Technicians Network events

Upcoming events

We are Technicians #4 - Wednesday 18 December 2024

We are excited to announce our annual "We are Technicians" Christmas event. It will be on Wednesday, 18 December, 12.30pm until 4.30pm in the Teaching Hub Building 502, Lecture Room 4. There will be a series of presentations highlighting the diverse range of technical staff and roles across the organisation as well as a talk from a successful applicant on their experience of applying for the RTP pathway. There will also be a Christmas quiz and the best Christmas jumper competition as well as refreshments and mince pies.


Previous events

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5 Year Event - 4 September 2024

Celebrated 5 years of the technical network. There were talks from the following:

  • Past and present chairs talked about how the network has developed and what it has achieved throughout the 5 years.
  • Matt Davis talked about the Technical Steering Group
  • Julie Ledder talked about the Research Technical Pathway (RTP)
  • Joan Ward from IST talked about professional registration including creative arts
  • Current Network group had an open discussion / question and answer session from the technical workforce on what they would like from the Technical Network.


Technical Workplace Tour - Architectural model-making facilities

5 March 2024 at 11am one hour tour will include a walkaround of our facilities, featuring a model-making workshop (tools and machinery), Print Media Design Suite (3D printers, wide format plotters, scanner, drawing boards), laser cutter suite, CNC router room, Art Material Store and an inspirational wall of architectural models.

Tung Auditorium Workplace tour - Tuesday 27 February and Tuesday 5 March 2024

The tour included a walkaround of our facilities, featuring a model-making workshop (tools and machinery), Print Media Design Suite (3D printers, wide format plotters, scanner, drawing boards), laser cutter suite, CNC router room, Art Material Store and an inspirational wall of architectural models.

We are Technicians #3 - 20 December 2023

There were interesting talks from technicians across the university about what we as technicians do, there was also be an update on the NTDC skills survey and a Christmas quiz!

Technical Network Workplace Tours

Technical Network Workplace Tours - various dates

Highlighting the work of the Technicians in the Active Learning lab and workshop with undergraduates.

Showing the Engineering workshop facilities, including robotic CNC and waterjet cutter, as well as Formula Student, Arion bike and other Capstone projects.

We also hosted a tour around the Small Animal Teaching Hospital. Seeing over 12,000 appointments per year, this is one of the largest and most advanced hospitals built for small animals in Europe, seeing referral appointments from far and wide.


University of Liverpool Technical Showcase Event - 30 March 2023

Watch the video walkthrough from our Technical Showcase Event and download more images here: Technical Showcase 2023


We Are Technicians #2 - Wednesday 14 December 2022

Find resources from our three talks here:

Dr George Anyfantis is the Senior Technician and Deputy Manager for the Technical Team of the Life Sciences Teaching Labs. He talks about the team and the students they support.

Karen Ryan has worked at the university almost 10 years. She is a Grade 5 core technician working in IVES in Ronald Ross in the department of Clinical Infection, Microbiology and Immunology.

Her presentation is about the 3 secondment opportunities working at Grade 5 from Grade 3 over the last 6 years in IVES and ISMIB.

Karen Ryan We Are Technicians presentation

Kelly Eyre is a Veterinary Nurse working for a research project into how cats age, as part of the Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences. Download her presentation to find out about her role, which she has worked in since 2017.

Kelly Eyre presentation

Career Development and Progression - Wednesday 30 March 2022

This event was organised by the Technical Network Steering Group and Jan Brett, Chair of the Network. Below you can access a recording of the presentations.

Order of play

To find the presentation that you would like to watch, please navigate to the point in the recording as indicated below:

  • Welcome and Introduction with Jan Brett Chair of Network and Technical Development and Planning Officer, Technology, Infrastructure and Environment Directorate (up until 5mins 8s)
  • Career Planning and Development presented by Matt Davis Organisational Developer, The Academy (starting at 5mins 9s)
  • Career Paths and Transferrable skills presented by Paul Gilbert Technical Manager Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences (starting at 35mins 12s)
  • Professional Registration and its benefits presented by Sarah Northey Senior Technician, Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences (starting at 1hour 5mins 29s)
  • Herschel Leadership for women- an overview presented by Valentina Iorio Technical Team Leader, School of Life Sciences (starting at 1hour 22mins 20s)
  • Teaching Qualifications for Technical staff presented by Tony Topping Learning Technologist, School of Engineering (starting at 1hour 37mins 45s)

Watch the video

We Are Technicians - December 2021

Watch the presentations

This event was organised by the Technical Network Steering Group and Jan Brett, Chair of the Network. Below you can access a recording of the presentations.

Order of play

To find the presentation that you would like to watch, please navigate to the point in the recording as indicated below:

  • Introduction to the event (up until 6mins 39s)
  • John Cameron, Farm Manager, School of Veterinary Sciences: Introducing the Farm Technicians (starting at 6mins 40s)
  • Technicians in the Faculty of Histories, Languages and Cultures: Welcome to Histories, Languages and Cultures (starting at 20mins 26s)
  • Marc Bratley, Team Leader, School of Engineering: Technicians working in The School of Engineering (starting at 30mins 21s)
  • Carmen Pilkington, Team Leader, School of Environmental Sciences: Meet the Environmental Sciences Technical team (starting at 49mins 44s)