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Elena Musi

Dr Elena Musi


+44 (0)151 795 7834 Ext. 57834

Professional Activities

Program lead for the MSc in Data Science and Communication
Academic lead for the cluster New Forms of Data in the ESRC Methods North West Social Science Doctoral Training
Academic lead for employability at the Department of Communication and Media
Academic co-lead of the Big data and Digital inclusion sub-theme of the Centre for Digital Humanities & Social Sciences (DigHumSS)
Consultant for the company ContactEngine ( supervise and advice the development of augmented technology projects with special reference to conversational AI
Associate Member of the Center for Argument Technology

External Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Scientific committee workshop Figlang, Invited
  • Program Committee COMMA Conference 2024 (Computational Models of Arguments), Invited
  • External examiner for Lucas Anastasiou's viva at Open University (Knowledge Media Institute), Invited (The Open University, 2023 - present)
  • Member of the program committee of the User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization conference (UMAP) 2023, Limassol (Cyprus), June 26-30 2023. (2023)
  • Program Committee of Figurative Language Workshop (FigLang 2022)
  • Program Commitee CMNA workshop, Invited
  • Scientific Program Commitee for SigDial Conference ( September 7, 2022 - September 9, 2022) (2022)
  • Research Affiliates at Lancar (Language and Cognition in Argumentation)
  • associate member of ArgTech (Center for Argument Technology)
  • Faculty Board of the Doctoral Program in Brain, Mind and Computer Science
  • ECA steering commitee
  • Memeber scientific committee doctoral School "Brain, mind and computer science"
  • scientific committee ARGAGE (Argumentation and Language) conference
  • Methods North West Doctoral School (North West Doctoral Training Centre)