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Neil Jackson is an architect and architectural historian and Professor Emeritus in the School of Architecture. He was the Charles Reilly Professor of Architecture from 2005 to 2020 and previously the Hoffman Wood Professor of Architectural Engineering at the University of Leeds (2000-2005). He has also taught architecture and architectural history at the University of Nottingham (1990-2000) and at the California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, California (1985-1990). From 2010 to 2020, he was Professorial Research Associate in the Japanese Research Centre at SOAS (the School of African and Oriental Studies), University of London. In 2009-11 he was the recipient of a Major Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust and in 2013 was a Guest Scholar at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles, California. He has published books on contemporary architecture (The Modern Steel House, 1996), California Architecture (Craig Ellwood, 2002; Pierre Koenig, 2007; Pierre Koenig: A View from the Archive, 2019), Japanese architecture (Japan and the West: An Architectural Dialogue, 2019), Victorian architecture (Nineteenth-century Bath, Architects and Architecture, 1991, 1998; Saltaire: The Making of a Model Town, 2010) and Arts and Crafts architecture (F W Troup, Architect, 1985). He has received research awards from, amongst others, the AHRC, the British Academy, the Graham Foundation, the RIBA, the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, the Japan Foundation Endowment Committee and the Society of Antiquaries of London, and was awarded the Sir Banister Fletcher Prize (2003), now renamed the Art Book Prize, for his book on Craig Ellwood and the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain's Hawksmoor Essay Medal for his work on F W Troup (1983). He has previously sat on the main committees of the Victorian Society, DoCoMoMo UK and the Twentieth Century Society, as well as serving on the Post-war Listed Buildings Steering Group at English Heritage. He has been a Trustee for DoCoMoMo UK and the Twentieth Century Society and is currently, until 2021, a Trustee and President of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain. He has recently taken over as Chair of the Victorian Society Events Committee.

Prizes or Honours

  • Professorial Research Associate, SOAS (Japan Research Centre, SOAS, 2009)
  • C20 Society Trustee (C20 Society, 2007)
  • 49th Sir Banister Fletcher Award (Authors' Club, 2003)

Funded Fellowships

  • Getty Conservation Institute Guest Scholar (Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California, 2013)
  • Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship (Leverhulme Trust, 2008)