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After completing a tenure of 11 years as Associate Dean UG in the Management School (ULMS), I am currently Faculty Quality Assurance lead and developing international partnerships in the School.
I am Chair of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Review of Subject Benchmark Statements for Business and Management.
I have been in ULMS since its establishment in 2002, and before then joined the University of Liverpool as part of the (then) Football Research Unit in the Dept of History. My background was as a linguist with research interests in cultural, political and linguistic aspects of European and South American football. I still believe that learning a language offers a rich intercultural experience and I speak Spanish, French, Italian and more recently some (very basic!) Russian and Ukrainian.
As Associate Dean in ULMS (2010-2021) I was responsible for the strategic oversight of the ULMS undergraduate portfolio of programmes, and all aspects of the undergraduate student experience in ULMS.
I have presented many conference papers on various aspects of learning and teaching, with a particular focus on transnational education, student employability and enhancing the success of students from widening participation backgrounds.
As Associate Dean I represented the School and Faculty on many institutional committees, including the Student Experience Committee, Academic Quality and Standards Committee, University Approvals Panels, Collaborative Provision Committee and Assessment and Feedback Working Group. I have also undertaken a range of Internal Periodic Reviews across the institution.
I am currently leading the University's Academic Integrity Working Group in a review of the institution's AI Policy.
In September 2021 I was elected to Senate as one of the representatives for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. I feel humbled and honoured to represent the Faculty and am committed to ensuring that staff have a voice in the ethical governance of the University.