Goal 3: Good health and wellbeing

Goal 3: Good health and wellbeing

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all is essential to sustainable development. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused devastation worldwide fulling fear and anguish for many affecting their physical and mental health.

Prior to COVID-19, some improvements had been observed, for example, people living longer and the reduction in diseases linked to child and maternal mortality.

In order to try and improve the health status of many citizens of the world, certain diseases need to be eliminated, a better provision of health care, with access to doctors, is required and infrastructure improvements could help with sanitation and hygiene.

Some countries had already prepared for a health emergency, like a pandemic, and yet other countries found themselves unprepared. A global consensus is required to ensure adequate preparation is in place for future pandemics and with the ability to protect and provide healthcare for all.

Learn more about Goal 3.

Teaching and learning

Good health and wellbeing is an aim for us all and achieving this aim is complex. At the University of Liverpool, students are able to explore these causes and solutions from a number of different perspectives within course modules. Examples of course modules that have a direct or indirect focus on Good Health and Well Being (as assessed by students) include:

We recognise that there is much more to do to equip students with the knowledge and skills that they need to make a contribution to achieving this global goal. Working with the Guild of Students our undergraduate and postgraduate students have the opportunity to audit their curriculum modules for their relevance to SDG3: Good health and wellbeing and to make recommendations for changes to the course content.  For more information on how students can get involved see the Guild curriculum audit report.

The University has also established a Culture and Community Working Group. This group brings together academics, students and representatives from our Centre for Innovation in Education to develop a strategic plan for embedding SDGs into the curriculum including SDG3.

There are also a number of ways that students can support the aims and objectives of SDG3 through extra-curricula activities, including through volunteering opportunities provided by the Guild of Students.

Research and knowledge exchange

The University contributes to the identification of achieving good health and wellbeing and the potential solutions across many areas of research. Some key examples are:

Leadership, governance and professional services

Examples of Leadership, governance and professional services include:

Carers' network

Carers’ network to provide a space where staff can share experiences, network, and raise issues with HR.

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and vClu

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and vClub offers 24/7 access to telephone/online counselling and information services. The vClub offers a number of online services to users including information sheets, videos, self-help guides and access to e-counselling services. Issues covered by both include child and elder information, health and wellbeing support, legal information, financial information and debt counselling, signposting to specialist agencies. 

Student Counselling and Mental Health Services

Counselling and Mental Health Services provides help to address personal or emotional problems that get in the way of realising your full academic and personal potential. The service offers free and confidential advice to all students. The Mental Health Advisory Service (MHAS) offers mental health support to students at the University of Liverpool. The Service is based at the Student Services Centre, Alsop Building.

Student Welfare Advice and Guidance

Student Welfare Advice and Guidance offers advice, support and information on a wide range of non-academic issues including finance, disability, issues relating to your general welfare and support for international students.  

Wellbeing hub

The Wellbeing hub provides information and resources on what health and wellbeing is and why it is important; what the University is doing to ensure that staff and students are working and studying in a healthy and happy environment; as well as links to helpful facts and tips to stay fit and well.

Wellbeing map

The University has produced a Wellbeing map, which shows areas on campus to access support, be active, places to connect, take time out and places to eat well.

Wellbeing week

Wellbeing week is an annual week of activities and events for staff and students to take some time to find ways to relax, socialise and improve their overall physical and mental health. 

PGR Wellbeing

Here you will find information and links to internal and external resources to support wellbeing.

Sport Liverpool

Sport Liverpool has a wide range of fantastic sporting facilities and a wealth of programmes, classes and group/competitive sports clubs to join.



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