School of Environmental Sciences Postgraduate Research Conference 13-14 May 2024
Welcome to the School of Environmental Sciences Annual Postgraduate Research Conference 2024
It is a pleasure to welcome back our annual PGR conference, an event that has been a milestone in our School since its creation. In the previous years, this conference has been part of the annual progression, showcasing the exciting research undertaking across the school. Now, it is an event that brings us together, from different disciplines to learn from each other.
I would like very much to thank the organising committee for their time, effort and creativity in proposing a new format for our SoES PGR conference 2024. Day 1 - Jane Herdman Building, (Map Library & Lecture Theatre, 1st floor), The Caledonia Pub (Pint of Research Social) Day 2 - Hilton Liverpool City Centre (The Grace Suite).
We will also have the pleasure to host external speakers from outside academia. There will be celebrations, pizzas, drinks, and prizes. Looking forward to seeing you all at the conference.