Mathematics Club


Next Time in Maths Club: 25th March 2017

Paradoxical Paradoxes: Daniel Colquitt

Contrary to popular belief, there are very few paradoxes in Mathematics. In this talk, we will sift through some popular paradoxes and sort the "true" paradoxes from those that simply masquerade as such. We will also touch on the greatest paradox in Mathematics: G�del's incompleteness theorem.

 TBC: Barry Grantham

Coming Soon

22nd April 2017 TBC - David Lewis/TBC - Colin Wright

2016/17 Archive

25th February 2017   Dungeon Master's Dice (and other probability problems) - Ian Thompson
 The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg and other Networks - Lonnie Readioff
28th January 2017   Magic Rectangles - Joel Haddley
 Needle in the World Wide Haystack - Anna Pratoussevitch
26th November 2016   Modelling with Mathematics - Sue Harkness
 Simple Additive Number Theory - David Lewis
29th October 2016   How Symmetrical is Your Cuboid? - Robin McLean
 Necessary vs Sufficient - Colin Wright
1st October 2016   Cookies - Peter Giblin
 A Hard Sell? - Sam Tickle

Link to older archive of talks