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Physics courses
Be inspired by our Physics programmes.
- Astrophysics MPhys
- Astrophysics with a Year Abroad MPhys
- Mathematical Physics MMath
- Mathematical Physics with a Year Abroad MMath
- Physical Sciences (4 year route including a Foundation Year at Carmel College) BSc (Hons)
- Physics BSc (Hons)
- Physics MPhys
- Physics and Mathematics BSc (Hons)
- Physics and Mathematics with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Astronomy BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Astronomy with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Geophysics BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Medical Applications BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Medical Applications with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Nuclear Science BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Nuclear Science with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
- Physics with a Year Abroad BSc (Hons)
- Physics with a Year Abroad MPhys
- Theoretical Physics MPhys
- Theoretical Physics with a Year Abroad MPhys
- Radiometrics: Instrumentation and Modelling MSc
- Physics MPhil / PhD
- Beam gas curtain monitor for the High Luminosity LHC
- Developing Sustainable Beam Diagnostics for Particle Accelerators
- Instrumentation studies for AWAKE Run 2c
- Optoelectronic Artificial Synapses Using Solar Cell Materials for Neuromorphic Computing
- PhD in Carbon Nanotube-Based Ultra-Compact Particle Accelerators
- Realization of a Cherenkov-Diffraction Radiation based Outcoupling Scheme for Beam Diagnostic Applications
- STFC-funded project in Theoretical Physics
- Solution synthesis of multi-anion functional materials
- Continuing education offers a diverse range of courses, lectures and events, drawing on the experience and expertise of the University's academic community. Courses are open to all, regardless of qualifications or purpose for study.
- We don't currently offer continuing education courses in this subject area. Visit continuing education for all courses now available.
- Continuing professional development (CPD) offers a wide range of workforce development and training programmes, designed to maximise professional potential.
- Alpha Spectrometry (PHYS806)
- High Resolution Gamma Spectrometry (PHYS804)
- Neutrons: Detection and Modelling (PHYS807)
- Nuclear Instrumentation (PHYS808)
- Radiation Protection and Dosimetry (PHYS810)
- Radiation Shielding (PHYS820)
- Statistics, Data Collection and Analysis (PHYS811)
Being original
We are the original redbrick. Find out what being original means to our students and what it could mean for you.
Physics gives you a chance to explain how the world works – from the really small atomic scale to the really large.
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We are ideas that inspire, and a culture that moves. Minds that never rest, in a city that never sleeps. Study with us, and get immersed.