Trans Stories by Stonewall

Below you will find personal stories from Trans and Non-Binary people collated by the LGBT charity, Stonewall.


Trans activists and film-makers Fox & Owl Fisher explain why non-binary identities are valid and non-binary people deserve to live with dignity and authenticity.


Lewis Hancox, a film-maker and comedian, discusses the importance of trans role models showing that trans people can come out and have successful, happy lives, and why it's so important for everyone to stand up as trans allies now.

Mental Health nurse, Roch McLean, talks about the importance of empathy and respect as the key to positive mental health for trans people everywhere.

Dr Kate Nambiar, a GP, talks about the importance of letting trans people control their own journeys around gender, and why it's so important for everyone to stand up as trans allies now.


Listen to writer and campaigner, Juno Roche, talk about how transphobic headlines create feelings of helplessness in trans people, the importance of believing them when they talk about their identities, and why it's essential we let them self-determine like everyone else.

Stonewall trans

Members of Stonewalls Trans Advisory Group share their thoughts on the importance of Int Trans Visibility Day