Students engaging and talking with one another.

What is Thrive?

Thrive is a research project dedicated to redefining how research teams operate with a special focus on encouraging greater diversity and inclusivity.

Thrive: shaping the future of research teams    

The University of Liverpool has joined forces with Advance HE and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to launch Thrive - a two-year project funded by Research England.  

This project is dedicated to redefining how research teams operate, with a special focus on encouraging greater diversity and inclusivity. The project aims to develop and define a new model of team-based working and to pilot the model through a live funding call with AHRC.  

How it works 

The project team are committed to developing the model collaboratively, and extensive engagement will be a core part of the project. We will work with colleagues from universities, non-HEI (Higher Education Institute) partner organisations, research institutions and funding bodies to develop a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities of team-led research and to identify best practice examples. These findings will be used to inform a funding call to be led by AHRC where a new model will be piloted.  

The end goal is to develop a more positive, inclusive and respectful culture that breaks down silos and fosters cross-functional relationships that are built on trust and communication.  

The vision

The goal of Thrive is to cultivate a research culture that's positive, inclusive, and respectful.  

More about Thrive


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