Goal 15: Life on land

The earth is our home and nature provides the air that we breathe, regulates the weather, produces food, medicines and allows the pollination of crops. The majority of the earth’s surface has been changed by human intervention, thus wildlife habitats and nature are being reduced.

Approximately one million animal and plant species could be faced with extinction according to the 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service. Biodiversity and ecosystems have been adversely affected by climate change, pollution, deforestation, and action is needed to protect animals and plants species.

Deforestation and desertification impact so many citizens in the world. Land restoration is needed in the most affected countries. However, the situation impacts all nations and globally much work is needed to ensure that animals and plants species are protected.

Find out more about Goal 15: Life on land.

Teaching and learning

Life on land affects us all and at the University of Liverpool, students are able to explore this topic from a number of different perspectives within course modules.  Examples of course modules that have a direct or indirect focus on Life on land (as assessed by students) include:

We recognise that there is much more to do to equip students with the knowledge and skills that they need to make a contribution to achieving this global goal. Working with the Guild of Students our undergraduates and postgraduates have the opportunity to audit their curriculum modules for their relevance to SDG15: Life on land and to make recommendations for changes to the course content. For more information on how students can get involved see the Guild curriculum audit report.

The University has also established a Biodiversity Action Group. This group brings together academics, students and representatives from the Centre for Innovation in Education to develop a strategic plan for embedding SDGs into the curriculum including SDG15.

There are also a number of ways that students can support the aims and objectives of SDG15 through extra-curricular activities, including volunteering opportunities provided by the Guild of Students.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

The University contributes to the identification of the root problems regarding Life on Land and the potential solutions across many areas of research.  Some key examples are:

Leadership, governance and professional services

Examples of leadership, governance and professional services include:

  • Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey - The university recently went through its largest ecological assessment to understand biodiversity across the main university sites: Main Campus, Leahurst Campus, Ness Botanic Gardens and Greenbank Residential Village. Under the survey, habitats were mapped and features of ecological value recorded as target notes; any evidence of protected or non-native invasive plant species were also be noted. In parallel with the extended Phase 1 habitat survey, a ground-based assessment of the trees and external inspection of buildings within the site was also be undertaken to determine their suitability to support roosting bats.  The outcome of the ecological assessment work will be used by the Biodiversity Action Group to develop the University’s Biodiversity Policy and Biodiversity Action Plan; this, in turn, will be used to monitor performance and inform the University’s approach to demonstrating compliance.
  • Rare Orchid and Relaxed Mowing Schedule to Support Wildflower and Pollinators
  • Gold accredited member of the Hedgehog friendly campus scheme
  • Pledge to plant 1,000 trees on campus
  • Beekeeping, gardening and grow your own food opportunities at the Guild
  • Ness Botanic Gardens, which is host to a wide variety of amphibians, birds, insects, mammals and reptiles, producing a diverse system of ecological niches.

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