Photo of Dr Lixian Qian

Dr Lixian Qian BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA

Professor XJTLU Administration


Selected Publications

  1. The role of values and ethics in influencing consumers’ intention to use autonomous vehicle hailing services (Journal article - 2023)
  2. Dynamic consumer preferences for electric vehicles in China: A longitudinal approach (Journal article - 2023)
  3. Bid price controls for car rental network revenue management (Journal article - 2023)
  4. Complementary or Congruent? The Effect of Hosting Tesla Charging Stations on Hotels’ Revenue (Journal article - 2023)
  5. Buy, lease, or share? Consumer preferences for innovative business models in the market for electric vehicles (Journal article - 2021)
  6. Understanding the potential adoption of autonomous vehicles in China: The perspective of behavioral reasoning theory (Journal article - 2021)
  7. On the heterogeneity in consumer preferences for electric vehicles across generations and cities in China (Journal article - 2021)
  8. The impact of service and government-policy attributes on consumer preferences for electric vehicles in China (Journal article - 2019)
  9. From value co-creation to value co-destruction? The case of dockless bike sharing in China (Journal article - 2019)
  10. Sharing Sustainability: How Values and Ethics Matter in Consumers' Adoption of Public Bicycle-Sharing Scheme (Journal article - 2018)