Woman studying in a library

About us

The Centre for Teaching Excellence in Language Learning builds on our creative environment to develop innovation in language teaching throughout the University and beyond.

Our aims

  • Ensure that all language teaching is underpinned by research in language acquisition
  • Coordinate and develop innovation in language teaching throughout the University and beyond
  • Facilitate collaboration across departments for pedagogical projects and investigations into language learning processes
  • Share expertise, scholarship and research from language teaching staff and researchers across the University, including the English Language Centre, the departments of Modern Languages and Cultures and Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, Continuing Education and the Confucius Institute
  • To develop networks, synergies, events and activities to share good practice and develop research and scholarship
  • To provide a framework to professionalise language teaching across the University and to position teaching and scholarship staff as leaders in education at the University of Liverpool
  • Promote and develop cooperation with schools in the North West through 'Routes into Languages' events, student ambassador schemes and taster sessions
  • To lead innovation in language pedagogy at both a national and international level. 

Contact Us

For more information on our language teaching or current projects, please contact us: ctell1@liverpool.ac.uk.

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