*

Health and Life Sciences

Professor Louise Kenny

Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Fiona Beveridge

Science and Engineering

Professor Wiebe van der Hoek

The Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellors for Research and Impact

Health and Life Sciences

Professor Claire Eyers

Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Farida Vis

Science and Engineering

Dr Laura Harkness Brennan

The Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Research Environment and Postgraduate Research

Professor Georgina Endfield

The Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Director of ICSR

Professor Katie Atkinson

The Director of Research, Partnerships and Innovation

Sarah Jackson

Head of Research and Impact Strategy

Julia Keyton

The University Librarian

Dr Matthew Greenhall

Director of Strategic Planning

Phil Hopwood

Assistant Director, Research Partnerships and Development

Lynsey Keig

Appointed Members

Lay members of the Council, appointed by Council

Mark Proctor (2023-2026)


Dr Kashmir Gill (2023 – 2026)


Barry Flynn (2023 – 2026)

Student Representative Officer

Othman Ibrahim

A post-doctoral colleague representative

Dr Rishav Agarwal

*Either EPVCs or APVCs can attend

At the request of the Chair, the following members will be asked to attend meetings as and when required:

The Director of External Relations, Marketing and Communication

Tim Seamans 

Director, The Academy

James Howard

Other members may be co-opted or invited to attend for specific meetings at the discretion of the Committee.

Meeting dates

Tuesday 1 October 2024
Wednesday 15 January 2025
Wednesday 5 March 2025
Wednesday 11 June 2025


A full schedule of Committee meeting dates can be viewed here.